What is the right choice Sup Forums and why is it WPF?

What is the right choice Sup Forums and why is it WPF?


Are you a retard? Nobody use this WPF shit anymore.
Please we are in 2017 not 2005!

Lewd. I actually looked at this shit as a legit way to do multiplatform in 2019, but it turns out it's a fucking mess. Insecure, can't close your code unless you make it slow as shit or on the web, shitty support and community, bullshit implementation all over, fuck that shit.

I don't know, but it's almost certainly not WPF

> that meme

XAML and C# are not phased out. They just had a major update with .NET 4.6.2 and more to come.

What retards don't get is that Microsoft is very confusing when it names their Phone and Store APIs.

When they release UWP, it does not mean they phase out the entire XAML, they just made a new subset for their latest phones and OS.

WPF is the premier choice for purely Desktop software on Windows. XAML's entire set is on WPF, other APIs have only a subset.

For windows Desktop it is. It's the only one with the entire set of XAML/C# at its disposal, the Phone and Store APIs are subsets out of it. There is also a chance that now Microsoft open sources a lot of shit - including the core of .NET like they did last year - that they will open source more XAML stuff.

In general, XAML and C# aren't going away any time soon. And WPF is the premier choice of them on the Desktop. It's practically the main framework that has the full feature of them, from where Phone APIs they make get their subset.

It's here to stay in one way or another, modified or not, it's not going anywhere.

WPF is alright but why the fuck is the default theme in 8/8.1/10 so bad?
It looks nothing like the native controls and it's triggering me.
The worst part is the click feedback on the buttons. They only become very slightly darker and it's hardly noticeable.

Screenshot from stackoverflow because I'm too lazy to make my own comparison.

the default ones are done with Windows API. That dialog dates back to Windows 95


>the default ones are done with Windows API
Exactly. And the styles for those are updated all the time.
Why did they not create a wpf theme that matches the new style like they did for xp and 7?

>can't close your code
That's a positive.

The amount of WPF threads recently really gets those neurons firing \dots.

You're all here are fucking bloattards. Use nuklear.

The right choice is C++14 and Qt, compiled with MinGW-w64 or Clang.

>Can't close your code
Run it through a minimizer. It will actually run FASTER.

>postulating an initial open ended question then changing the question to one that seeks validation for your own opinionated answer to the initial question disregarding that the initial question is open ended and has no definitive correct answer

You literally complain about the default settings only. It's WPF, you can dynamically change everything of what you said.

What program is taht?

Do you seriously expect me to design all the basic windows controls from scratch?
There are already builtin themes for xp, vista and 7. Those themes match the appearance of native controls and wpf will load whichever theme matches the system you're running it on.
The builtin theme that loads when you're running wpf applications on 8+ looks nothing like native controls.

Do you not see the issue?

I'm gonna be honest here, I don't see much difference in buttons at It doesn't seem to be that much more than a brush being slightly different.

Besides, nobody that cares about UIs leaves everything 100% verbatim.

>I don't see much difference
You're either blind or you have a horribly calibrated screen.

>It doesn't seem to be that much more than a brush being slightly different.
Native buttons in Windows 8 have a subtle gradient (removed in 10).
The highlight on native buttons fades in when you hover over them.
Clicking on native buttons makes them visibly darker so it's very obvious that the button reacted to the click.

WPF buttons have no animations.
The colors are different.
Clicking them does change the color but it's so subtle (I have a quality IPS display) that I can't tell if I clicked the button or not.

>nobody that cares about UIs leaves everything 100% verbatim
Most of windows UI is still using native controls. Most applications that aren't some fancy shit like Electron memes, Steam, Spotify, etc. use native controls.
I don't want my wpf application to stand out.

You made me think. I'm gonna make mine as verbatim as possible in terms of themes. I don't make any fancy artsy stuff to want to be flamboyant unnecessarily.

fuck off