Gets outperformed by laptops that cost half the price

>gets outperformed by laptops that cost half the price
>no other redeeming features whatsoever
>Windows rapidly catching up to Mac OS

what the fuck happened

>Windows rapidly catching up to Mac OS
I'll reply when you return from La-La-Land

pajeets can't even compete


Windows has surpassed OSX a long time ago.

In 2010 opening a Macbook Pro after using a Windows 7 shitbox was like stepping into a different world. That has changed.

>Windows rapidly catching up to Mac OS
No, Windows is going backwards these days. It peaked at Windows 7.

Can windows open a .pdf by now? Asking honestly.

Also, UNIX.

>That has changed
Yeah, Windows has gotten fucking worse while MacOS has gotten better than it ever has been.

Can OSX open a pdf without lagging? The answer to this is no.

Can OSX turn off mouse acceleration? Oh that's a no too...

>Can OSX open a pdf without lagging
I do it ~5-10 times a day and it has never lagged even if I leave it open for days
Can I say this about Windows? Hell no.


Windows has them.

>I do it ~5-10 times a day and it has never lagged even if I leave it open for days
Lags for me when I scroll.
>Can I say this about Windows? Hell no.
That's a yes actually. My Windows PC doesn't have any issues with pdfs.

>MacOS has gotten better than it ever has been.
Didn't it stagnate years ago? I heard they still only support OpenGL 4.1 and recently dropped support for the battery timer after they've been losing to Windows 10 laptops.

Sup Forums is a cesspool of tech illiterate little kiddies drooling in a consumerist gadget whorehouse cesspool.

Go play some video games or jerk off, little boy(s). That's the only thing you are, or will ever be, good at.

You're opinions are just as worthless as any effort to try to educate you. Seriously, maybe just kill yourself and stop wasting oxygen.

>gets outperformed by laptops that cost half the price
Ok, the base model is $2400 and comes with a Radeon Pro 450, quad core Skylake i7, 16GB of RAM and 256GB NVIe SSD, show me a $1100 laptop that outperforms it.

I couldn't tell you. I made the switch from Windows to Mac during El Capitan, which greatly improved almost everything for most people from what I've heard. Sierra has done nothing but build upon that. It's smooth, responsive, never lags or freezes, I couldn't ask for more.

>>gets outperformed by laptops that cost half the price
There are like two relevant competitors to this thing and they're both $1k+. When you autistic teenagers compare the rMBP to your 2" thick plastic Walmart shit, it makes cognitively normal people cringe.

>Can OSX turn off mouse acceleration? Oh that's a no too...
Not only CAN you do this, but why the fuck would you want to? The real answer here is that you should stop sperging the fuck out.

So... no? Third party programs cost money or annoy you with "premium edition" popups. If they don't do either, they generally suck. This is my experience.

>Windows rapidly catching up to Mac OS

>Can OSX turn off mouse acceleration?
It's called MacOS, grandpa.
You can do this
Is this a feature that most of the market would even think about in the first place?

Oh yea, because they want to have sex and make money, both of which you seem to have given up on.

3 I think. XPS, Spectre, and Surface Book

>59012866 ▶

Don't pay attention to retards. Architecturally, that is not even possible. The Windows model is built on the basis of third party drivers and support. There is zero quality control for this. The real irony is the best drivers out there for Windows are written by who? Apple. LOL. It's fucking pathetic.

maybe don't download the first one you google

it's easy to find programs for everything from .zip file extraction to video file type conversions that work great and are 100% free with no premium version.

> Third party programs cost money
You're officially an idiot. Lots of third party programs are free.
Adobe Reader is free. Sumatra PDF reader is free. Foxit PDF reader is free.

Agreed except for the Surface Book

Even if there is a program you are supposed to pay for, piracy is a thing.

And what's wrong with the surface book? For the most part it has better specs than the MBP.

>My OS is so good that I have to steal software and invite the botnet to do basic tasks.

>For the most part
It's kind of just mediocre overall IMO, not really on par with the Spectre for example. No real reason to include it. Just all around worse / unwarrantedly expensive


That's cute.

And yet dual core iPhones still outperform 8 core NSAndroid botphones.

They look nice.
Seriously, I have a Powerbook from 2002 and it still looks modern.

Yea, as a Widnows user I like cnet and pcmag for all of my software needs :^)

> it has never lagged
Oh it will when (((Apple))) pushed out another OSX update that cripples performance.

Ha. Wintoddlers can't even do basic pdf markup
That's it, pack it up boys.

Oh so you're the Spectre shill who makes threads every hour? Putting the Spectre aside maybe the surface book has lesser specs, but it's still on par with the MBP which makes it a competitor.

Plus everything HP makes is literal trash with a worse build quality than modern Lenovo craptops, so that's one thing the SB and the MBP has over it.

That's not as easy because laptop cpu performance has been stagnant for years

>Oh so you're the Spectre shill who makes threads every hour?
Dude, how much time do you spend here? I have a MacBook Pro--I'm just making casual conversation about nice laptops.

>No guys I own a MBP!
Yeah sure thing, Pajeet. There is no reason the SB shouldn't be considered a competitor to the MBP considering the fact that it has the same or better specs and the same or better build quality.

>accuse me of being some kind of shill and imply that you're here 24-7
>literally shilling the surface book in every single post
...are you mentally ill?

>implying they make you buy a new computer because of the new CPU
Perfect example: a few years back, Macbooks had a problem where a sensor responsible for collecting the system temperatures would fail, causing the system to believe it's overheating like shit and artificially underclocking the CPU.
Planned obsolescence.

How does noticing that some faggot continuously starts threads and shills the Spectre on Sup Forums imply I'm here 24/7?
Projecting much?

>How does noticing that some faggot continuously starts threads and shills the Spectre on Sup Forums imply I'm here 24/7?
...because that's literally the only way you'd possibly notice that kind of trend...?

I think I'm dealing with genuine mental illness with this guy. Like, not the meme kind of the le ebin insult kind, but actual mental instability. I kind of feel bad for you. We're just talking about laptops, bro...

Isn't the XPS 15 $1200 or something wth the 1050 in it?

With the keyboard-base that has the 960 GPU inside it smashes the MacBook, and remains just as light.
You can fairly compare the surface tablet without the base because a MacBook is permanently on is base

>Isn't the XPS 15 $1200 or something wth the 1050 in it?


>...because that's literally the only way you'd possibly notice that kind of trend...?

Lol what? You're kidding right? So now anyone who has ever noticed a trend in their life has a mental illness?

So if I notice that the Washington Post is biased against Trump I am mentally ill and obviously read Washington Post articles 24/7?

I think the problem isn't me, I think the problem is you're genuinely retarded with no ability to recognize patterns or doing any critical thinking at all.

>owns a Mac
Well, I guess that was given anyway.

>Lol what? You're kidding right? So now anyone who has ever noticed a trend in their life has a mental illness?
Uh, no. Are you stupid on top of being mentally ill? You keep moving the goalposts and your posts are becoming more and more bizarre, inane, and incoherent. I'm suggesting that you'd only notice the trend you're accusing me of being part of if you were here a lot, and I'm pointing out that your erratic and disturbing posts indicate mental illness. Get it together, man... this is really disturbing...

If you need someone to talk to I can post a throwaway email and we can get in touch and I can maybe get you the help you need...

Why dont you program a pdf reader yourself?

Not him but clearly the issue here is you dumbass

>uh, no you're retarded
>uh, no, you're retarded
>actually no, you're retarded
>are you serious? You're clearly retarded

>I'm suggesting that you'd only notice the trend you're accusing me of being part of if you were here a lot
How is that?
Most threads on Sup Forums were made hours age, obviously Sup Forums is a slow board. I only browse Sup Forums when I'm on the train to and from work.

>moving the goalpost

And how am I moving the goalpost?

Also notice how your post is entirely ad hominem, I guess you don't have any real arguments after all and just want to release frustration.

> Ha. Wintoddlers can't even do basic pdf markup
Don't make claims that are easily disproven with a 30 second google search.
I'm not even going to bother, because you're not even worth that much time.

The Spectre thread was posted like 5 times in the span of two hours today.
I saw them.

>ur dumb and use a mac!

u hav a mental illness n ur dumb!

I'm so happy Sup Forums is such an intelligent board for intelligent discussions like this.

Dude obviously you have a mental illness too lol, you have to be mentally ill to recognize 5 threads shilling the HP spectre showing within the span of two hours.
Like you're a total retard!

1. works for me fine
2. third party programs :^

Yeah I'm starting to think that that guy is actually an HP shill who keeps posting this shit. I don't think anyone could be that unaware and get that much frustrated at a guy just pointing it out.

>And how am I moving the goalpost?
For one thing, you continually separate my point from what I use to reach that point, and you do this intentionally.
> So now anyone who has ever noticed a trend in their life has a mental illness?
See this leap? Any cognitively normal person reading my posts understood that my point was
>spend a lot of time here -> notice the trend
See how you seemingly randomly disconnected those two things and associated them with other random things in my post? You're continually moving the goalposts like this.
> How does noticing that some faggot continuously starts threads and shills the Spectre on Sup Forums imply I'm here 24/7?
How does it not?

I mean, you lose any and all credibility when you won't concede even the tiniest and most benign point. You're simply denying any and all charges leveled against you, no matter what they may be. You're honestly sperging out for all to see.
>You're the spectre shill I see here every hour on the hour!
>"well you must be here a lot..."
>"wow calm down I think you might be having a prob-"

I didn't read that but I'm sure it's very informative

I'm the guy that made the Spectre threads not the guy you're accusing

lol retard

What do you even do when you read so many uninformed posters in one thread

The touchbar seems really cool, I wish that kind of close integration between the software and hardware was possible on Windows/Linux machines.

But I tried the keyboard out in store, it's not as bad as I expected, but I'd still prefer a normal chiclet style keyboard on a laptop.


You drop the truth bomb about the best ultrabook on the market right now

I haven't been on Sup Forums in a while, but I'm remembering why I left.

It's time to step away, and take a break. Time is too precious for this.

it did not fucking get better. Lion was horrible and Yosemite was really horrible and Sierra is the buggiest piece of shit ever created.

>How does it not?

Maybe it has to do with threads on Sup Forums up for hours? I guess it's different on reddit and Sup Forums, but it takes a lot longer time period for threads to disappear on this board. If you take a look right now there's still threads from Friday up.

So when there's 5 threads shilling the spectre in the catalog every time I'm on Sup Forums, it gets noticeable real fucking quick.

How you equate any of this with having a mental illness and being here 24/7 goes beyond me.

>I see here every hour on the hour
You took that literally? Are you a fucking moron or is English not your first language?

Can windows unzip files by now? Asking honestly too, haven't used windows since 7.

Yeah it has winrar built in except it's somehow worse than winrar

you can just use edge, or any browser, to look at pdfs in windows nowadays.


Yeah it uses Edge as the default application for opening PDFs. They still don't have a standalone application for editing and opening pdfs, they rather spend that time on failed efforts like their maps and messaging apps

Nope, only zip files. Still no support for rar.

No clue what this guy is talking about.

That's what I've been doing actually
Based Goygle, keeping me away from shitty foss alternatives to word

Google Docs is sort of shit. Doesn't Microsoft offer word online for free?

no one gave a good answer to this yet
youre thinking of the $1399 one. it has 8gb memory (compared to 16gb), PCIe SSD (compared to NVMe) and a hilarious SRGB 1080p display.


>no one gave a good answer to this yet
There is none the guy is talking out his ass, and even if he did find one it still would probably have a 1080p TN panel as the display.

>PCIe SSD (compared to NVME)

>PCIe SSD (compared to NVMe)
Typical macfag response

>PCIe SSD (compared to NVMe)

Mactoddlers everyone.

Is Mac OS is something that you get used to? Why should I put effort into to doing things that can be done much quicker on Windows?

Why does it matter? Use whatever you like, whatever you want. What do you even do with your computer other than basic tasks and mostly media consumption, like most users?

I have a hard time imagining Windows ever surpassing OS X, especially after the clusterfuck known as Windows 10.

Scott Forstall got shitcanned.

>PCIe SSD (compared to NVMe)
What the fuck you nigger.

>falling for an obvious false flag

Ah the old Sup Forums banteroo!

>Perfomance is the only thing people care about

Windows 10 is what finally pushed me to get my first Mac, this was when it first came out. Watching it evolve into the mess it it today has been hilarious, so glad I don't deal with that shit anymore.

>Windows rapidly catching up to Mac OS

>Here's our new file manager
>It's the equivalent to a file manager app on a smartphone, so literally no options
>Meanwhile Finder can do columns and spring loading

>Here's our new settings panel
>Can't add new elements

>Here's our new design
>It's flatty flat flat with more flat than you can get

>Here's our new task view
>Feature that's been there for generations on different systems
>Doesn't even allow for full screen applications

>Here's our updates
>Oh, there be constant and unstable
>Oh, there be unstoppable

Talking purely performace, a specced out inspiron 7567 with 4k display will outperform the base 15inch Macbook for under 1300 usd.

>having your values assigned by society
>the very essence of being cucked
>not thinking for yourself
Typical Mac user

>It's flatty flat flat with more flat than you can get
seriously what the fuck are they doing, it looks atrocious

I fell for the HP Spectre meme
will i be okay

>ha ha OS X is great because it has all these 3rd party programs to add functionality to it!
>Windows sucks because you have to rely on 3rd party software for everything!

Who're you replying to?

>friend needs to send an archived folder to me
>His Google Drive doesn't give him permission
>grab my USB stick 'here bro'
>He stares at me powerlessly from his $3600 macbook with no usb ports