Advertising on windows

I want to advertise my startup via windows ads. What would make microsoft agree to it?

These threads aren't even funny anymore.

> this is the current state of windows


>year of 2050
>people installing adblock plus for windows OS itself

>disable """"suggestions""""
>windows turns it on again on next forced update

This is a good idea.

Can you block windows ads from the hosts file? If so I want to make a desktop client for adblock plus.

I am actually being serious this time.

The year is 2035. Based Gorhill writes his magnum opus application and names it, OSBlockOrigin. Implemented in firmware, it strips ALL advertising and telemetry from any version of Windows. Sup Forums celebrates. The euphoria is short-lived, however, when President Barron Trump signs an executive order making ALL software designed to stop advertising illegal, and Gorhill is arrested.

nice fantasy
trump is getting impeached before the end of the year
fuck before the end of this month by the looks of it

> writing paper
> open firefox to search something
> suggestion pops up: "use edge to block 82% more social engineering than firefox"
> "oh ok"
> open edge and mountain dew ad starts playing
> try to go to google
> suggestion: "use bing for faster search results"
> spend 10 minutes trying to disable suggestions
> computer force restarts and i lose my paper
> "an app default was reset"
> cheetos ad under bootloader

Can we make this a meme

If you knew anything about operating systems and microshit you would know this is probably not possible

I typically don't let ads affect my thinking, but if I saw a bag of Cheetos as a splash screen, I think I'd start to crack.

I'll make the logo

>Can we make this a meme
We should.Someone make the logo.

can you guys fuck off back to /r/eddit
this shit tier humor is revolting

>((this)) mad
Let's do it boys

Here's the eeprom. I've got no shop skills.


I make a conscious effort to never watch a youtube video if theres a 30 second ad before it. I hate advertising so much.


It's 2017, you know? They've already invented this thing called an adblocker.

AdBlock Origin in action


Adblock Origin for desktop blocks your ads. Install now.
