CS student here.In what should I specialise if I want big bucks?

CS student here.In what should I specialise if I want big bucks?

Cum gargling


a good resume and cv, good references and referrals, being good at interviews, bargaining during the interview for higher pay (ex. "the company i'm currently working for is paying me 90k, i'd be interested in a competitive offer")

Anything but AI, unless you are the best there is in your country

Big data or some type of devops.

Operations research.


Social Engineering

Gender studies. Google is hiring.


if you're a genius, machine learning

if you're above average intelligence (for a CS major), low level programming (embedded systems)

if you just want the monies, you just have to work your way up like the rest of us.

>machine learning
>big data

all of them require high level of math

you can choose path of web dev and java but you will be fired because programmers in bombai and sierra leon are much cheaper

>if you're above average intelligence (for a CS major), low level programming (embedded systems)

this is plain wrong

sucking dicks

where does the

>machine learning is so hard meme

actually come from?!

listen ... its only a field for a handful of people atm because theres no real commercial application for it (yet)

it makes no money ... its R&D, its research thats why they are looking for the "'best" lol

which arent even "the best" cause the best make more money in non jewgle companies by either making their own or rising through the ranks at other big companies like MS or Apple or consulting firms

stop this meme

>muah neural networks

babbies first adventure into the real world heh?!

A different major

>where does the machine learning is so hard meme actually come from?!
It comes from the fact that it's basically higher math. It's not even that advanced math (basically freshman year probability and linear algebra), but it's above high school math, so they think it's too hard. Plebs.

methods of suicide

>Max {old shit; new shit}
Wew adaboost literally breaks my head

FPBP && Checked

big data and the cloud.

This too be honest

It's really not that hard, you just have to be able to read a datasheet. Also it doesn't pay well (the pay is actually a little lower than more general software dev jobs), unless you have 10 years experience in some extra specialized shit where you're like one of four people in the world who can do what you do.

AI/ML/DS seems to be the popular thing these days, if you're not ambitious enough for that, web dev is ez pz and pays decently.

t. Fell for the embedded meme (thanks Sup Forums)

Yeah, OP should have gay sex freindo.

AI will become easy as fuck in the next few years. Already, there are libraries that you can just plug data into and never have to do a bit of math. Eventually there will be layers built on top to automatically detect the problem domain and then apply the best learning method and networks.

What kinds of probability measures do you use in AI?

I come from a biological background, so student's t-test, chi squared and anovas are my bread and butter. I know nothing about AI however, so I don't know if those tests would even apply.

Ive heard embedded systems has low pay. Is this true? If so, Why is this if you have to actually be smart to make low level stystems?

Every shitty piece of plastic coming out of china these days has a micro in it.

Someone has to write the software on those micros, and it ain't white dudes in rich countries.

Whats other low level systems shit I can do without being a pajeet?

>Is this true?

>Why is this if you have to actually be smart to make low level stystems?
Like I said in , You really don't have to be smart, you just have to be able to read a datasheet, which most people in CS seem to be allergic to. Also be willing to debug things at the assembly level or at the signal level. These things really don't require intelligence, just patience which for most people in this field is derived from autism. Pay is low because the field is saturated.

Robotics, automation, defense industry (missiles and stuff), binary reverse engineering (but you have to git really, really, gud for that one). Stay away from anything consumer electronics related, or any company that makes a product that reminds you of home appliances.

drop out

Is there a career path for reverse engineering work? Always seemed like something cool to learn, if anything, for writing bots and cheats for vidya games.

I wish I knew dude... i've tried to get into it multiple times, but I can never get past basic crackmes. from what I gather, hacking is the kind of thing you need to teach yourself. you can't just follow a guide and read a few books, you have to be motivated enough by sheer curiosity to seek out the knowledge you need, and be clever enough to figure out how to apply it. Following a curated guide is just gonna teach you how to break things that have already been patched, without teaching you how to find new exploits.