What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I never asked for this

What don't you understand? Seems straight forward enough.

How soon™ are we talking here?

Jensen you fuck, no one asked you

They needed something catchy to get the ads money, so they decided to write an article about future technology for the 1245487th time. Now that nobody believes in the flying cars they have to make up new bullshit.

alot of prosthetics are synthetic atm but the cheaper ones are all from the same mold or model.

people are all different weights and sizes and this will allow rapid prototyping locally by a small team to get the correct sizes.

im assuming this will up-scale to limbs in a couple years.

imagine you scan a humans body and it will auto input the dimensions and calculate the correct proportions

if they are speaking strictly about organic matter this is a hoax because it would need to be part of your dna to prevent antibodies from attacking it

>reddit spacing
Please leave my board, tia

They say this shit ever couple of years. Journalists don't understand science.

>that entire second line
>all that spacing for no apparent reason
>can't capitalize for shit
>can't even end sentences
End yourself.

I've been hearing about this shit since I was in highschool. It's not going to happen in the near future.

How long until I print mai waifu?

We might be able to sort of print simple organs
50-100 years
1000 years

Ironically the vagina turns out to be something of a simple organ, the vasculature and blood vessels to support it on the other hand are not that simple. The vulva? Well good luck with that

>tfw we will soon be able to install gentoo into ourselves

Am I the only one who read it as "pirated" in the thumbnail?

Bigger dicks when?

>printable dicks will soon be a thing
>the dick will be the most printed body part(notice how I didn't say human) in the world
I'm not sure what to feel here.


How long until I can be JC Denton?

Eeeeeeuuuuuwww! The Economist says! The Economist says! I read The Economist! Aren't I cool? Aren't you impressed with me?

What do you read? Time? Newsweek? Those are for people who can't handle a real news magazine like the one I read. That's because you're not as smart or sophisticated as me.

On weekends, I like to sit out on my porch in my wicker chair with my bifocals and my subscription copy of The Economist. Then, when I go to a professor's wine-and-cheese party later that night, I can casually mention all the fancy stuff I read about NASA and Venezuela and Gen. Pervez Musharraf in my fancy magazine and impress everybody.

Question: Do you think I'm smarter than everyone else because I read The Economist, or do I read The Economist because I'm smarter than everyone else? Now, there's a conundrum! I should mail that one in to The Economist and see what they think!

Oh, no! My brain just got larger! Help! I need more knowledge to fill up the new brains! Get me the new issue of The Economist at once! I can't live if I'm even remotely unaware of anything that is happening in the universe! I must have my weekly issue of The Economist, or I risk de-evolving into the sort of mouth-breathing rabble by which I am surrounded daily!

I say, old chap, here comes Lord Smartingford of Braintonshire! Shall we dine upon a nice cup of tea, then? We can discuss the economy, and the global situ-AYYY-tion, and ever so many other matters! I am so very versed in such matters, reading as do I The Economist, just as soon as the postman delivers it by the estate, don't you know. I find that only the right cracking coverage of The E-CON-omist keeps me jolly-well informed and all that, wouldn't you agree? Mmm, yes, I did think you would!

Fuckin' prick.

Pénis is possible ?

Fucking great. I would like to have a new big dick. Now I'm like a fucking cripple.
