I find this really amusing

I find this really amusing

why is AMD not on fire?

because he ran faster than the nvidia guy

amd fans are normies and nvidia fans are fat pieces of shit?

but he's running so fast the air resistance is setting him on fire?

nope he was wearing an after market jacket that made him cooler

you win

thanks losing like a gentleman

Guy on right couldn't escape because no driver for car.

tripfag low key plz sue of side

he didnt think of getting in his car because the nvidia user was slow anyway

Fucking tripfag

You're giving it attention. Just filter it.

The nVidiot was so butthurt he had to kill the guy. That shows who won the argument.

he was just trying to give his friend a free fermi sample


Seriously, don't try to reason with a dumb gorilla.

>switch from AMD gpu to nvidia
>feel super guilty whenever I see "the way it's meant to be played" when starting a game
how do I fix this?
I just wanted a new gpu, I didn't want to feel like a shill...

Use Nvidia GPU for now
Buy Vega when that launches

didn't nvidia guy tried to burn his body?
I shouldn't laugh about it, but god

> how do I fix this?
Realize it's just a marketing tool. Game shouldn't run better on one brand or another.