1.Your country

1.Your country.
2. Do you know it's going to fall/Balkinize within 50 years.


I am a Greek and you should be too. Earth will die without Greece.

But Columbus was black.

columbus was a cunt

The native Americans were black.
The jews that got genocided by Hitler were black.
Martin Luther (not Martin Luther King) was black.
The Armenians that died in the Armenian genocide were black.
Srbrenica was actually a black village.

Literally proof me wrong and you can't because it's all true.

You reap what you sow desu.

We're not going to balkanize unless more than half our states decide to. Anyone that tries will be brought back in by the rest.

I love this reddit meme

1. Flag
2. Balkanized since birth

why would you do that though

They're worth less than fecal matter

pay denbts

He was considered a cunt even in his day.

nice meme history leddit

>let's convince the society we are not a bunch of apes by acting like apes

I feel sorry for the middle class black people who are associated with the tards.

You're just being contrarian and thinking the opposite of everything "leddit" does. He was arrested by the Spanish government even. Selling little girls into sex slavery was never cool.

1. Mexico
2. No, we get more territory.

1. bulgaria
2. no

Please no, I don't want another civil war.

>civil war breaks out
>everybody is too fat to fight

Sup Forums 50 years from now:
>be American
>get drone striked