how do i change this priority nigger


Windows 10 is shit, uninstall it.

install gentoo

install windows enterprise

get classic Shell start menu

That doesn't happen with me.

Uninstall whatever the fuck 010 Editor is. It's probably bloatware that came with your machine.

The one that is used most frequently will show up at the top. If you open notepad a few times, it will take precedence.

just use the down arrow key. it's literally 0.1 seconds away from enter.

>just use the down arrow it's only 0.1s away
>just wait for it to finish its animation it's only 0.5s
>just wait for it to finish searching the web it's only 1.5s
stop trying to defend this abomination of a start menu


takes me less than 1 second for the whole thing.

if your computer is so slow that you have to wait for it then you need to consider the very real opportunity to kys.

I'm not defending it. I'm giving you an option that is alternative to uninstalling whatever that other bullshit is.

get enterprise 2015 ltsb, the only usable windows 10 edition

Install gentoo


Install TempleOS


Install Solus

>waaaaah i've installed an OS you said was shit and now it's being shitty
>help me make it not shitty

All the faggots on Sup Forums asking for Win10 tech advice can fuck right off - you were warned of this POS OS before

Even Windows 8 had working search, WTF Windows 10?

>how do i change this priority nigger
Do that thing that changed your priority the first time. I have Notepad pop up after typing "n" in the search bar.

install listary (my fav

mine just display notepad after i type n

Once you've used Notepad instead a few times, it'll learn.

(Unlike whiskermenu…)

What edition are you using?