What's the point of even using a unix-like system like GNU/Linux or BSD if you don't use the terminal?

what's the point of even using a unix-like system like GNU/Linux or BSD if you don't use the terminal?

Better security, free (beer), free (speech), choice of DEs and applications, no (((telemetry))), low system requirements, why not because all most normies use is a browser these days anyway...

>Better security

>free (beer)

>free (speech)
Only if you use the linux-libre patch

>choice of DEs and applications
Can be done with Windows as well

>no (((telemetry)))
Valid point

>low system requirements
So does Windows 10

SourceMage is the point.

>linux-libre patch
Can you give a quick run-up on the linux-libre patch?

>no (((telemetry)))
>Valid point

>Better security
Yes. The system is not immune to viruses or free from any kind of vulnerability, but Linux users are a harder target because of how the OS works, because its a small community compared to windows users and because Linux users tend to know more about computers. You don't need to worry about infecting your computer because no one makes malware targeting casual Linux users.

That's the same as living alone on an isolated Japanese island but constantly worrying about being culturally enriched by Jamal.

DEs on linux are much better than windows de.

terminal is for faggots, i just click and my de does the terminal for me

eat my shit you fucking nerds

HAHAHA. This is really what it's about.

>implying telemetry is a bad thing in itself
Telemetry is mostly feedback about how people is using the interface you've designed. How often do users use certain features? How many times users have to click to find their desired feature? How can I use that info to improve my interface?

There's a huge difference between that and sending thumbnails of every image you download to M$ servers. Or sending them everything you copy to clipboard. Etc.

Not having telemetry is one of the biggest reasons why most Linux programs have their GUI in such a sorry state. But that is because most Linux programs are developed by small communities of enthusiasts who can't afford the servers or the people necessary to make telemetry work and because the Linux community is so paranoid that they start sperging out at the first mention of telemetry.

I don't see why anyone else should get to know what I do with my computer, no matter what they use that information for.

>>choice of DEs and applications
>Can be done with Windows as well
Lol no. You can't have same quality DE as kde, gnome, or xfce. What about tiling wm?

>>low system requirements
>So does Windows 10
It randomly starts using 99% of hard drive when searching for my cp. Literally malware that harms my devices.

Gtfo shill

You really don't understand what feedback is and how developers use it to improve their software?

I understand full well why they want it. I just don't think they have a right to demand it, and I assert the right not to supply it.

My grandmother uses ubuntu, there is no need for her to use the terminal.

She is more the type of person who describes what she want to do with her computer and I once in a while give her scripts so she can do those things.
It makes it much easier for me to provide support.

It's impossible to prove that only that information is being collected and impossible to disable. It's not tekemetry, it's spyware

Also developers can use this to make their software shittier, too. Look at Mozilla, every fuckup they've made has been accompanied by a "Only X% of users use this feature of Firefox, lets remove it!" rationale.

The only one demanding it is MS and Prism™ associated companies. Everything else have an option in their setting that allows users to opt into it, to help the team developing that software.

That's because Firefox is used mainly by braindead normies.
They're changing Firefox to become more like Chrome because 90% of users want it to become just like Chrome.
I agree its a bad choice, but in the end, a vast majority of people using Firefox is happy with it. If the users who dislike it were more than only a vocal minority, then they wouldn't make those shitty changes.

just like the church was trying to improve peoples lives by forcing you to confess your "sins" once a week?

>there is no such thing as wireshark, guys! your internet connection is a black hole that suck up your bytes of data and you can't see beyond the even horizon! and understanding source codes is the same thing as looking at the matrix, something only a super hacker like Neo can do!

What kind of church forces you to periodically confess? I was born in a radical christian family and even they don't have that kind of thing.

>I agree its a bad choice, but in the end, a vast majority of people using Firefox is happy with it. If the users who dislike it were more than only a vocal minority, then they wouldn't make those shitty changes.
So you want software makers to spy on their users, knowing that they then use this data to justify turning their product into the same bland mass-market shit as everything else?

I don't want to live in your world.

You like living in Redhat's world then? Where the devs have lost all touch with their communities and just keep changing random stuff just for the sake of breaking compatibility with programs/themes/plugins and only realize they've done something bad when people start leaving their community in droves?

In the 1800's christianity was slightly different.
They tortured and murdered people who disagreed with them, they surveilled people by having them go to church and confess, then extorted money out of people so they could receive forgiveness.
One of their methods to keep people from going against the church was to keep the scripture concealed from the public, so they couldn't study what the church actually stood for.

My point is that microsoft employs the same tactics.

I'd rather have a developer that's clueless than one that's actively malicious.

I spilled the juice at that analogy, but yes. This, Basically.

>>low system requirements
>So does Windows 10
Sure thing, bud.

Are we falling for low quality bait?

I'm not defending MS or any software that spy on users on behalf of governments here. I'm just saying telemetry is a not a bad thing in itself and there are lots of free software out there that could use some telemetry to improve their UIs, for example: GIMP, GNOME3, Unity, lots of file managers and others that I can't remember now.

That's the same logic people use to ban guns.

>he does not use the terminal

You're assuming that Linux UIs are atrocious. They aren't.

>in 1800s scripture concealed from the public
>tfw you published German new testament in 1522

>>there is no such thing as wireshark, guys! your internet connection is a black hole that suck up your bytes of data and you can't see beyond the even horizon! and understanding source codes is the same thing as looking at the matrix, something only a super hacker like Neo can do!
Good luck analysing encrypted packets, retard

didn't felt like looking up when that happened.
It was just easier to use religion as an example as some people are still religious and the similarities are greater, making it more accurate and relevant than comparing them to nazis or communists.

I'm not assuming. I've used many different distros and many different graphical applications and almost all UIs that aren't bad are the ones that copy the features of UIs of their Windows/MacOS counterparts.
The Linux community is not very good at designing GUIs because the community largely doesn't care about GUIs and because the community refuses to give any kind of useful feedback to the devs.
And no, a vocal minority screaming in internet forums whenever they change anything doesn't qualify as useful feedback.

I believe most of the fuckery involved with UI boils down to pandering or making decisions based on growing market share or profits.

All you need is logic and you will have the most perfect UI evar.

is it possible to do anything without the terminal? lol

Kde is much better then windows or isx de. Prove me wrong

Can someone help
char ar[2] = "VV";
printf("%s \n", ar);

Why does it output

It depends you can get two or three weird character after originally expected "VV".
I read in KRC that all "" quoted string are terminated by '\0'
It works well for string greater than length 5. You can check
char arr[5] = "pajeet";
printf("%s \n", arr);

Will work fine and print

Logic is not a static universal value

It is. Cinnamons is also better than Windows. But that's because they didn't venture into designing their own idea of desktop experience and instead blatantly copied Windows' design and managed to improve from there.

>blatantly copied Windows' design and managed to improve from there.

Yeah but that's what Microsoft and Apple did with Xerox anyway.


Use snprintf

Explain me pls why this is happening?

>all that telemetry shit
>millions of user data
>still make horrendous UI and placing
Microsoft clearly doesn't use telemetry to improve windows

because UNIX is life

Change the array to [1] on the first example

This is what my compiler tells me.
>No room for null terminator from literal string in 'char [2]'

That's because they hired this guy to work on it.

char ar[3] = "VV\0";
your welcome

Its not that it.
int len;
len = 0;
while( arr[len++] != '\0');
printf("%d \n", len);

Will output 7, 5 or 6
It works well with character array of size more than 5.
I couldn't find any solution on net.

They do. You can see that in their in Office suite and in their other desktop programs that are always improving their UIs.
They're constantly shitting up the desktop itself lately because they're desperately trying to compete with OSX on how good they look and are trying out new stuff because of it.

I know that is a solution.
>I want to understand. C says all quoted string are terminated with '\0'
>So whats up with character array of size 2,3,4 and 5?

what compiler? I am using gcc 4.9.4

What's the point of using Windows if you don't use powershell?

char vv[2] = "VV"
char pajeet[5] = "pajeet"

What's the difference between these 2 variables?

sry pajeet should be
char pajeet[6] = "pajeet";
>char pajeet[5] = "pajee";
will not compile

Difference is that Pajeet doesn't have enough space to initiate and wont compile.

There is no difference in this two, both of them have garble in the end, because they lack null.

You might not see it this time, but restart your computer and you will see different garble in the end of pajeet, but be sure it is there right now.

always make the char array one longer than the maximum length you want to store in it
char c[5] = "1234"
this way it has place for the null terminator
make sure to give me a (You) if this was helpful

You blew it with the last one, son.

The ribbon UI isn't impressive.

I just compiled and ran on mac it works fine.
Gives me length 0 and print exactly
I guess linux sucks. [Joking]
I guess i have to restart laptop the terminal or compiler has gone mad.
>So sad none of you have compiler in you machine or you would have tested yourself and reported correctly. YOU WILL BE NEET FORVER and MARK ZUKERBERG WILL FUCK U IN ASS

Thanks although I know this secure declaration.

Length of the char array is supposed to be number of chars + 1.
So you have to write char arr[3] = "vv"; in order to get it to work like you want to.
Otherwise you will print stuff until there is a zero. (and thus you print random chars).
The OS might handle unused memory differently, but when you use C, you should know these things.
Otherwise, use C++ where you would get a compiler error, or even better where you can use strings.

Different compilers act differently, read about your compiler specs and how it handles this situation.

What's the point of windows if you don't use cmd/powershell oh, it's a GUI, nvm