What browser are you using, and why isn't it Uriel for TempleOS?

What browser are you using, and why isn't it Uriel for TempleOS?

Other urls found in this thread:


What is this eye cancer?

cia nigger detected

terry coming for you


Firefox 50.0.1 + ABP + Disconnect + DownThemAll! + Tree Style Tabs + Youtube High Definition + Classic Theme Restorer + Plain White Theme

Nightly, because I'm an infidel.

Did Terry add internet connection support? When did that happen?


>inb4 it's not comfy like gentoo.

>internet on temple OS
you should post IP so Sup Forums can play too

hey, can you check if my fallback minesweeper works in your shitty browser?


may look like shit but should work without javascript

>liking this schizophrenic pedophiliac murderer

but how many of you actually unironically use shit like noscript and go full retard on the tinfoil?

you fucking cia nigger cattle

>What browser are you using,
>and why isn't it Uriel for TempleOS?
Not enough botnet

load Sup Forums

Because I will not invite satan into Gods Temple you fucking CIA nigger

it's haram

I don't like this. It's not proper.

Terry has killed CIA niggers like you for less. For him it's not even personal, once he simply ran over the CIA cattle with his car.

TempleOS is interesting and I've explored it before, but I would restrict it to a VM. Running it on bare metal and connecting it to the internet seems foolish, because doesn't it run in ring0? Seems more like a toy OS for now but I'm interested to see how far this goes before Sup Forums loses interest.

Don't fall for the shit bait anons. The poster above is a CIA nigger.

he added serial ports


xmodem when?

CIA nigger

wait, i though templeos didn't have networking

I see no harm as long as there are no drives with interesting data connected and you aren't using expensive hardware. I think anyone running tOS on hardware is doing so on an old P4 or similar.

Feel free to join the botnet :^)

Not with mortals

When did Terry implement TCP/IP and create a web-browser?

>Did Terry add internet connection support?

Terry didn't. Someone else did:


>A modern TempleOS distribution
Absolute madman

because crum is best browsr

you're a faggot if you think otherwise.

>temple OS

>can't drag window around

>still using ABP and Disconnect in 2017
Get a load of this faggot.

>tfw Terry will always be held back by his schizophrenia, not being able to do anything else other than TempleOS
If somehow he was cured, he could be the next bill gates. He's a damn genius and could probably make an OS that could beat out Mac, Windows, and Linux if he didn't have so much wrong with him.

He's doing God's work, CIA shill

future feature maybe for pleb browsers.

but my main concern is that it works in Uriel for TempleOS

Uriel is for shrine, not templeos, you fucking CIA nigger cattle

>Get a load of this faggot.

what's the alternative?

kys cia

>ABP + Disconnect

>DRM plug-in is mandatory since 56.0

wrong, Uriel won't even install in current shrine

How do you use a browser without the internet? How do you use templeos with the internet without shrine?

Uriel died and went to hell a while ago.

those 2 projects are completely unrelated, except that both became possible by TempleOS's addition of COM port support

Uriel uses python to parse the HTML+images and convert it to DolDoc. only the doldoc is sent to TOS
the script that does the heavy lifting is [1]

shrine just implements a bare socket API tunelled over serial [2]
there is some barebones http, but it's only used by the package manager, i think?

t. been following templeos for half a decade

[1] github.com/tramplersheikhs/uriel/blob/master/uriel_preprocessor.py
[2] github.com/minexew/Shrine/blob/master/Shrine/Packages/SnailNet/SnailLib.HC

Wait I just watched his 2 hour livestream, and I thought he said web browsing was not going to be a part of the Temple?

Are you a daemon?

feel free to show me tOS exploits :^)

I just curious how can be possible to __use__ (not say) something ironically.

I use NoScript just because when you google for shit you sometimes run into one of "these"

it's like when you dildo your anus ironically but you're not actually gay.

Since when does templeos have a networking stack

good thing 55 is corrupted and can't update to 56

Why "Uriel"? Are you aware if the occult symbology regarding that particular archangel?


This is heresy. Networking stack = heresy
CIA and MIT niggers will burn.


fuck off fred

Umatrix/Ublock Origin and Yandex.

get out cia nigger

12 ~/Shrine ‹master› » ./make-dist.py TempleOSCD.ISO Shrine ~/shrine.img 1 ↵
File "/home/12/Shrine/inject_templeos.py", line 39
print 'Applied %d patches, %d bytes total' % (
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./make-dist.py", line 78, in
subprocess.check_call([INJECT_BIN, PATCHED_ISO, 'Once.HC.Z', SLAVE_HC_Z])
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 291, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/home/12/Shrine/inject_templeos.py', 'TempleSlave.iso', 'Once.HC.Z', 'SlaveOnce.HC.Z']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

>he has symlinked python=python3
Thanks the report though, i'll fix it in the evening

just curious, what's actually wrong there?