Tell me again, why haven't you moved to the Donetsk People's Republic yet?

Tell me again, why haven't you moved to the Donetsk People's Republic yet?
>no laws
>good "hacker culture"
>no visas needed
>cheap as fuck

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not a big enough cuck to die for Putin's petty schemes.

i rather kill myself than live in that shithole.

Literally inhabited by russian criminals that got pardoned in exchange to go fight those nigger ukranians.
It's the next australia.

>good "hacker culture"

For the two days in a week you actually get electricity?

You mean Ukraine, right?

Because I like being able to drink the water from my tap

>Drinking water from the tap

That's on par with shitting on the streets.

People drink water from tap? I only use it to wash dishes and clothes.. It's fucking terrible, regardless where you live.

Not everyone lives in a shithole like you do.

There's nothing wrong with drinking tap water if you live in a proper country.

Everywhere I was, tap water was "hard" water which is not good for you to drink. Unless you can't afford bottled water, there's no reason to drink tap water.

>Everywhere I was
So? I don't care about your 3rd world experience.

Bottled water contains all the same minerals. You're literally wasting your money on bullshit.

>no laws
you see, that means you get robbed every week or killed and called terrorist after that

No. Try boiling tap water and bottled water (separately). Empty the kettle then look on its side. Realise that happens to your internal organs as well.

You're free to drink sewer water for all i care..

>no laws
>good "hacker culture"
>no visas needed
>cheap as fuck

Congratulations, you succeeded at creating the Somalia of Europe.
I hope you're proud.

Hard water isn't bad for you, or at least not noticeably bad.

That's just calcium and magnesium and stuff. All good for you.

>no laws
>Forgets the law of the jungle.

What the fuck? In what kind of shit hole do you live in?

Our tap water is cleaner than bottled water.

>drinking hard water is bad for you
[citation needed]

That reasoning is on the same tier as 'bread contains ingredients from yoga mats, therefore it's bad for you'

Tell me again, why are you shitposting on my board with your russian propaganda?

No way! Fuck this pigsty, ISIS is better.

>tfw russian cancer will be soon eradicated from ukraine using T virus and BOWs

I live in Alaska. Now enlighten me, which 'non-shitholes' do you lot live in?

Lithuania here. 100% of our tap water are taken from artesian wells.
I heard US uses lakes and such for drinking water.

Switzerland. Better move to yurupoor small son.

It is for your kidneys.

>All good for you
Hahahah, what is this? Shilling? Do you happen to work for some water "purification" facility?

>Our tap water is cleaner than bottled water.
I don't know. I can tell you that tap water is wau too hard in these countries: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Russia and Ukraine. I've been in all and it's the same hard water. I wouldn't drink it even if you pay me.

You think it's good? Well then, feel free to drink it then. Word of advice, do a kidney check every now and then..

I don't eat bread at all. Bread makes you gain weight.


Trump pls go

>Hahahah, what is this? Shilling? Do you happen to work for some water "purification" facility?
Says the mong who buys "mineral water" in bottles.

I tested it, it's a lot better. The kettle remains clean after boiling it.

>no laws
>no visas needed
These are good things to you? Fuck off

>It is for your kidneys
Not really. Your kidneys don't boil it.
If it was really substantially bad for you, there would be studies to back up that claim.
Do you boil water inside of you?

>Your kidneys don't boil it
They don't, but the same thing happens.

There is an entire subset of essential nutrients consisting of various minerals. We literally need them to survive. If you are afraid of getting too much then avoid foods which contain large quantitieis.

It really doesn't though. Leave tap water and bottled water in a glass for 12 hours and you will see that both the glasses will remain unstained (unless your tap water truly is 3rd world tier)

>We literally need them to survive
Brainwashing at its finest. Drink it happily, I guess..

Are your kidneys made of glass too?

This is incorrect. The process of distillation (what you just described) will eave behind any minerals which do not evaporate at the same temperature used to evaporate the water (in this case "room temperature")

However, this is irrelevant because

Because i don't like terrorists. This cancer must be eradicated off this planet with biological weaponry.

If you are lucky, tap water is quite good (assuming it gets properly prepared and the plumbing isn'T shit).

Granted, in some places/buildings I lived in, it was bad, but where I am now I could drink it all day.

Yay civilization.

>Hahahah, what is this? Shilling? Do you happen to work for some water "purification" facility?

Take off that tinfoil hat man. Why would a government operated water treatment plant need shilling? I mean, they maybe charge 10cents/day for a day's worth of drinking water and probably aren't even turning a profit because they're taxpayer subsidized

If you studied neuroscience at all you would know that most of these essential minerals are also common neurotransmitters used for cellular communication in your brain. Are you retarded?


It used to be better here where I live. First time I went to Italy I was shocked how bad their water was. However, we cought up in the last few years and now we have crap water too.

Keep telling this to yourselves, good bois. But don't lure others into drinking that shit.

Italy is quite literally a 3rd world country in most aspects.

Alaska is neat and all, but not exactly the epitome of "First World"

Just do it!

It was only my first encounter with this awful water.
Nowhere does it say hard water is a risk factor.

Um, you mean one has minerals that you need and the other does not?

the hardness of water is a regional variable, not something you can attribute to an entire country.

cursory google search says that the relationship between kidney stones and hard water is unsure.

>calcium, copper, magnesium, sodium, zinc
You went full potato

Medical science proves that we need at least 10 different essential minerals, half of which are found in substantial amounts in water. Regardless of how much water you drink, the majority of these minerals will be consumed in the form of food. Are you going to stop eating food now too? Fucking retard.

Portugal's and Spain's water is also really bad, completely filled with lime cause they over recycle it.
France's is supposed to be better cause they got larger water reserves. But most first world countries have shit water filled with heavy metals anyways no matter what stubborn retards say.

>cursory google search says that the relationship between kidney stones and hard water is unsure.
The only known major contributing factors to kidney stones are dehydration, excess salt, excess protein, and it is hypothesized that foods high in oxalate may also contribute.

>can't formulate a proper response backed by reasoning

>it doesn's say on this page so it's good!!!!111111111

>that you need
You think those are minerales? Sup Forumsullible should be this board named.

I've been in many cities from different regions. Same shit.

And you really think that's what that water that you're drinking contains?

Maybe you stayed at shit motels with shit plumbing, idk.
I can't tell the difference between my tap water and the simple kind of bottled water. Idk what it's called in English.

> hacker culture

>And you really think that's what that water that you're drinking contains?
If it's not, then provide verifiable evidence.

Ikr, it's the sad "modern" era we're living into. Backed up by these tools..

I stayed in both hotels and apartments in different regions.

I'm not here to make you not drink the shit you have on your tap.

>You think those are minerales? Sup Forumsullible should be this board named
What are they then? Mind control chemicals the government puts in the water supply?

Then you either have some kind of amazing spidey-sense of what is hard water and what isn't, or you were extremely unlucky, or you're just simply lying.
The latter seems the most believable to me.

>I'm not here to make you not drink the shit you have on your tap.
Youre previous comments contradict this statement. It seems more likely that you are unprepared to back up your unfounded beliefs.

Seriously, what specific minerals are you worried about? Flouride? You should know that your standard carbon water filter will not remove flouride from your water.

Whatever shit they use to "purify" the sewer water that then gets to your tap.

>sewer water
Why are you repeating this? Not every country is as shit as the US.

>you were extremely unlucky
Many people reported the same, I doubt I was unlucky.

>Why are you repeating this
Because that's what it is.

Ok so you're just full of shit then.
Read the sentence that goes after the one you've quoted.

There is definitely a noticeable difference in taste depending on the mineral content of the water. That is all besides the point though because there is nothing wrong with consuming those minerals

>no laws
good luck getting raped by jamal every night

Why use Givi's picture? He was neither a criminal nor from Russia. Grabbing someone by the face does not make you a criminal when you're grabbing someone who's been bombing you and killing your fellow soldiers and acts like an arrogant piece of trash after capture.

Drink you're shit (literally, and others' shit too), nobody is stopping you.

>Drink you're shit
>Drink you are shit

> Why use Givi's picture? He was neither a criminal nor from Russia.
You don't have to be criminal (or russian, for that matter) to be 100kg of manure looking almost human.

Ah, lol. Well, you are what you eat.. and drink.

You forgot war.

>claims there are harmful things in the water
>cannot provide any evidence

Shit you see on TV was overblown..

Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics.
Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics.
Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics.
Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

>all this blind rage
It's stopping you from seeing the light. I literally drink artesian water from my tap. That's the same water you buy. The only difference is that you pay for it.

It's not the same, I already told how to test this at home.

It's like ukraine but you ALSO suck Russian dick too. Like if you just want to feel like a cuck you can choose the light version.

what evidence do you need again?

It is Ukraine.

So if you have tested it, then tell us specifically what in the water is harmful. What substance(s)? Oh, you can't, you say? Then fuck off until you have evidence you anti-science retard.

Now tell me why it's bad.
Some hippies believe that bottled water is bad because there are particles of plastic in it. Should I start rubbing that in your face?

Any evidence that would indicate that modern city tap water is more harmful than bottled water.

Boil (you don't necessarily need to reach the boiling point) it and see for yourself. It's exactly what happens to your kidneys too.

>Now tell me why it's bad.
Forms kidney stones.

I don't know about you, but my kidneys have never even gone close to the boiling point of water.

I live in ukraine, been drinking tap water for last 27 years (all my life lol), still alive which is quite fortunate for my age.

Your kidneys also aren't made of metal or glass.

It doesn't. The connection could not be proven by scientists.
It's as factual as vaccines causing autism

>Boil it and see for yourself
So you are afraid of minerals. Good job retard. Our bodies are well equipped to process minerals as many of them are essential nutrients used as neurotransmitters in our brains. Providing evidence of minerals in water is not the same thing as providing evidence that the minerals are harmful.

>It's exactly what happens to your kidneys too
Except that's not true and there is no evidence that is true

Unless you can provide evidence or at least name a specific substance in the water that is known to exist and to be harmful, then you are retarded and need to shut the fuck up. Take a minute to learn how the scientific method works. At your current step in the scientific method, you only have a hypothesis (and not a very good one either). It is not even a theory yet.

Maybe yours aren't

1 Putin-ruble* has been deposited in your Sberbank account.

*Putin-rubles are not equivalent to Russian Federation Rubles. They can be redeemed for clothing from the online store of political youth organization 'Nashi' or medals of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation **

**Issuance of medals subject to being a member of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation and signing an agreement to not disclose the participation of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation in the Ukranian civil war. Metal content of medals subject to international oil prices.