Hackers, where did you learn to hack?

Hackers, where did you learn to hack?

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Your sister's ass

I watched Mr.Robot and I magically became Eliot. Then I went to the hacker store and bought a VHS about hacking. Dvd and Bluerays had java, so fuck that. Also I work at Arby's. They teach you a lot there.

Define hack.

I learned from hackerman

>20 million budget
>only made 7.5 million


OP is a nigger

In hacker school.


Hacking Academy, of course

Programming since I was 7, studying Unix and DOS internals, breaking into systems in my teen years, etc.

>Hackers, where did you learn to hack?

My Hacking is purely for pua moves, hacking that baby canon. Learned from the top bros in the style swagger game.

>find something you want to change
>can't change it
>find bugs to open the system
>change what you want to change
>rinse and repeat

This is the only guide that works overall.

Hackforums like everyone else.

freecst.com is a good place to start then move your way up to more advanced kinda methods

the gibson

self taught...few books,mainly fucking with my own network..and my works shitty XP network and their SAP buisness...even with specific targets or goals in mind i still like to scan randoms just to see what they run.

I fist learned warez and virii, then I started to learn mass scanning and start "hax0ring" BO infected computers. Then I started to learn vuln scanning (thanks to VetesGirl and her VetesCan - packetstormsecurity.com/files/author/380/) and then I learned how to exploit servers (bind and such) like the script kid that I was, and even defaced some websites that got mirrored in attrition.org (attrition.org/mirror/attrition/).

still best and comfiest movie about computers

my god, angelina, 90s, rollers ,nicknames... the best

Hacking up code everyday, started with assembly after that some C.
Would do some reverse engineering maybe coming months.

Too bad they couldn't hack the box office.

By getting hacked