Your America fact for the day: only one state has ever changed its two letter postal code abbreviation: Nebraska...

Your America fact for the day: only one state has ever changed its two letter postal code abbreviation: Nebraska. Nebraska was originally NB, but Canada asked the United States to change it so that NB could be used by New Brunswick.

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Another fun fact: Your civil war was mostly fought over economic issues like tariffs, the question of slavery was secondary-

Another fun fact:

Try telling that to northern kids who are indoctrinated with it being some war of morals and good vs evil.

These are obviously biased but I'm the first guy to tell you this is a primitive shithole anyway.

>The Civil War was NOT about slavery

>civil war was mostly fought over economic issues like tariffs
You asshole, you're going to attract all the Dixie revisionists...

>tfw you'll never be a Nebraskan buffalo rancher leading your thousand-strong herd across the Great Plains

>obviously biased
>OECD statistics
Believe what you like lad

It was mostly about economic issues. Read papers and commentaries from the time.

Most northerners were against slavery but also against living among blacks, Oregon was founded on that premise.

slavery was fought over:

economic issues like slave fuedalism vs industrial capitalism

states rights like the right to own people

>The North was morally superior to the South. Slavery was wrong and we needed to invade them to free the blacks.


Better-life indexes imply a lot of subjectivity, while GDP per capita mostly doesn't.

Also another fun fact: American-Portuguese have a higher income than your average White American.

>basic common knowledge is edgy

>the North was morally superior to the South
you literally believe this

>It was mostly about economic issues
Exactly. Southern plantation owners relied on slaves to reap in their jew golds while the Whites were still poor as fuck. They were afraid that the North would ruin their economy and thus revolted because "muh property"

>>The North was morally superior to the South
No, but it was economically and politically superior, which Southern aristocrats feared would overwhelm their influence.

not more pure, mostly self interested, but certainly morally superior to the side that kept millions of people as property

That's not about morality though, slavery hinders industrialization.

I don't get what's so hard to understand, here's the founding principle of Oregon and what most Northerners really believed in:

“What’s useful about Oregon as a case study is that Oregon was bold enough to write it down,” Imarisha told me. “But the same ideology, policies, and practices that shaped Oregon shaped every state in the Union, as well as this nation as a whole.”

"The question of whether Oregon should allow slavery dates back to at least the 1840s. The majority of Oregonians (which is to say the territory’s new white residents who were systematically and sometimes violently oppressing its Native peoples) opposed slavery. But they also didn’t want to live anywhere near anyone who wasn’t white.

Even before it was a state, those in power in Oregon were trying to keep out non-white people. In the summer of 1844, for example, the Legislative Committee passed a provision that said any free black people who were in the state would be subject to flogging if they didn’t leave within two years. The floggings were supposed to continue every six months until they left the territory. That provision was revised in December of 1845 to remove the flogging part. Instead, free black people who remained would be offered up “publicly for hire” to any white person who would remove them from the territory."

>Yankees/commies believe this

The Southern Aristocracy was the pinnacle of American civilization t b q h w y

>dindu nuffin

Well you can probably guess why such a small immigrant group would out-perform the general population

>The Southern Aristocracy was the pinnacle of American civilization

You what?

For all the talk of "Muh slaves frees me to devote myself to the finer things in life *tips mint julep*" the Southern aristocracy made few cultural or scientific contributions

blacks invented blues and barbecue

hillbillies invented country and bluegrass

the planter class is responsible for literally none of the good things about the south

>Yankees/commies believe this
>All those pre-war writings about how the South was viewed as both poor as fuck and backwards at the time are just propaganda.

>The Southern Aristocracy was the pinnacle of American civilization
Not the Panama canal, not Moby Dick, but a bunch of posh cunts lazing around while they hired Scots-Irish bumpkins to whip niggers for them?

>few cultural contributions

>few scientific contributions
True enough. It was an aristocracy in the old sense.

You should read up on the Southern Aristocracy, it was really pretty interesting--maybe comparable to the French or English aristocracy in the early 18th century. The exchange of ideas was truly unique there compared to the rest of the world.

>You should read up on the Southern Aristocracy, it was really pretty interesting--maybe comparable to the French or English aristocracy in the early 18th century

You mean it was comprised of degenerate libertines that frittered away their fortunes on gambling and whoring?

>the extent of my knowledge of US History is what I learned in High School from my (non)honors history teacher

I bet you agree with the movement to ban child labor (as it existed around the turn of the century).

No, I mean they lived life in a posh, romantic way and devoted a lot of time to the study of the classics, and yet made their living in a practical way (muh slavery). Imagine 100s of Monticellos throughout the American South.

>the extent of my knowledge of US History is what I learned in High School
No, actually I studied it thoroughly afterwards. Northern attitudes toward the South pre-1820's was actually the opposite we see later, in that they viewed them as godless hedonists with no work ethic. That changed when the North started industrializing and the plantation economy failed to keep up with the early Yankee capitalists. While the Souths population grew steadily, the Norths population exploded, which tipped the balance of power greatly in favor of the Free states and the prevailing view that the South was stuck in 17th century attitudes, unable to advance economically, emerged as a result.

You'll get shot because the buffalo would go onto a corn field and gobble up some nerd's livelyhood,

>You live in the universe where idiots sincerely try to grow crops on the Great Plains, instead of using it as grazing land

People do, admittedly along rivers.
Even then you'll get shot by a rancher for leading a herd onto their land and gobblin all that sweet prairie grass they could use for their cows.

>Eating corn
It's almost like you know nothing about bovines user!

>mfw Great Plains """"""Americans""""""""""" tolerate normie cattle farmers stealing their gains by raising cattle instead of buffalo

Buffalo aren't domesticated. Not very uh, easy to contain, yes?

The hell are you talking about, bovines get put on corn diets all the time.

>Buffalo aren't domesticated. Not very uh, easy to contain, yes?
>not domesticating the species that has evolved in synch with the Great Plains

You don't just domesticate an animal at the snap of your fingers.

Besides, they're "Near threatened" in terms of endangerment, so no capitalistic exploitation quite yet friend.

Soon user


the abbreviations are pretty autistic, desu

Oldfag here; I remember before they even had 2-letter postal codes (I think it was the 1970s or 80s--not horribly long ago). So it wouldn't have been that long that it was NB.

Before that, it was "Neb.", and some states had longer abbrevs, like "Calif."