Iphone bypass

How do I bypass the lock screen on an iPhone 7? I need to do it without deleting any shit from the phone too.

Give it back, Tyrone.

In all seriousness, you don't.
Give it back. Get the owner to remove the lock.

Give it back Tyronne

Give it back Shmenqual

Give it back, Jamal.

Give it back to my girlfriend, Jerome

here's a step-by-step guide, OP. you're welcome.

Ah, a fellow cuckold! Cuckoldry truly is the thinking mans fetish, isn't it?

Return it to the rightful owner, De'Andre.

Fuck you

You can bypass it, but it's hard. You need to know somebody with an Apple GSX account. Then they have to find the info and send a scam email to that email address, saying something like "We need to reset your iPhone password". Then you get the info and etc etc etc

Iphone is literally the most secure mobile device. You can't do it.

Give it back, Tyrone.

Give it back, Barrack.

That's not bypassing the lock screen, it's bypassing someone's intelligence. The lock screen is being used totally normally at that point.


Ah, a fellow cuckold! Cuckoldry truly is the thinking mans fetish, isn't it?

I have an Apple GSX account AMA

This post is treasonous.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good luck. It's probably encrypted too.

Fuck, I love the security of recent iphones. I only wish that Google would get it's shit together and make Android security a priority as well.

i don't think so, gayboy.

Please unlock my phone the IMEI is 358118648723862

I don't think anyone on this board actually knows what GSX is for. It's not a magical Apple tool that can unlock phones and stuff. All it does is tell me where the phone was purchased and when, if it's ever had service done, and if Find My iPhone is turned on. There's some other useless information too but I can't unlock phones with it. I wish I could.

I was just memeing with a random generated imei, don't worry. Can apple store people unlock iphones if you prove that you bought them?

Weren't you here yesterday?

I'm not sure honestly. I worked in a third part authorized repair center and when I left my boss never removed my access because he's irresponsible.