Why a robot should pay taxes? Why everybody are scared of robots?

Why a robot should pay taxes? Why everybody are scared of robots?

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Why a computer should pay taxes? Why everybody are scared of computers?

Taxes are not (yet) decided by the union but by individual governments in the EU so that proposal is bullshit anyway

If the robot is earning an income then why not?
Issue is, robots are basically slave labor, they don't get any pay at all.

The fleshlight you put your dick into was made by a machine. That machine is not earning income for itself, but for the owner of fleshlight factory. That owner already is paying taxes.
Taxation is theft anyway.

>Taxation is theft anyway.

He says, as he starves to death because nobody will hire him because the bourgeoisie simply replaced all workers with robots.

If you think your tax dollars aren't theft you are a fool. A fool good sir, and I bid you good day.

*tibbe tibbe doo da fedoorawoo*

They will always pay to come in my ass, user.

*removes left gloves*
I shant tolerate a slight against my character SIR!
*whips you against the face with glove*
HMPH, that shall teach you!
*spins around, slapping you again in the face with my cape*
*storms off*

People just get mad when white people are unemployed.

Based Bill.

who the fuck cares what that old fart has to say

He nor Microsoft is relevant in 2017

I have a better idea. Bill should pay taxes and his mental gymnastics can be ignored about robots.

>Gates is an abolitionist

Taxation is theft. Come up with whatever mental gymnastics or virtue signaling you want, at the end of the day it's still stealing the fruits of someone's labor without their consent.

>slavery is moral
>taxation is not moral

It's a very simple question. You have to decide if, in the future, you are more likely to own a robot, or not own a robot.

If you think you will own a robot:
- robots should not pay taxes, everyone who thinks otherwise is a dirty freedom-hating commie faggot who is too poor to understand how to invest money wisely

If you think you will not own a robot:
- robots should pay as much taxes as humanly possible, and everyone who thinks otherwise is an evil hyper-capitalist corporate shill who wants to plunge us into a cyberpunk dystopia

Learn English or kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.

This is what retards actually believe.

When did I say that slavery is moral?

stupid clickbait title

This is actually a great idea because it offers a pragmatic solution to an impending doom.

It's a great way to properly fuel a welfare state in a time where there would otherwise be nothing left for, well, anyone and instead the money would get stuck in arbitrary company constructions

Sup Forums / tax-denyers can actually just fuck off

what if 100 workers are replaced by a single huge robot
how is it's taxes calculated?

>literally worth more than entire multinational corporations and can't even throw his money away fast enough
he's basically god at this point. he could purchase entire countries if he wanted to.

This is one of those basic income bullshit agenda, you see we are reaching an technological state never foretought, so our laws and economic systems won't fit in the world of tomorrow.

Since always the common folk were at mercy of someone's leadership, like a king, a feudal lord, then the bourgeoise revolution came and changed the type of leadership, now the leadership must be earned by ownership of the means of production, and not your family's bloodline.

So, for the new leadership be legitimate, profit must be made, starting then the profit based economy of today.

With the current technological progress, machinery can produce more, making the human worker a bigger expense. However if the machinery produces more and replaces human labour, how can the incomeless human consume goods and services? That's the paradox, because the bourgeoise needs profit to be a legitmate leader, but if no one buy the bourgeoise's products how they can have any profit?

And the answer is: Basic Universal Income. By providing you basic goods and services the commoners will heavly depend on the bourgeoise goverment, providing the legitimacy it needs to function.

Now dark side of it is that the bourgeoise goverment will over exploit the commoners personal liberties, after all the common man doesn't own shit, so they can't complain. And life will go in th "business as usual" way, you know nice little profit driven wars fought by the brave warrior of basic income recipients.

It should be taxed accordingly. The business should pay an equal tax contribution to what the payroll tax was for 100 employees

what if they were managed inefficiently and another factory got the same job done with only 50 workers
should the same robot in the other factory be taxed lower?

>small portions of the poplace are allowed to own all of the wealth and land

Gee what a genius system. Truly the Aliens will be impressed...

Nobody should pay taxes, you fucking commies.

They only steal jobs. Therefore Robot owners should be taxed and the money given to the unemployed who lost their jobs due to the robot.

capitalism was a mistake even billionaires are starting to realise it

feels good

Isn't this the premise of Matrix?

This is exactly what's going to happen. Eventually most jobs will be automated and almost everyone will be payed by automation taxes.

Why don't you go live in a civilization without taxes.
Oh wait.....

The fundamental reason why Capitolism is tolerable as it stands right now is that a producer must hire more people in order to produce more stuff. Once robotics are sufficiently advanced, that will no longer be the case. After that, civilisation has two options. Socialism (of some sort) or death. I don't care what point of view you have, that is a fairly easy choice to make.

This is guaranteed to backfire.

Any large businesses that use robots to eliminate jobs will find loopholes around the law, like they always do. The tax will then make personal robots (read: you're waifu) unobtainably expensive while doing absofuckinglutely nothing to the companies' profits.

Seems fair to me. Companies remove jobs from the country they get taxed for it and we end up with a decently funded UBI which goes back into the companies anyway. Win/win.

>it's still stealing the fruits of someone's labor

Those fruits are only available to them ebcause they live in a stable nation thanks to taxes paying for infrastructure, upkeep, policing, governance, etc.

>without their consent

He can quit working any time.

Because robots don't use "Windows".

funny, you spelled state capitalism wrong.

White people build and maintain society as well as invent everything, so yeah it's kind of important to keep them employed.

Ignore the misleading, sensationalist article title (I can't believe I still have to say that every single time), the kind of protectionist tax he's proposing is a fairly common thing.

>Robot should pay taxes
In other words, the company pays the tax

Nice clickbait tho

Economists already solved this non issue literally 50 years ago. Negative Income Tax. From the hand of hardcore right wing libertarians like Friedman.
You tax the wealthy, assign a minimum wage, get rid of every other social program and then you're done. It's supposed to solve the increasing wealth inequality to come with increased automation.

Except some people start to cry "communism!"

this comment painted such a nice picture. upvoted.

Ok, robots don't be ill, don't shit in streets, don't need cars, police and education, why should factories pay taxes for them?
"Microsoft" has changed this world. Internet has taken jobs of many authors of newspapers, magazines and workeres of movie theatres. People don't send paper letters any more because of Internet and Windows. If robots should be under taxes, then "Windows" should be under taxes as the major robot of Internet.

Companies replacing their human workforce with automated machined should pay extra taxes. That extra tax money should go to the replaced workforce.

The companies will still produce more and generate more income because said automated machines are better than labourers.

slave labour is not legal, robots should get salary.

Why are taxes theft? Can you explain it to me as if I was retarded, which I am.

Because if a majority of the workforce is replaced by bots, then there goes a fuck load of income tax.

I am fine with companies that use predominantly robotic workforces paying an overtax for the privilege of the savings they'll make.

>programmer talking about economics
>economist talking about programming
Why would you give this shit any attention?

>Why are taxes theft? Can you explain it to me as if you were retarded, which you are.

shut up you evil dirty hyper-capitalist freedom-hating corporate commie shill faggot

>not having bought 1000s of Bitcoins in 2010
You people are pathetic.

If you want to tax robots, you should tax all machinery. A tractor or an automated print press that puts 20 workers on the farm or the newspaper-printing-place out of their jobs is fundamentally no different from whatever "a robot" is supposed to be.

Which is actually not that stupid an idea for a system in which robots/other machinery (aka capital) is privately owned (which itself is obviously fucking retarded, see pastebin.com/XxR1ceBG).

>Saying lynching, bestiality & rape is moral
>Taxation is not moral

>making the robots pay taxes

Way to put words in my mouth to avoid the argument.

After that CO2 equation, I don't care what Bill has to say anymore.

And then the people paying automation tax s build an automated way to kill all the useless leeches that provide no value.

No one in the history of man has allowed for such a blatant leeching to occur.

But then who will maintain the roads and what about teacher salaries for grade schoolers and who will make sure our water is safe? Boy, maybe taxes are necessary for a civilization to thrive.

Hey you first, Bill

Private companies build and maintain roads cheaper than government and do it in less time and actually fix the road unlike government contractors that have it under construction for months with little to no progress and way over budget. Public school is shit. Pure shit. You're better off keeping those tax dollars and putting your kid on some sort of online education or a charter school. Look at how well the government is at keeping drinking water "clean and safe". Competition from multiple private companies drives the price down and the quality up. Unlike government private companies can actually be held accountable.


There is nothing wrong with being unemployed. The problem lies in the system. If you are unable to get a job then obviously be paid welfare until you can. But the system offers the stick and no carrot. I say use the taxes on machine labor replacing humans to bump up the welfare state.

Fine, stop paying taxes. However, you'll have to stop using the services I am paying for. No roads, no police, no food that isn't grown yourself, no power, no water, none of the products that have met safety standards thanks to tax paying. You go out in the woods bare naked and make your own house and stay completely off the grid, you don't have to pay taxes because I'm not paying for your ass to sit around and use my shit.

Government is held accountable by its citizens and big business is often held not accountable.
For example, it's not like private business ever knowingly sold millions of people addicting cancer medicine

I've been trying to stop using them, government doesn't like it when people leave their monopoly and stop being dependent on them. Roads are a good example. Try building one without the government fucking you. Food, power, and water are all easy to take care of. No police would be nice, not like they do anything other than infringe upon you. Those products would exist and be much more abundant without safety standards. Your taxes raised the cost and lowered the supply of them.

Lol, good luck holding the government accountable. Take Flint for example. The government has a monopoly using stolen money and no one was held accountable. Government you can't do shit (lol, corrupt people policing their own corruption, good luck). With business you can shop at a competitor (because you actually have a choice), boycott them, take them to court, etc.

>that hip swaying
>robots with hard hats


Nothing is keeping you from going out in the woods in an unpopulated area and doing whatever you want. Go.

>Most well thought comment
>0 replies
Classic Sup Forums

I think he has a point, though the problem really would be where is that money gonna get dumped into? If its military then fuck it don't waste the effort but if they're actually going to help citizens with healthcare or some shit make it happen, that's exactly what automation and robots are there for.

Some people don't want to live in the middle of nowhere.


Because there are major economic consequences that come with robots replacing humans more prevalently in the workforce and this is one way to solve that.

I'm pretty sure taxes need no justification at all.

Chances are you already paid taxes when you bought the robot. Also on the materials they built the robots with. And when they make a profit from the robot the business pays taxes. You pay taxes over whatever fuels the robot. But you can easily think up another ten reasons and ways to tax it. Especially when to comes to environmental taxes.

I guess you can put them in a high labour tax bracket so it can pay for all the unemployed people it replaces (not sure who that might be). Robots dont need the money anyway so you can tax them all you want. They wont even complain. You know what, why not put them in the same tax bracket as Bill Gates and all the other billionaires. Oh wait they dont pay their fair amount of taxes.

>taxation is theft

You must be at least 18 years old to use this website.

Explain how taking someone's money that they worked for against their will isn't stealing.

>at the end of the day it's still stealing the fruits of someone's labor without their consent.
You gave consent by being a citizen or resident of the country you reside in. Feel free to move somewhere else.

>Food, power, and water are all easy to take care of. No police would be nice, not like they do anything other than infringe upon you. Those products would exist and be much more abundant without safety standards. Your taxes raised the cost and lowered the supply of them.
Food and power can be acquired right now without using tax-funded sources, which I'm sure you're doing, right?

No, you're just a troll and a complete idiot.

> Those products would exist and be much more abundant without safety standards. Your taxes raised the cost and lowered the supply of them.
This is the most idiotic statement you've made so far, and that's pretty amazing. Feel free to look back in just the US's own history to a time when there was absolutely no regulation.

>corrupt people policing their own corruption, good luck
You complain about this then think some free market where there is no governing body is going to somehow be magically less corrupt? Holy shit, please remove yourself from the gene pool.

Income tax is immoral and unnecessary though.

Because you agreed to it whenever you make a financial transaction.

If you don't want to be taxed, don't use the system upon which rules are set. Simple as that.

Now explain that same view in regards to income tax.

You agreed to be taxed when you get a job.

Don't get a job if you don't want to be taxed.

So just die, then?

>You gave consent by being a citizen or resident of the country you reside in. Feel free to move somewhere else.
I never consented. Sorry for being born, let me kill myself.

>Food and power can be acquired right now without using tax-funded sources, which I'm sure you're doing, right?
Growing your own food, buying food from other people, using solar, wind, hydro, fossil fuels. All free from government.

>This is the most idiotic statement you've made so far, and that's pretty amazing. Feel free to look back in just the US's own history to a time when there was absolutely no regulation.
Meeting standards and regulations add costs. High quality goods would still exist without government, but would be cheaper because they wouldn't have to deal with the unnecessary costs of regulation. I can grow cheap, healthy, organic vegetables and sell them cheaply. Adding in regulations, government inspections, labeling requirements, permits, paperwork, taxes, etc. doesn't make my goods any cheaper or higher quality.

>You complain about this then think some free market where there is no governing body is going to somehow be magically less corrupt? Holy shit, please remove yourself from the gene pool.
Government has a monopoly. The free market doesn't. You're free to avoid corrupt companies in the free market and use products and services from companies you like. The government forces itself upon you and makes competition illegal, the free market doesn't.

I didn't agree, the government forced it upon me. So you're expecting people just sit and do nothing, not work, not trade, just lay down and die?

You have options if you refuse to cooperate with a system built with the blood and sweat of millions of those who came before you.

Live like a nomad, collecting your own food and water from the wild.
Live on the street as a beggar
Find another society that won't tax you.
Live at such a low income level you get paid for instead of taxed by the government

Also, if you're saying taxes are theft then all your usage of tax supported things are theft too. So please stop using our roads, Internet, power, police, and water. Also stop eating our food, which is extremely heavily tax subsidized.

In most places those options you laid out are specifically not allowed by the state, it's almost like coercion to get money from you. Huh.

All of those ideas generally equate to "just die then"


Why should robots pay taxes if they don't benefit from public service? Obviously robots have to pay for electricity and maintenance, but that has nothing to do with the government.

It's quite clearly a thread about the advancement of automation technology and what role (if any) government should play in that process. Nice autistic rage you have there.

It's a deceptively worded phrase, robots can't pay taxes because they have no wealth. They're just talking about taxing businesses (and eventually individuals surely) to penalize them for the crime of utilizing technology to reduce costs.

It's funny that you rather die than live at low income or beg people for money, but then turn around and say that how modern society is paid for is theft. You want to take, but not give.

I see plenty of 'homeless' (free shelters available) people where I live who beg. You can also travel to wherever you want, especially as a 1st world citizen. And living at low income is not forbidden.

As for living in the wild, good luck to the state preventing you from doing that.

What exactly do you believe income taxes fund?

I'm going to hazard a guess that you think it's something to the effect of "roads".

The idea that taxing a business for using robots to replace revenue lost from income tax not collected is completely retarded because it only makes sense if you assign an arbitrary amount of taxes each business owes the government for existing.

And if you're going to justify taxation on the basis that it's people paying their share for infrastructure or other such reasoning, the only type of taxation that makes sense is consumption (and tentatively property) taxes. Earning more money doesn't somehow mean you're using more public resources, usually the opposite.

>you will be able to become a true neet in this lifetime while robot slaves work and pay taxes for your neetbux

How can one man be so based?

Privately maintained in my city


Privately owned company

I have a gun

Again, privately owned company

Subsidization isn't tax funding, it's subsidization. I'm still buying it from a private company and private farmers.

You don't live in a communist utopia, your tax dollars go towards building jet bombers and paying for old peoples medicare. That shit literally makes up over 80% of our entire budget.

>he thinks taxes go to separate pools where they are used for only specific things

All those things you mentioned are tax subsidized you retard.