Russian man kills friend over argument about AMD vs Nvidia

What the fuck, Russia?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Aleksander ended up murdering his friend for claiming that AMD was better

Why are nvidiots so fragile?

Just posting so my username moves to new browser. Pls ignore

Go away Jordan.

epic, include me in the screencap

>Aleksander ended up murdering his friend for claiming that AMD was better.

well, nvidia IS better, so he is not wrong

Nvidia wins again.

And then I realized, like I was shot. Like I was shot with a diamond. A diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought, My God. The genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized Nvidia were stronger than we.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>Why are nvidiots so fragile?
it seems that you don't understand that the amd faggot weakling got wasted.

Russians are a broken, sick, serf people


And then they say it's propaganda when we say they're so fucking bored in Russia

Well Nvidia is flat out better than AMD so I don't see what's wrong.


>be amdtard
>get wasted

Nvidiots are so easily triggered, needing to silence those who don't agree with them so they feel safe in their bubbles.
Case in point.

>Although, the incident took place over an year ago, Aleksander got convicted and sentenced only recently. He was handed a nine and a half year prison sentence for the crime.

I just want to play video games and talk about tech stuff in a friendly matter with my fellows nerds

He was justified desu senpai, AMDfags deserve death

Well then just don't go to russia and you won't be shot in real life for talking about fucking gpus. Just in your gaymes.

only future murderers buy nvidia

please logout from all your browsers and never return

At least it's not a Florida man for once

final solution for AMDfags when?

>He was handed a nine and a half year prison sentence for the crime.

At least when he gets out, AMD might have released a high end card by then.

Wanted to create the thread myself, lol.
Why don't you mention that they were both PROGRAMMERS?


fucking mongols xD