Tfw too intelligent to understand c++

>tfw too intelligent to understand c++

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how do we solve the lazy millennial problem, Sup Forums?

you just weren't abused enough as a child

>tfw to intelligent too use Java over C#

Euthanize still employed baby boomers. Free up job space for the millennials. Euthanize the millennials who don't get jobs.


>tfw too intelligent to learn Assembly

>Tfw to elegant to learn coding


also it (the book) is way too heavy

immigrants would just suck all the boomer jobs up.

i am enjoying the tears of immigrants who are not prevented from stealing jobs from americans

>tfw too intelligent to waste life writing code and trying to make every life decision based on logic.

I love seeing these threads full of people crying and arguing over shit they can't change. It makes me feel good.

udemy has a course that teaches C++ by using Unreal Engine, even if you're not into games it's a good way to learn through making simple things

I am pretty confident, if you have to create a thread on reddit to share your entrance denial, you're a worthless piece of shit fucker and not granting you one was a good idea.

What part of "Fuck off, we're full" don't people understand?

I just want a regular job like working in a factory or doing something else.

I'm too dumb poor and old for college.

>tfw too intelligent to use anything other than hand optimized microcode

>tfw too intelligent to contribute in fluffy abuse threads

>tfw too intelligent to participate in this experience we refer to as "life" which is really nothing more than an elaborate holographic simulation being conducted by extra-dimensional beings.

I'm meta on this. I enjoy the destruction of America this will bring. Fascism is identical to Communism in destroying Capitalism.

Why? Because by taking the best jobs away from the best Pajeets, you are giving them to the part of America that was too lazy.

As a result, your product is turning to shit, your technology is turning to shit, and ultimately your Economy turns to shit.

>tfw to intelligent to not to use punch card programming

people didn't lose jobs because they were lazy. they lost them because immigrants will work for cheaper. immigrants can live in the 3rd world for literal pennies per day. you need to make actual money to live in a first world country. first world workers cost more not because they are spoiled and entitled but because the cost of living in the first world is high.

>tfw to intelligent too be meta
>tfw no face

You are literally illiterate at the basics of Capitalism. It is by definition anti-protectionist. This is basic mathematics.

If you want to know how, consider that by paying you more to do the same job a Pajeet does, your technology sector is hurt.

As a result the technology sector of another Country passes in front of you. Fascists and Communists are identically bad.

>America is capitalist
>China is communist
Epic meme, dude.

but you're not doing the same job. pajeets don't understand the language, culture, customs, or the interactions of americans. They never perform at the same level. I'd take 6 lazy americans over 12 pajeets everyday. I have never in my 11 years in software worked on a highly performing team that was majority indian. In india they do fine, but not america.

They group up and jabber in native tongues, get intimidated by the americans and god forbid you have a moderately attractive women around. They all go stupid.

This is where you tell me there's 3 indian CEOs in california so all indians are smarter than everyone.

Why are Indians so horny?

The local fast food franchise near me has Indian management that only hires Indian males and white females. There are no other demographics in there.

Fascist and birth control are the only viable solutions.

Is it any good? It's only $15 and looks entertaining.