Two things that i don't understand about this website:

two things that i don't understand about this website:

1. why are there so many users answering questions? it's not like yahoo answers where you can give a short shitty answer, these guys actually put an effort

2. how does it make money/break even?

Other urls found in this thread:

cause these people think theyll get a job and link their profiles in t heir job applications

u see ... outside of Sup Forums people have a thing called 'purpose'

all we do here is rice our linux desktops and make them look 'cool' and spent 3 hrs a day fucking around with linxu cause we have no life

Imaginary internet points

> how does it make money/break even?
if you think that everything you do in life should have monetary 'value', then you're wrong, and by wrong I mean 'never going to get rich' wrong.

It's this thing called 'kindness' and 'cooperation', brown people wouldn't understand.

>StackOverflow users
>kindness and cooperation

Try again. I am forever grateful for that site and its answers but I swear to god if it doesn't have one of the most hostile communities.

that is why i added "break even". it is a website with millions of users. how do they maintain that without begging for money and without advertisements?

>you're never going to get rich doing things only for money
What did he mean by this?

I actually believe it's worse than wow and linux community put togeter. Last question I posted had a totally unrelated TreeView control named, surprisingly, treeView for example purposes, and first 5 comments were bitching about how I didn't add the declration of treeView so they have no idea what my function in question is doing.

You're never going to get rich thinking the average person puts a monetary value on dickwaving their knowledge to people online, or genuinely trying to help people

Are you fucking retarded? It's a full fledged company you dipshit.People are actually employed there.

>3 hrs a day fucking around with linxu
>not 30

Or people instead of answering if something would reap performance benefits they just give the usual abused "premature optimizations" quote

Not unless you monetize their dickwaving.

Sometimes they're so fucking fast too.
I had an assembler question and tagged it with C since thats what every assembly question has and mine used a c wrapper so I thought it was fine.
Literally, not exaggerating, 10 seconds later the tag was removed by someone with I had a comment "please don't spam tags"

I sometimes consider writing answers when I'm bored at work

I do this...

I have asked 1 question that I ended up answering myself anyway and got 5 upboats for the question and 2 for the answer.

Other than that I sometimes answer questions when I am on lunch at work if I am not playing with docker or some other shit.

Up to 433 internet points at the moment and I ain't even trying.

What do these points get you?

>not being a martian reptilian scumbag with literal extra time in the day to waste on compiling it's own kernel

>being smart

I've seen some job postings there.

Do you put these on your resume?


No but then again I don't have to. It just helps give me some self worth and 'that good feeling' knowing I have helped someone in need.

1. Because people wasted their lifes with sacrificing their soul to understanding this fucked up thing called computer and want to tell themselfes that it wasn't all in vain, it just has to be good for something, right? RIGHT? And then those social outcasts realize they can still laugh about people who are just as stupid as they are but not as experienced.

2. Job postings. One of the most exclusive places for developer jobs.

Because people like to help other people when a question comes up in their area of perceived expertise?

at work in support right now. it was all in vain

SO's community depends on what language and tags you're using, I've never had any issues and I use a bunch of different communities often.
what programming community do you think is the most toxic?

Didnt one of the mods actually say awhile back that they couldnt afford to keep funding the website?

Actually most people answering questions are getting paid by companies to spread their softwares

if you search questions about nosql databases most answers came from dev team of nosql databases