I go to bed every night hoping I don't wake up

>I go to bed every night hoping I don't wake up

>so do I

Lmao fucking casual
I haven't wake up inside in years

>socially inept
>losing friends constantly


>mfw every morning that I wake up

>Hey user, i noticed alot of empty beer cans in your room. Did you have friends over?

>I cried myself to sleep last night

>got any big plans for the long weekend, user?

>a 24 pack, where's the party!

>depressed and suicidal all the time even though i have lots of friends and a gf


>mfw I used to be able to handle the banter
>now posts I know are troll posts and any post insulting me makes me really fucking angry
why am I so mad all the time now bros?

what is ikr?

>everyone else my age is out making friends and enjoying life
>I'm sitting in my room refreshing the thread watcher hoping I get another (You)

Idk, better than sad though. Being mad can at least motivate you.


>tfw this used to be my only refuge from my shitty life
>tfw can't come here anymore since my country has become full meme-tier and people fuck with me every post

Do you have wood and knife?
Then make bow and arrows.

Helped me a lot.

Don't worry lads our sun won't be there forever and if there are any habitable planets in the universe they are out of our reach which means mankind is doomed and every human achievement is meaningless in the long run so yeah you might suffer right now but think about those stupid fucks from the future who will witness armageddon lol.

you need an asian qt in your life

>I obsessively work to maximize the number of active threads I've replied to
>the only excitement I feel is when I see a link turn red
>it turns out to be someone insulting me or starting an argument that I have to get the last reply in or I'll feel like a failure

im tired of the sweden memes

>this thread


I know, right?

> try to be fit
> eat healthy
> make decent money
> have multiple normie hobbies
> interact with lots of people daily

> no girl has ever shown an interest in me in my entire life and I've been rejected at every chance I've taken

Finalmente tomei a coragem necessária, comprei uma garrafa de vodka e enquanto bebo penso que ir embora realmente não é a pior opção. Pensei em escrever algo para minha mãe e outras pessoas, mas não vejo o porquê. Não tenho nada de valor nem devo qualquer quantia, logo não preciso fazer qualquer tipo de testamento. Uma mensagem está programada para ser enviada para um dos meus amigos, assim os vizinhos não ficarão incomodados com o cheiro de putrefação, possuo seguro universal quanto aos custos funerários, então ninguém vai ter dor de cabeça. Enfim, procurei outros métodos, mas vai ser por enforcamento, como vocês podem ver na foto. Desejo a todos uma vida feliz e repleta, não se deixem abater pelas dificuldades! Um grande abraço do seu amigo anão.

rip dwarf.

Thanks guys, it really means a lot. Have a (You).


i bet you don't even do this, and just wanted to get a (you) that you don't even appreciate you cunt

you made my dick cry

She barely has any womanly features. What are you fucking gay or something?

Não o faças user.
Deixa tudo para traz e viaja sem olhar para traz não importa se morres num canto a passar fome, quando não se tem nada a perder, dignidade não significa nada.
Ocupa o teu tempo com as melhores/piores coisas, mas nao te mates.
Mais vale tentares fazer um assalto que vala a pena e morrer a tentar, desde que não vas preso estas bem.
Desermerda-te, grita, luta qualquer coisa é melhor do que desistir, se os outros fazem porque não tu também? são todos melhor do que ? Duvido muito.

Eu amo-te user , se precisares de um amigo eu estou aqui para ti, deixa me um email e eu contacto - te.


>I'm so pathetic I failed two suicide attempts
>No one but me knows because I'm such a reclusive autist
>When I brought up the topic of suicide with my parents they all said that people who kill themselves are cowards who don't appreciate life


>Lost job
>no school
>living with parents
>Now something is wrong with my head because I have twitching and constant dizziness

I really am disappointed I wake up.

Love you guys, honest to heart.
We all have better things to be doing, but is never to late . NEVER

>my only refuge from my shitty life

now you've got plenty of refugees. don't be so down my syrian friend

I don't know what I'd do without my Sup Forums "friends". You're all I really have.

This thread is a NO BULLY zone. Leave Ahmed alone.

stupid Eskimo, the younger they are the better

Cara, isso é de ontem. Vocês tugas perderam. >

pls stop

I can relate to that, i also spend a lot of time in 4 chan, my gf dislikes the time i spend in here, but she also enjoys lurking .
I also have friends , brothers and a kid .
There are some days i spend more times on Sup Forums then playing with my kid. I have deep shame and i cant sleep at night knowing the piece of shit i am. We all suffer

Devia de ter visto a data, mas parece b8 visto que ele meteu um cinto na puta da maçaneta .

You also probably like boys you faggot

>two more years of slavery

you would probably fuck the old used up pussy on the right than the beautiful tight one on the left because of brain damage you got from all that ice


kek it's like living in 1984 in freedomland?

Israeli-made processors have built-in backdoors that report everything you do on your computer even when you think it's turned off.

وبدينا وهنبدع

I can help you.

>Israeli-made processors have built-in backdoors that report everything you do on your computer even when you think it's turned off.
why would it be reporting what ur doin when its off

ur doin nothin wew

reported to the NSA

what if I am both?
maybe it would help
i'm getting tired of all memes in general. it all seems so incessant and tiresome. i'm annoyed by most of everything on Sup Forums but too complacent to leave.