Wake up

>wake up
>this is europe
what do?

laugh then poop

Invade Lapland back.

Glorious Castile united again. Great map btw

take a stanky shit and then masturbate

Eh, I guess nothing changed.

unite germany, annex parts of austria, denmark and france while doing it, of course

Be the richest cunt in Europe

>Ireland still not united


Literally only happened once, under the UK.

Form the Holy Roman Empire
this time with Eastern Countries only
no cucks in my empire

[Copper Age intensifies]

finally well made map of europe

>unifying and getting back to being cucks
you just cant go on without cuckoldry and shitty democratic representation can you?

NI does not want to unify with republic you dork

Sot and relax being satisfied.


of course a croat wants a balkanized europe


Annex Götaland

tell you to fuck off with the latgale meme

Build a wall through the Carpathian mountains.

I unify the italian peninsula