RGB RAM: yes or no?

RGB RAM: yes or no?

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ITT poorfags defend non RGB ram

Sure, power draw is minimal and it detracts from nothing

What's that? Does it have LEDs in it or something? Seems fairly pointless to me but I guess if someone likes to have a fancy PC or something, I guess why not.


Way ahead of you, buddy

RGB keyboard, speakers and programs came before.

yeah, sure, it looks cool, hell, at this rate, I wonder what the future will look like with rgb being mounted on every surface, cyberpunk or tron?

I got these day 1.
they are fucking amazing in person.

worth it.

only problem is sleep mode keeps them on, have to hibernate. Maybe the coming software for it will have it turn off though before sleeping.

Yes, you needa spend the big monies of flashing lights in your PC.
How else are you gonna get the negress to fuck you're skinny asses.
Mad white boi's. How can you even compete.

>big money
>cost only 10$ than the regular version

depends, is your rig planning on participating in a gay pride march?

>not VR RAM
I am disappoint.

>haha dude yeah colors are so gay

>literally cucked by faggots out of enjoying hues. hahahahhahaa

>cost only $10 more than regular
Sounds like you're already overpaying to begin with.

if it floats your homosexual boat then go for it

>WaPo, CNN, NYT, LAT, Atlantic

It's like you want the neoliberal establishment to fuck your wife

Shoulda got that SLI Ready Ram

link me bro

Why does Sup Forums hate nice things?
Something tells me it has something to do with their own appearance.

>SLI Ready Ram

Something tells me you have shit for brains. Kill yourself, retard.

It looks fuckin cool but I don't care enough about how the inside of my computer looks to bother with this sort of thing


I like it, it looks cool

Wow, that this actually existed and people bought it, ridiculous.

>"colors are gay"
Sure it's middleschool around here.

depends, are you gay ?

Idk who would want to have pure RGB LED's with ram, it looks shitty in the wrong color schemes

>able to choose from 16 million colors
>dude this will NEVER match my color scheme

CNN and NYT might be left leaning but are almist always accurate and correct themselves when they aren't.

No, I'm not a kid. Functionality over aesthetics all the way.

I'm actually fine with RGB, I think it looks nice. Getting a black system with all RGB parts allows you to have alot of fun with whatever aesthetic you feel like. Especially with a white system, but i wouldn't build a white system.

>RGB motherboards,RGB ram RGB gpu,rgb monitors,RGB PSU, rgb cables.

Im not a kid either but im also no some judgemental kissless wizard living off my parents/gubmints gibs and can afford functionality and looks that please me. Stay sore basement boy.

RGB cables actually sound pretty sweet, I don't have to trace the thing to find out what it's connected too.

But ordinary colored cables would be able to do the same thing.

pure gold


Non-RGB RAM shouldn't exist, desu

What the hell is the point of RGB lighting anyway? What legitimate benefits does it bring to the table?

Because to me, it just looks really, really ugly. Tacky. Gaudy. Flashy. Just generally unappealing.

Why not let the market decide?

Doesn't matter what the market wants everything is getting RGB.


I'm fine with anything being rgb but that. What the fuck.


>only red green and blue
disgusting indeed, I slap 5050 strips behind the monitor and I get whatever color I want

You need to upgrade the LED control firmware on your RAM mate.

Anyone know a good RGB motherboard to with the ram?

rgb cpu when?

The only time I see the inside of my case of for cleaning or changing hardware. I couldn't care less for rgb

Is it registered ecc? If not, I'd be losing functionality for flashy lights I won't be looking at.

Probably cannonlake

>projecting this much

It appeals to people who have different aesthetic tastes to you.

It also makes it easier to see components if you have a windowed case.

I prefer YUV RAM. You can really save money by making the U and V modules a 4th the size of the Y one without any noticeable difference
