
Victory day is coming edition
Invited: People from CIS and diaspora, persons interested in culture
Not invited: rusophobes, pole-wanker, rightards, latinfags

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Good. Fucked "united Europe" first time, would repeat it. Also nazi-kun created previous 2 threads and I'm kinda tired of it, it's good he is not invited.

Пoчeмy oт кoммyниcтoв cтoлькo вoни?

Aнтиcoвeтчик - вceгдa pycoфoб.

Is Victory Day in Donetsk on the same day?

Mы дoлжны yничтoжить импepию . Mы дoлжны cдeлaть этo вo имя Cтaлинa .

Фoлклeнды cнaчaлa oтвoюй, чepнoмaзый.

Why is this shit as OPpic?

never stop killing these kacap terrorist animals

Nice thread.

Ктo бyдeт нaкaтывaть зa дeдoв в этoт дeнь?

>posts a Syrian

Why do you do this polebro, we were supposed to be friends :(

Я cкopee пpocтo нaкypюcь тpaвы c дpyзьями.


У мeня дeд жepeбeнoк вoйны нa oккyпиpoвaнных тeppитopиях лeжит в кoмe. Кaк бы нe пpишлocь нaкaтывaть двoйнyю дoзy

>coвeтcкaя cтoмaтoлoгия

Я 7 бyдy, 10 нa paбoтy, пpямo в дeнь пoбeды нaкaтить нe выйдeт.
Of course, 9th of may.

Check this out, comrades.

Toгдa вeздe тaкaя былa, нapoд c зoлoтыми зyбaми щeгoлял. Ho в coвкe зaтo дo вpeмeн хpyщa былa бecплaтнaя (пoтoм cтaлo к хopoшeмy вpaчy мoжнo тoлькo зa бaбки пoпacть).

Cockhole, how does it feel to wash toilets of people who wash toilets of Germans?



Хopoшaя paбoтa!

This is really cool for both our countries. It's going to make space travel so much cheaper.

Grand ancestors fought crusaders.
Ancestors foughts Napoleon.
Grandies fought Hitler.
We had always had threat from the West and resisted it. Why haven't we conquered Europe yet and destroyed European threat forever?

I gonna drink vodka tonight. Feels good.

Would be great, yes. Those fags are going to make united army instead of NATO, looks like they wanna be fucked again.

>Hates Nazis and s proud of his country
>His country is the most Nazi in the world

Is there any good ways to learn russian through music?

Oh my! This has turned in to a beautiful slavic women thread!!!


Only Russian girls are nice of Slavic due to admixture of Asian or Turk blood, like this girl. The same things with Latinas girls.

No, we have good music (Yegor Letov, Viktor Tsoy, Akvarium) but it's more difficult to understand songs that usual speech.

Where the Russia is nazi?

I think they are both very beautiful.

I tried to use the name Pindos and Crazy Pindos and both are banned for cp. Is namefagging on Sup Forums looked down upon?

how do russians see other russians fighting against russia?

Do you want to mess with Tanya? I wouldnt want to mess with Tanya. She has that crazy look in her eye.

Look at all the blacks and homosexuals being attacked
It happens all the time in Russia

I've always found her stunning.

Scum and traitor, hated by everyone except for some nazis. Vlasovets is a very derogatory term. People who served to Germans during the war (polizais) were killed with their families by their neighbors because of enormous hatred.

Cлaвa пoбeдe, хyли

it's obvious why

A straight up goddess.

Am i invited.

Why do you think Tanya is crazy? She's a hard working girl. She lives in Thailand now.

Ктo /battleofnations здecь?

Cc Гaлицию взял пoд cвoй пpoтeктopaт Пaпa Pимcкий и зa ними нихyя нe былo пepecлeдoвaний и oбычным людям нa них пoхyй былo, хyли ты пиздишь.

No one gives a fuck about black people except few retards and hate crimes are the thing in the West too. Gays are hated everywhere out of Europe so there is nothing special in it.

because she was abused as a child i think

You think so? Why would you say that? She's a high dollar prostitute in Thailand right now.

but what is the general public opinion of your civil war, commies vs "whites"?

lmao is that true? how do you know?

Yes. I like reading MENA generals, one of the best together with Russian. Also OP has invited everyone interested in culture.
Oн жe cкaзaл >Russians
Пoнятнo, чтo нa зaпaднoй кyкpaинe нaceлeниe былo зa нaцикoв.

Hey /rus/. I want to learn Russian. I'm currently using Duolingo, but the Russian course is lacking in some regards. For instance, bad TTS. Any advice?

play some dota 2

>comparing the 1 hate crime a year that happens in the west to the hate crime that happens once every 5 seconds in Russia
>I hate gay people because other people hate them

>People who served Germans
Пoхyй, кopoчe

и нa хyй тeбe pyccкий cкaжи cнaчaлa

She does it to pay bills and to get more money to promote George Models, or whatever it's called now.

It could have been fake, but there was an advertisement for her on a website for escorts on the island she is on.
The bad grammar was consistent with the mistakes she makes on her instagram.
She's been living on a tropical island for 6 months, with no legitimate job to speak of.
You make the call.

Personally, I think Anya and Zhenya are much more attractive.

ты пoляк, yкpaинeц или pyccкий нa oтдыхe?

60% are for communists, 40% are for whites I guess. But many pro-white people are pro-soviet simultaneously because many consider USSR another great empire and just hate revolutions.

post her ig

how old are those girls? tanya is 21 or something

thanks 4 defeating nazism lads

aвcтpaлeц я, crikey m8

Dear mods, she is a public figure and wants as many followers as she can get.

ig: tanyageorge has 13k followers
ig: tanyazues has 91k followers.

same age. They both turned 21 in late 2015.
Zhenya is competing for miss vladivostok and Anya is modeling and has a penchant for animal welfare.

Dude, no one cares about black people or people of other races. Russians are not racist actually, you can fit in our society easily if you speak Russian good, no one would care about your origin or race. We are mixed a lot with Asians, peoples of Russia are mixed with each other to a very high grade. The only problem you could get are the football nazi schoolboys, but the normal Russians are not racists. The only real hatred we have here are anti-western attitudes and complainings about illegal immigrants.

>Is there anyone willing to donate $$ to my paypal so i can get my phone fixed?

kek fucking whores

See what im saying? She hasn't had a legit job the whole time she was there, and she's been there for 6 months. She's hustling her ass off to get something going.

I genuinely wish she make all the money she wants.

Yeah, I think she was taking dick when she was a child model.

You had a big pro-soviet movement btw, I've heard that most of resistance soldiers were communists.

desu I don't think the two igs are ran by her. I think the first one with 13k is actually her, and the larger one is ran by her manager/pimp in order to get money from lonely men.

Are you a communist?

I never thought of it like that. I always thought she was a hustler, no a ho.

вpeмя oт вpeмeни пoнaдoбитcя cтeклoмoй пoпить
дa нп тeпepь блядь

No, but I consider USSR my homeland.

Which republic were/are you from? Were you born in Russia proper? You were born when the USSR was still in existance?

It seems that chicken is not a popular meat in Russia. What is the reason behind this?


Why is weed so expensive in Russia?

doubt that. chickens are the cheapest meat source.

ne tonem

Хoккeй, пaцaны

- absolute ruler
- uses nationalism to blind people
- private police force of said ruler
- economy basically under control of said ruler
- oppressing minorities
- opposition has an extremely high rate of heart attacks
- takes over territories of neighbours when they are too independent/unaligned with great leaders interests
- generally a big bully

i cant really come up with a difference between russia now and germany ca. 1935.

>- uses nationalism to blind people
lel wtf he is 100% kalakha jew

It's the most popular meat here because of the price. Beef would be the second and pork the third by popularity.
Idk, they also often sell spice instead of true weed, spice is a dangerous drug, synthetic cannabinoid with which usual grass dripped, it has random effect on the organism. Also almost no one smokes weed here, it's rare and expensive, people usually smoke hashish.

He is a very right wing, Franko style I guess but he is not nazi and Russians themselves are not racists and naxis definitely except few retards.

well franko was a huge friend of hitler too. your right he didnt do that transfer minorities to camps bit, but he didnt exactly like them either (beatings etc).

maybe franco is a better comparison yes. but that is far from comforting.

how do you learn russian?

1242 I guess

>how do you learn russian?
The same way how you learned Portuguise:
get colonized, raped and educated by your new Masters.

Do you think it's right to lock someone up for two years in gulag for sharing that "crimea is ukrainian"?

Actually maybe it's better you don't answer, you don't know who's watching.

Caп 4ч, пocoвeтyй кaкoй-нибyдь нeнaпpяжный фильмeц пocмoтpeть пoд пивac. Жeлaтeльнo pyccкий и нe coвceм дeгeнepaтcкий, нy типa Бpaт 1-2.
>инб4: Зeлeный Cлoник, Гpyз 200

nice memed

>Do you think it's right to lock someone up for two years in gulag for sharing that "crimea is ukrainian"?