Reminder that when you use free software, you are supporting the struggle for a free society without hate and violence...

Reminder that when you use free software, you are supporting the struggle for a free society without hate and violence, and tolerance and personal freedoms for everyone.

Thank you!

Other urls found in this thread:

You're welcome, Richard.

Does Sup Forums use non-free JavaScript?

>start using Free Software
>qt10.0 notices my laptop from accross the room
>walks over
>"Hey... hey user"
>"I see you're eh... using Debian without the non-free or contrib repositories"
>Goddamn right. How about I get them digits?
>she jots them down
>fucking apt-get update && sudo apt dist-upgrade right in front of her
>she fucking orgasms
>entire room erupts in smegma

We need to defend our freedoms.
Look at what happened in Sweden last night.

>without hate and violence and tolerance
Apartheid Linux

>personal freedoms
Red Star OS

That will be all

>meme distros
>you still can fork them and make "Inclusion Linux" and "Rainbow Star OS" with it

Point disproven

The point I was trying to made, that you apparently couldn't comprehend because of your double digit IQ, is that FOSS only applies to free software (as in software that respects your four freedoms). It has nothing to do with society in general.

The fact that there is variant of GPL'd software that violates your personal freedom by monitoring you and surveilling you (Red Star) and another that refuses to include any code written by non-white programmers and has a mission goal of spreading the concept of apartheid and race purity disproves OP's original claim, namely that by simply using FOSS you are somehow joining the struggle for a better world.

The conclusion is that you're not. You can be a racist fucktwat and still think FOSS is the best thing since sliced bread (see Eric S. Raymond).

Both are not free software as defined by the FSF

They're free, neither contain proprietary blobs and they are both solely using software with free licenses.

They go against the four software freedoms.

Apartheid Linux violates freedom 2 by it's MUH WHITE PPL restrictions.

And Red Star OS is in clear violation of the GPL because the source code can't be officially download anywhere.

hey man, my house is dirty, will you clean it for me? For free? plz?

>They go against the four software freedoms.
Please state how they do this?

>Apartheid Linux violates freedom 2 by it's MUH WHITE PPL restrictions.
It has no such restriction, you can fork it and modify it and redistribute it even if you're a brown person.

>And Red Star OS is in clear violation of the GPL because the source code can't be officially download anywhere.
It's not a GPL requirement to be downloadable, the GPL only states that you must be allowed to redistribute the source code even if that means using floppy disks.

>you are supporting the struggle for a free society without hate and violence, and tolerance
Maybe I should install Windows then

you better, polturd

And anyway, all the source code they use are already downloadable because it's essentially just Debian with KDE and without apt.

>another that refuses to include any code written by non-white programmers and has a mission goal of spreading the concept of apartheid and race purity disproves OP's original claim, namely that by simply using FOSS you are somehow joining the struggle for a better world.

Do they use zsh instead of bash then? Because bash was written by this fine man

Yes. Liberated software is communism in action.

I misspoke, they actually do include such code. They just don't allow brown people to become distro maintainers or affiliated with the project in any way.

Actually, zsh is named after a chinese professor that taught Paul Falstad, the programmer, everything.

Maybe they could use fish instead? Or ash? Or powershell?


it's that word again.

I don't think that was a girl user....

Also it should be noted that Stallman is literally a jew. Sooo racists using GNU/Linux is quite a laughable notion

>all racists hate jews

Jews are okay people, I just hate some brown and all black people and also some south-asians.

Why so much self hate?

I hate niggers but like black people as well. Asians are pretty chill when not being absolutely disgusting and smelling weird

Funny meme. I don't even hate most other peoples, just specific races and cultures that are cancerous to mankind.

Like american culture, yes.

Japanese and South-Koreans are okay, some Chinese and Vietnamese too. But South-Asians like Malaysians, Philipines and Indonesians should just kill themselves.

Butthurt third worlder detected

t. white trash mongrel

I'm a superior dane, not some halfbreed germanoid anglo.

>Philipines and Indonesians should just kill themselves.
this, they're so raunchy and ugly. Met a filipino gril who fully denied that the philippines is a shithole. I fell for a half-filipino girl once, I miss her a lot user ;^(
>being proud of SJW country
ok mister whiteman. t. bloodline of worldwide whiteness (ask and I'll show you what I mean)

>t. bloodline of worldwide whiteness
Typical murritard response.
There are no "whites", just different nations. Are spaniards white? Slavs? Italians? Serbs?

I think not.

close. Dominican
white dominican (blonde)
white dominican (green eyes)
>Grandmother (Maternal)
white dominican (blonde)
>Grandfather (Maternal)
white dominican (blue eyes)
>Grandmother (Paternal)
white egyptian (ashkenazi)
>Grandfather (paternal)
white dominican (green eyes)
>Great-grandfather (paternal)
russian (slav)
>Great grandmother (paternal)


ayyyyy ese


Pick one

ayyy, Santo Domingo my boi
white skin green eyes and was blonde in early years. I think you meant to catch the other user. May I remind you this was a spanish colony before Haitians and freed slaves cuckt everyone?

Spaniards have moorish genes so they're nignogs

>I'm a superior dane, not some halfbreed germanoid anglo.
And I'm Norwegian, and your country is overran by niggers and arabs.

yes, i might have like 3% nog inside me at this point.

says the neo somalian

oslo is new mogadishu

user, we have like 30,000 somalis in Norway in total

Meanwhile, you have them running around doing all sorts of crimes


its your fault that the average programmer only makes a "nice" sallary instead of a "O M G" one. imagine how much money could we ask our employeers for if we all were to develop on the glorious yet a bit more expenssive Windows (R) + .NET(R) platform. also imagine no java/php pajeets, only white people and occasioanlly chinks (because to get started with coding you will need money that they wouldn't be ever able to save up). IMAGINE.

Balmer had it all figured out, but you had to ruin it.

Thanks freetards, I spit on every of your future graves!

>Microsoft invented programming

Ironically, my last job outsourced .NET development to piss cheap Indians while I at my current job work with only in-house stuff even though it's using open technologies.

gnu/linux supports the nsa
you fell for the gahnoo meme my friend

>>"I see you're eh... using Debian without the non-free or contrib repositories"
>>fucking apt-get update && sudo apt dist-upgrade right in front of her
>>she fucking orgasms
then you go home and commit suicide with the power cable from the vacuum cleaner.

>then you go home and commit suicide with the power cable from the vacuum cleaner.
Nice meme, but everyone knows that a true NEET doesn't even own a vacuum cleaner.

but still contain gnu code that get the fsf thumbs up

>>Apartheid Linux violates freedom 2 by it's MUH WHITE PPL restrictions.
>It has no such restriction, you can fork it and modify it and redistribute it even if you're a brown person.
must get it NOW!


Isn't this guy part of the pro-pedophilia movement?

What's stopping Jamal or pablo from using apartheid linux despite being told not to by stormfront?

Absolutely nothing;

>without hate and violence, and tolerance and personal freedoms for everyone
All the projects that adopted insane CoCs disagree with this statement
Your freedom ends where my feelings begin