Is windows 10 really botnet compared to 7 and 8? seems like telementry can be disabled yes or no?

Is windows 10 really botnet compared to 7 and 8? seems like telementry can be disabled yes or no?

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>Believing Microshit would give out something for free without anally plugging you.

Yes it's trash and Wintoddlers need to be shot.

>Is windows 10 really botnet compared to 7 and 8?


it's autists on Sup Forums that don't know what they're talking about.

XP and 7 are the only two passable operating systems Mico$oft has pushed out

10 keeps updating, so even if you disable every conceivable way for them to backdoor you, the next update will force you to update your strategy.

Once my 7 goes, I'm moving to either Linux or Mac if I can't get another copy of 7

reuse tyhe licence

>Yes it's trash and Wintoddlers need to be shot.
Someone should start this.

Windows 8.1 is the best performing of the three. Windows 7 has the best user inferface. But it's still kind of shitty compared to Windows XP.

Powershell on Windows 10 kicks ass so much harder than on 8 or 7.

Other than that, 7 is objectively the best.

Still wish 7 had powershell3 though, instead of powershell2.

was about to post this
7 is what vista should have been (they have the "same" kernel) so either use 8 (8.0, 8.1 is alright too but there is too much crap in it for my taste) or xp. 10 is normie tier botnet

I was on 7, then 8.1, then 10, now back to 8.1

Ignore the metro crap (i only use the tiles screen for quick search anyway) and it's a very good system. Better than 7 and 10 for now, maybe when there'll be something like Win 10 SP3 it will become on par. For now, why use Windows Beta (which is what 10 is) when you have a more or less polished option of 7 or 8.1.

And no, I can't use ganoo/loonix, becasue 2 things I do on my pc is gaymen and working with .NET platform. Neither of which works well on linux.

>is Windows 10 really a botnet
OP you know the wires that attach to all the Microsoft keyboards in your house? I want you to tangle them all together and fucking hang yourself.

Love how apologists all act like edgy teenagers

This. They are ALL botnet.

>Is windows 10 really botnet
>compared to 7 and 8
Both are botnets too.
>seems like telementry can be disabled

how many of you are giving zero fuck about privacy when it comes to Google?

and suddenly MS is a monster for using anonymous telemetry.

Most Sup Forums users use DuckDuckGo instead of Google.

I do

It doesn't really matter.

Hah, no we don't.

The only thing 10 brings to the party is DX12 and unless you are truly a hardcore gamer that spends more on video cards than any other components in your system (or even more than everything else that makes a system as some folks do) then there's no compelling reason to use Windows 10.

Don't believe the hype about Windows 7 being less secure - Microsoft has committed to supporting it for security updates till 2020 and that means the businesses that rely on it will get that support or Microsoft will have major fucking problems and those companies aren't moving to Windows 10 till that support gets close to being ended (like the last quarter before that date).

Windows 8/8.1, of no use really at all.

Windows 7 is only a "botnet" if you allow every single update which adds the retroactive telemetry BS and that's easy to avoid, easier than you might believe. It's still the best operating system Microsoft has ever created whether they shill Windows 10 to death or not.

I'll run Windows 7 till it literally doesn't function anymore then I'll move to macOS or use some Linux distro but that's still years ago so it's not even a concern at this point in time.

Windows 7 will run on all modern hardware, even Kaby Lake although it won't have "official" support - it can be installed without issues on that as well as the Zen platform from AMD meaning Ryzen CPUs will work just fine too but without that "official" support.

As if I'd ever need "official" support from any manufacturer, please.

Startpage for life.

Windows 7 is the best. No, you can't disable telemetry in W10.

You can update the powershell in W7 and W8.

Sup Forums is a bunch of 12yo hypocrites
they have no clue what a botnet is and what telemetry is
they spout memes and pretend anyone cares about their opinion
they also think this is reddit so the first funny reply with a funny meme like "LOL KEK" or "WINTODDLERS BTFO" get upvoted the most, but actually it just kills every thread because no one wants to argue with those brainlets

>Still wish 7 had powershell3 though, instead of powershell2.
You can install Windows Management Framework 5.0 with Powershell 5 on Win7. What are you on about?

c uck*

I would not install the consumer version of Winblows 10 if I had a gun to my fucking head.

But... even if I have no intention to upgrade Windows 7 for now (literally no reason), I'm having under consideration Windows 10 Enterprise LSBT, it is supposed to have all the bloatware (apps, store, cortana, etc) cut off and only minimal updates (security updates)

I'm NOT saying its not botnet, all Windows are botnet, but, seems like Windows 10 without most of what makes it literal cancer, what do you think about it Sup Forums?

Nevertheless until DX12 is worth it or I need some other application or whatever that requires W10, I'll stay on 7, just like with my hardware, I'm not a consumerist retards that upgrades for the sake of it.

Son, if you have to use a specific version of the operating system which must be further configured to prevent as much of the spying as possible you're doing it fucking wrong.

The only true solution is not using Windows 10, period.

Someday some of you little punk bitches will come to understand this: avoid Windows 10 like it is the plague of all plagues, find another OS to use.

It's just that simple.

I use Linux for work, its great.

But I also like to play games (so what?), and for now W10 is not necessary, but how about when all games require DX12? I don't want to use it, but I'm not sure I'll have a choice a few years later.

I could boot Windows only to play my stupid games, but its quite annoying to be changing the OS I'm using at home every time I want to do something different (ie now I have one of those gaymes minimized while I drink coffee)

What game on the market today REQUIRES DX12 and won't work in DX11 mode? Which one, 'cause I've never seen such a game so far, but I've seen plenty that offer DX11 performance (which would be even faster to be honest on the same hardware if the GPU has DX12 support).

If you want games, get a console or figure out what's more important I suppose. Gaming hasn't been a concern for me since the Quake days and there's still nothing that compares but that's my opinion on things.

Figure out what's important and what isn't and go from there.

None today user, that's why I said I'll stay on 7 for now.

Currently games with DX12 were programmed for DX11 and ported to DX12 so they perform the same or even worse, but eventually, DX11 will stop being supported and before that games actually programmed for DX12 should run much better.

I tend to like older games more as well, but there are some new games that are fun to me, sure I could get an xbox... we'll see, I don't know what I'll do (I can tell you I cannot play Quake or Doom multiplayer on a console), though is not an immediate problem, I'll be able to play UT4, Quake Champions and DOOM on Win7, we'll see about the next gen in this franchises... I have to play then on PC.

It can literally not be disabled in W10 except in the enterprise version.

>Is windows 10 really botnet compared to 7 and 8?
>seems like telementry can be disabled yes or no?

>yfw the Linux desktop becomes a reality thanks to Microsoft's blatant attempts to datamine the planet with an os people pay for

Lifelong windows user, I've switched to Linux for browsing and have windows as basically a game console now.

>Is windows 10 really botnet compared to 7 and 8?

>seems like telementry can be disabled yes or no?
Yes. I hope you are planning to install Enterprise though.

If you are going to use Windows 10 I strongly suggest you use this as it disables telemetry and uninstall bloat. Make sure to enable it professional mode.