What do you guys think about these? $124 and all you need to do is add your own ram and a storage disc then run Linux...

What do you guys think about these? $124 and all you need to do is add your own ram and a storage disc then run Linux. Seems like a cheap and good option if you just need a little shitty computer for a monitor.

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I'd rather get a Thinkpad

getting one to play media on my TV

Get a thinkpad and don't add your own ram and don't add disc. Then run Linux. Like damn nigga just plug that shit in and it already has a monitor n shiet.

>buy a beat-up jizz-covered old TBlazeIt
>shove it in a corner and plug some bullshit in
>three years later it dies
>buy this thing brand new for the same price
>still working perfectly 10 years on
>no jizz stains, even

don't have to get a NUC, there's thousands of sbcs, ARM ones are cheaper from smart phone economies of scale

Could these run simple games like rocket league?

Doubtful, the higher end Skullcanyon NUCs *maybe* can, but those are expensive to boot.

Media centers are fucking worthless in 2017. Just get an Amazon FireTV or an Android TV box and save yourself money, time, and effort.

>buy beat up think pad
>plug in power cord and install gentoo
>20 years later it still works and is usable because every year intel puts out a new socket with 1% increase in ipc
>use it to kill your wife and the police confiscate it as evidence.
>some cop is still using it 40 years later after stealing it from evidence control


>buy nuc
>buy parts
>spend as much as you would on a barebones pc
>can't install gentoo because it throttles
>could have just bought a raspberry pi or five

>Raspberry PI, lapdock, USB battery, memory card, various cables
> less than $100

Then you would still have to get a secondary computer for managing your torrents and serve files to the the MPV or whatever

the Plex*

I'm getting an Udoo X86 when t comes off preorder.
>When your technophiliac life makes you get a job to support it
But, hey paycheck.

I own a fanless one, wifi was a little bit shit but I'm happy with my purchase.
Have a 2TB HDD and a 64GB SSD sitting in it, use to host a old game server on it which wasn't compatible with linux.
Nowadays it's just a torrent box.

You mean the computer you use normally?

>serve files to the the MPV

Modern devices don't just navigate through folders like a god damn neanderthal. They're library based.

That would mean keeping my computer on 24/7 for the file transfer and then having to keep it on during service

Would be nice maybe to do it with a raspi or whatever and then amazon fire TV to do the files maybe

i rather buy an ITX mobo with a power brick and pic related case

This. Build your own and it will have much better specs and you can actually use it.

I can't rly find a use for it. If I wanted a box to play hd movies on my tv, or even 4k movies, the cheapest NUC couldn't handle it.
You'd have to get a higher spec'd one.

Why would you buy a computer just for shitty tasks when you could just use your own? I already have older pcs I could repurpose as media players.

shills out in full force

could do a scrap build with better performance for less $ fuck off panjeet

or you could get all of that stuff premade for 180


my nigggaaaaa.

I've owned three lapdocks. Had to get rid of two because am poor :(

Wow, that sure looks practical.

I used one of these as a UTM for a little while but now I have a more powerful box for that. Trying to figure out what to do with this thing now.


>plug phone in to monitor
>$10 for cables

You can get a dell optiplex 7010 for $60-$100 on eBay and Craigslist. Probably a better value purchase.

Seems kind of like an awkward middle ground between a Raspberry Pi and an actual computer. I'm sure SOMEONE can find a use for it, but I can't really think of any.

I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not

NUCs are anything but a "little shitty computer".

I have 3, I love them. ARM SBCs n shit have too many platform issues. You'd be hard pressed to find a linux distro that doesn't work on intel x86.