He bought a Kabylake processor

>He bought a Kabylake processor
>He's not at least waiting to see what Ryzen can do
>He's perfectly fine with overpaying for a name brand instead of perfomrance



Yeah sure.

Oh no a spelling mistake.

There goes my argument lads!

A better argument wiuld be to wait fo coffee lake 6cores user

>not waiting three decades for home quantum computers before upgrading


Next year? Fantastic.

Between waiting 30 years, spending 1500$ on a jewtel processor and just buying a 300$ Rizen, the latter looks like the best option!

No readsn to upgarde from sandy brigade

I already bought a Xeon E5 1650v4 (basically an i7 6850k)

I really don't give a flying fuck how good Ryzen is. I'm not upgrading again for like 4 years at minimum.

8 core 12 thread skylake level IPCs for $300. If it overclocks well intel is truly fucked.

Some people are just retards.

>he says all that on the board with daily jewelry threads

Like you.



I want to mindbreak Sheena

>tfw surface pro 5 will have kabyshit instead of ryzen master race

>Implying Intel would let any brands use Ryzen

>Not buying the CPU that will lead Humanity in light.

Did you really expect us to wait for 8+ years for AMD to get their shit together? 90%+ of the market didn't, I don't know why you expect anyone to buy shit-tier products because of muh feels or muh joos. It's sad you couldn't afford an Intel processor while AMD delivered absolute trash all these years.

rude desu

Pic related hasn't disappointed yet.



>cute girl (male).png

>He bought a processor that was available at the time he needed a new one
It's not like you fags have been chanting "Just wait for Zen!" for years already...