Tfw avoiding the botnet by using TempleOS

>tfw avoiding the botnet by using TempleOS

first for aoi

There is networking now?

there are already 5 templeos threads


Terry and templeos is always Sup Forums related.

Holy fuck he actually implemented TCP and HTTP? Nice.

God said no networking, did got change his mind?


How the fuck does it have networking. Did you tamper with God's code?

Maybe this was the space alien talking

Someone implemented TCP over RS-232 and a browser

It requires a server process on the host, not native


Has anyone told him? I'd love to see him sperg out live on stream

Stop being Sup Forums


>networking on TempleOS

But God sees all user.

Does he see bestiality porn?

This recent influx of gawping idiots who don't even read the TempleOS source code is tiresome.

Where do you buy your trilbies?

I remember Terry having a fit on IRC and started kickbanning everyone in his channel, because people were only lurking in the room for memes or baiting him.

In other wordes - he people that weren't really trying his OS.

Based, I would have done the same thing as terry did to those meme spewing fucks.

Since you guys seem to be templeOS experts, I have to ask a question.
Is it sacrilege to put loli on templeOS?

He started banning people on Youtube too as of yesterday.

Try saying that 1000 words = 500 dwords when he is online. :^)

>tumblr cat

Is it possible to hire Terry for freelance work? I think his lunacy could be useful for coming up with unconventional solutions for embedded programming.

No. It would threaten his disability check.
He can't even take $1 donations. Nothing.

where is terry? doesn't he hang out in these threads?

he's too busy hanging CIA niggers

i thought he was hitting them with cats or something



that's cheating.

There have been screenshots posted of someone working on an actual Ethernet driver and TCP/IP stack.
It will probably take weeks.

Repent your sins pedo, go join rms if you want get devour by devil you fucking nigger cattle!

>networking on TOS
I'm excited about it.

Does he see Kiddie porn and if he does where can I access it?
