Software Engineering is for Boys, Computer Science is for Men


Other urls found in this thread:

Big Data is for Wizards

Pure Mathematics is for actual Men.


>Guys, how do you do X?
>Software Engineer
>Use framework Y.
>Computer Scientists
>Use datastructure Z.
There's no competition guys.

>Your problem can be reduced to a zygohistomorphic prepromorphism, then just solve the sparsely populated Jacobian determinant. Your complexity drops to O(log(log(n))).

How come STEM majors always have their head so far up their asses?

It's like they're all autistic and this is the only thing they're "good" at, so they hold it over your head in a smug and self-serving way.

physics is for parrots

Intelligence looks like arrogance from below.

There is not a subject that is more cringe than computer science.

What is "cringe" about CompSci?

Bragging is bragging

>It is very effective.


There's hella overlap. Doesn't make a helluva lot a sense to exult one over the other.

CS might cover more in general but low level programming jobs aren't nearly as common as shit like Python and Java.

>Typical Meme CS Degree
>Freshman year
>How to use a meme language
>Sophomore year
>How to use pointers
The blatant SE bullshit that is labeled as Computer Science to undergraduates.

I should rephrase that. Computer science isn't that bad on its own. The people who take it are cringe.

Lots of people in STEM are autistic to some extent, but no field really comes close to computer science. It's also the STEM field with the most SJWs. I guess that is due to the fact that it isn't as hard as math or engineering, so it attracts all the people who are into technology but not smart enough to do math.

I'd hire that guy over any Normie, no questions asked. There are way too many Normies in tech nowadays.

Do they really take a whole year to learn fucking pointers?

Do you actually have the capability to hire someone or do you just shitpost all day?

Would bang the chick in the vid tho

Actually I've had the last word in some hiring decisions in the past.
There was one time where there were 2 roughly equally skilled programmers applying, and I discarded the Normie.

So you took the autistic guy who is going to be terrible as hell for anything other than that one thing they have fixated on.

I don't want to talk about football at work or have people around who use the word "bro" unironically.

>my CS degree
>1. Semester
>Basic C (including pointers) then basic java
>Analysis A
>Linear Algebra A
>Digital logic
>Introduction to operating systems (basically introduction to unix)
>Introduction to systems modelling (optional)

that's pretty much how soft engy is structured here, comp sci has way more math and theoretical stuff

It's kinda the other way around

because stem is very difficult and not for everyone

Isn't that the definition of "cultural fit"?
Bros hiring bros, autists hiring autists.

Being employed is for gods

So boys will get the jobs.
