Why is computer science such a sausage fest?

Why is computer science such a sausage fest?

Because women are stupid.

Men are pioneers. Women are tidy. Men do shit that is new well but they are messy, women tend to be attracted to trusted technologies.

Well, that's that. Question answered in record time, thread over.

Good night gentlemen.

Women prefer higher paying majors like pharmacy, medicine, and nursing.

Fuck off.

women are inclined by nature to prefer the role of nurture and helping others

men are inclined by nature to conquer

these similar colors confuse my brain

Misogyny and ignorance.

Notice how no one makes a big deal about female dominated fields like nursery because in that case everyone assumes that is normal for men and women and interested things.

Meanwhile men have to compete with unfair gender quotas and discriminatory boot-camps in fields like engineering and computer science.

This. The unpopular choices (computer science, physical sciences, engineering) are exact sciences, meaning if you don't know your shit you'll arrive at objectively wrong results and models.

Unlike English and Art, highly popular among women, where you can do well just by having a cunt (pretty face is a plus) because it's all subjective anyway.

Flipped over, for a different view.
Another note, there are more female students than males.

CS got too advanced for women.



What happaned to cause the temporary rise in women getting Computer Science degrees in the late 70s/early 80s?

Because autism is more prevalent in males

>Men are pioneers
Then half of Sup Forums are dickless.

probably some feminist movement
all subjects rose really during that time for females

>A naive reader may look at this graph and conclude that men are smarter than women, but it is vital to note that, on average, men and women have about the same IQ.

From the source itself.

Woman are dumber than man. Look at your mom. Got weeks to abort a miserable trash like, but she was too stupid for the right decision.

Why is philosophy that high ?

Probably doesn't include this current generation of (((philosophy))) majors that are really just wiki philosophers thag got a degree on daddy's money.

Meant for

Women don't care about technology, they care about relationships, status, luxury

>Because women are stupid.
that too. Men are on average 6 IQ points smarter. Except in puberty, where women develop earlier, and have a slight IQ lead over men, men are smarter and outperform women at every level.

>women are inclined by nature to prefer the role of nurture and helping others
>men are inclined by nature to conquer
This also relates

>Misogyny and ignorance.
SJW drivel

>What happaned to cause the temporary rise in women getting Computer Science degrees in the late 70s/early 80s?
They realized it's hard work, and that there is no room for them to leverage their sexuality to get to the top. Plus, fraternizing with people in other fields, like doctors and lawyers will gain them more status and better access to a life of luxury

>Then half of Sup Forums are dickless.
women aren't interested in dickless Sup Forums anymore than they are interested in technology

>men and women have about the same IQ.
wrong wrong wrong. and further, the things that matter like a person's ambition and skills matters more than raw IQ... something men also have more of

>Probably doesn't include this current generation of (((philosophy))) majors that are really just wiki philosophers thag got a degree on daddy's money.
What's the #1 degree for women? Communication. It's a degree for vapid talking. And essentially useless for anything worth a damn. The women with comm degrees end up as public school teachers.

Well, I'm not going to argue with that, but you can't draw conclusions from one woman, let alone from one decision.

What font is that?

It requires objective, emotionless, analytical thinking. Women are bad at that.

Computer nerds are creepy and they scare away women.

I think it's Latin Modern Sans, but the g shape is off.


men are far more likely to possess the highly logical, solutions-oriented mindset that makes computer science work second nature

Philosophy is not for complete retards. The only ones that do philosophy are the the ones who really love knowledge, not some retarded feminist.

really activated my almonds

>le everything must be 50% females maymay
Fucking SJWs

>men and women have about the same IQ.

If that's the case then how come in all human endeavour males > females?

...because IQ is bad at predicting "human endeavour"?

I mean, in the face of an inconsistency, what would you doubt first, the data or the premise?

Same reason that education is so female heavy. We spent an entire generation feeling people to follow their dreams and that's what they fucking did, why is everyone so surprised?

Threads like this really fucking hate that I work in this environment.

Holy fuck you're all miserable, misogynistic twats. How was a lonely Valentine's day?

i've never thought of valentines day being anything more than just another day
can't miss something you've never had

>How was a lonely Valentine's day?
pretty cool my waifu-ai has confessed to me

>15% of engineering graduates are female
what the fuck, we have 1 female and 50 males or something like that.

we got an entire site to pull data from on women were to stupid to abort us.

this your first time understanding iq is pointless outside of major strokes?

There are really just 3 levels,
retard, normal, and retarded genius

nearly everyone regardless of high the iq is falls under normal.

a few people are so smart they cant hold conversations with anyone else that cant understand them

and then there are retards who you walk away from wondering how in the fuck they live, do note I am not talking about retards here, they are a whole other set that is understandable.

with why there was a spike, there was a point where it was relatively easy desk work that paid pretty well with the thought that this would be one of the higher paying jobs in the future. But then they found out shit was harder, and the other slope back up probably relates the crash. If we had more recent data it would likely be another slump up because no one wants to enter a job market that wants you to train replacements they bring in on h1b1

>be engineer
>vitrually no women in any core class
>one not Secretary woman at work
>everything goes smoothly, very little office politics or strife

Feels good man.

I worked at a bakery in high school, I worked with mostly women. The workplace was such a clusterfuck. Women forming cliques, refusing to work with each other, being shitty workers, I had to do any lifting, they got pregnant, or had their periods or were just generally ineffective privlages. I work at a medium sized (~75) engineering company which is male dominated and its an oasis of professionalism and productivity.

I've heard that in the early days of computing there were lots of "programming" jobs that were basically data entry -- managing punch cards and stuff like that. During that period there was lots of women technically working in computing (it required a degree), but those jobs went away and demand for low-skilled CS graduates fell.

some shit like that, i can't remember clearly and have no source

All the lawyers are women. It's only fair that men get a profession.

I suspect it is not so much intelligence or social stigma, but that a lot of women simply cannot enjoy doing a monotonous task like programming. It's even worse than math because as an average mathematician you spend a LOT of time talking about math with your colleagues (that's where you get your ideas from) and a lot more time teaching and talking about math. You don't stare at a blank paper all day but as a programmer it's pretty much you and your computer screen.

I know smart girls that just can't take this aspect of CS and they get quite demotivated when all they gotta do every day is to go back to the office and resume programming. It's basically a profession that requires autism.

Because the women all have dicks

Most women don't go for the higher paying positions. They go into HR departments and shit like that.

Women have been trained over the years to go for majors that don't contribute much to society.

This desu.

No it's obviously not Latin Modern Sans.

>Nurses and Doctors have lower IQ than Computer Scientists
Really makes you think...

Anyway what's the difference between let's say 110 IQ and 120IQ? Is it noticeable?

The male to female ratio for autism spectrum disorder is about 7:1, which is about the same as computer science. Coincidence?

Because philosophy is all about being able to make a solid argument that takes into account rebuttals beforehand.

It's a course for career politicians

Nurses and Doctors are basically the IT of Medicine. Medical researchers are the computer scientists.

Stop with this autism meme, it's fucking offensive and gross. You don't have to be autistic to like programming you assholes.

None of what you said is any more than anecdotal proof, sexism and/or fallacious arguments.

This. I bet not even half are actual computer scientist and they're juts resentful neckbeards searching for ways to increase their low self-worth.

>I've heard that in the early days of computing there were lots of "programming" jobs that were basically data entry -- managing punch cards and stuff like that.

Before that they had shit like magnetic core memory, which had to be knit together to manufacture. I think it was NASA or IBM who employed factory full of women to knit memory for them.


congratulations user!

smiled my ass off

>Threads like this really fucking hate that I work in this environment.

Women, everyone.

Go back to Tumblr, that's where you belong.

>Why is computer science such a sausage fest?
and on the flip side, why is health and teaching such a vag fest?

Trash English speaking culture where women are marketed vapid thoughtless bullshit for their whole lives and rewarded and encouraged for getting shoehorned into "woman" subjects, playtime, interests and lifestyle.
Computer science is extremely abstract meaning it can't be related to "girly interests" and it's not taught in school as the study of logic, information and data transformation, as it should be.
So women aren't taught to be smart, bold and aren't rewarded necessarily being different, wouldn't assume that leaving their comfort zone in this high-paced world would be anything but career suicide.
We've gotten better at specialising our marketing to sell the aforementioned bullshit so we've gotten better are brainwashing people. We've created more distraction than ever to keep our children moronic and "happy" while the parents are lazy, content, comfortable.
The smarter, less distracted and less complacent a culture is, the less the gender inequality.
Us English-speaking whites have been perfectly institutionalised into mindlessness so, even though plenty of people from both genders can be poured into all the subjects, we've walked back into thoughtlessly sexist culture clashing with often hapless/mindless attempts for equality.
We do need the equality but it happens naturally and can be seen in health European countries.

You'll notice "college majors" in the infographic. This is a US study. But the information is nearly identical in the UK and AUS, swayed, a little, almost-exclusively by foreign students.

When I got accepted into this graduate program they said over 200 people applied and they had 12 jobs.

They actively wanted to hire a woman but there was less than 10 woman applicants and none of them were eligible. Hell they only even hired 8 people in the end.

Being a proficient women in computer science must be ez mode.

Genetic differences in talent and interest.
There are some women who belong in CS/tech absolutely, but they're a very low proportion. The vast majority of women in CS don't belong there, probably fell for the girls-code meme and would be much happier and more successful studying something else.

You seem visibly upset.
Dont take the Internet seriously, let alone this board.

Because most women don't want to sit in a room for 4 years full of stinky ass fat anime nerds who get all bottom blasted when said women dont want to touch their chode dicks all day.

>Le Triggered

Because the tech field closely mirrors Sup Forums. They look in, see the rampant sexism and generalisations calling them stupid etc and think "ugh, men. Fuck that" and do something else.

That and it's a difficult rut to get out of. In a heavily male dominated industry any female is going to be hit on constantly by lonely nerds (ask anyone who's played a female character in WoW) which would be quite stressful and offputting for them, so the "male dominated" thing doesn't go away. And yes the problem exists the other way around too - any man trying to get into a female-dominated industry will be constantly teased, or implied to be a rapist etc.

I wish more women were into computer science, as the genders do have traits and maybe we'd not have to rely on an effeminate male billionaire's extremely expensive fruit products to get software and hardware that doesn't look like a dog's dinner.

No need to go full SJW with enforced quotas etc but a better attitude from both genders towards each other (and everything in between if that's your thing) would help everyone.

This chart implies there is a couple of majors that are almost 100% women

what are they

Because, for the most part, computer science isn't appealing to women.

Btw I mean "real" computer science - at the bit and byt elevel. Not some Scratch drag and drop bullcrap.

This graph can be misleading, I have used it myself several times for memes but someone who repeatedly posts this graph doesn't understand statistics.

What this graph on its own doesn't account for is the fact that those jobs may be organised by IQ accessibility in the first place regardless of gender and that gender may actually be a non-existent variable.

For the graph to make any sense, there should be two graphs, one of average IQ by male for each of those subjects and then one of average IQ by female for each of those subjects.

That would give a far better understanding.

Yes, I know you would then have to account for why more men gets into higher iq and why more women get into lower iq subjects but you can't decisively state this without first getting all kinds of graphs.

There is a source.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if men and women had genetic predispositions towards certain character traits which make them more likely to thrive in certain professions over others.

That said, there are some women in my CS program who are doing just fine and it ultimately comes down to the individual, but that doesn't mean that there aren't general differences between populations.

All the whining about 'sexism' and 'boys clubs' is unconvincing. If you really had the level of interest in this field required to do well in it, you wouldn't let that stuff hold you back, especially since companies in the industry are desperate to hire women and you'd basically have it on easymode

Because women likes to nurture their babies than to do hard work to survive.

huge if true

It's quite simple and accurately reflects the graph: women are naturally designed as caretakers and being social while men are designed for doing. This reflects the human biology accurately, women are generally designed to raise children while men are for protecting, making sure things work and getting the job done,

>It's a course for career politicians

That would be law.

Because women aren't nerds

>Iran Stem degrees awarded by Gender
>Norway Stem degrees awarded by Gender

Can you just kill yourself already

Oh my god, hello. Its because of the patriarchy, check your privilege.

Sounds like the bakery needed more communication majors for HR. Are we sure feminism isn't some kind of upsale scheme? Or that working with women create necessity for more women to manage them...

What's wrong with women having sausages you racist bigot?
Go back in the e-kitchen and print me a fucking sandwich.

It's funny cause most women know jack shit about compooters.

>I think the answer is supposed to be, "it's empowering to women", but you should wonder: when more women enter a field, it means less men did, and if the men stopped going there, where did they go? Why did they leave? I assume they aren't home with the kids, right?

>I don't want to be cynical, but boy oh boy is it hard not to observe that at the very moment in our history when we have the most women in the Senate, Congress is perceived to be pathetic, bickering, easily manipulated and powerless, and I'll risk the blowback and say that those are all stereotypes of women. Easy, HuffPo, I know it's not causal, I am saying the reverse: that if some field keeps the trappings of power but loses actual power, women enter it in droves and men abandon it like the Roanoke Colony. Again we must ask the question: if power seeking men aren't running for Senate, where did they go? Meanwhile all the lobbyists and Wall Street bankers are men, isn't that odd? "Women aren't as corrupt or money hungry." Yes, that's been my experience with women as well.

>This works in reverse, too, take a field traditionally XX-only, like nursing, and, huh, what do you know-- at the time where nursing is more powerful than it has ever been, there are also more XY in it than ever. But who made it more powerful? It wasn't nurses. And if you're playing that game, ask if the reason "sexy nurses" as a fetish dropped out somewhere around the 90s had nothing to do with females finally getting control over their sexualization but exactly the opposite, men came in and unsexualized the joint. "I'm not gay." Easy, Focker, no one was implying anything.

Isn't the male graph right there? The non females are males? Unless you're there was also a 'Other' group.

I feel the horseshoe strongly with this one

>Being a proficient women in computer science must be ez mode
Still doesn't stop them from complaining endlessly.

>Men are on average 6 IQ points smarter.
Uhhh source?

Autism. Not even joking, programmers tend to be considerably more autistic than average.

Not him, there have been some meta-analyses showing difference between 3 and 5 points, but sampling caveats occur.

It's worth noting that around the same gap was found in an analysis based on the SAT, and that very much has a sampling bias involved (dumb girls at least try and shit themselves, dumb boys just sell drugs or something).

Jokes aside, philosophy is a very popular major for aspiring lawyers.

That was the timeframe before it was common for a home to have a PC. What this meant was that people were not introduced to computing until they were in college at which point both genders were on equal footing, when home computers were introduced the idea that they were something for boys became commonplace and many females were then pushed away from computer science. This also explains why computer science compared to almost all other stem majors is so heavily male dominated, albeit they are all male dominated

Why is mathematics so balanced?

Women are stupid. In all of the other degrees besides CS and Engineering, it's easy for the feminist professors to give their female students good grades. They can water down the subject material without it being constrained by anything external.

CS and Engineering are different. Computers and bridges aren't feminist professors. They're external to all of that. Either you're good enough to do something that works, or you're a failure.

Women can't cheat and scrape by in CS and Engineering to the degree that they can in other fields.

Genuinely wondering this too, if women avoid CS because of the subject matter you'd think they'd avoid math too. The push for getting women into STEM is at least as strong for TE as it is for M.
