Post borders that triggers your autism

Post borders that triggers your autism



That triggers you?
You've obviously never seen this.


Because Ohio fought valiantly to take the city of Toledo from the disgusting Michiganders. Michigan was compensated with that piece of land from the federal government.


wew lad, why do you have a spanish name up in the north?

dutch cucks


oie pero que ordenado ese desorden

im pretty sure that used to be spanish territory before french took it

From wikipedia:

"but the reason for this choice [of naming it Toledo] is buried in a welter of legends. One recounts that Washington Irving, who was traveling in Spain at the time, suggested the name to his brother, a local resident; this explanation ignores the fact that Irving returned to the United States in 1832. Others award the honor to Two Stickney, son of the major who quaintly numbered his sons and named his daughters after States. The most popular version attributes the naming to Willard J. Daniels, a merchant, who reportedly suggested Toledo because it 'is easy to pronounce, is pleasant in sound, and there is no other city of that name on the American continent.'"


It's quite funny because houses are literally split in half.

left is Belgium and right is the Netherlands.


wtf is going on here

northern bangeladesh


You guys really love to complicate things. Will the unification of Flanders with the Netherlands end this monstrosity?

Unfortunately, the unification with Flanders isn't going to happen soon.


Rightful clay.

>the peace agreement didnt give us bosnia back

Kek, if I'm not mistaken the Spanish Republic wanted to form a government in exile there after they were ousted during the Spanish Civil War.

It's not though. They speak Swedish, have Swedish culture and wasn't historically part of Finland. It's only due to a stupid decision by the, now defunct, league of nations that led you to gain ownership of it.

To which country do they have to pay taxes I wonder

Bosnia has only pockets of Croat populations, why the fuck would Croatia get all of Bosnia? Especially after the ethnic cleansing and conflict?

Lol, no?

Also Croatia never had Bosnia, you all Basically split from Serbia (Yugoslavia). If Bosnia was going to be given back to anybody it would have been Serbia.


You can't be more cucked than this

I like how the road linking the two sides of Ukraine goes through Moldova and they still landcucked them. fucking ukrainians


I remember the problems with my mobile internet here. I had to switch it on and off all the time

What longstanding historical claims does Serbia even have for Bosnia?

part of our kingdom(yeah i know,just shut up)
and part of nazi state during ww2
and the borders are just nice

Ethnic borders would also look pretty good.
You won't have to worry about Muslims ruining your country, then.

both completely irrelevant

see Traveling from Osijek to Dubrovnik is a pain in the ass
>either drive for almost 6 hours round about the entire country
>go through bosnia and pay border crossing fees twice

too many serbs though
they would probably had some sick ass authonomy or even partnership

but borders would look pretty nice

you have to go thru bosnia anyway :^)

Kind of related question:
Why didn't Serbia and Bosnia ally during the Croat vs Bosniak war?
Would be good for both Serbia and Croatia since about 35% of Bosnia had Serbian population and Bosnia also had 15% Croatian population.

im assuming you're asking why didn't croats and serbs allied
if not well the answer is still the same
im guessing that the serbs wanted to wait and let us wear eachother dow so they could just sweep in after that war

also serbia was never de jure in war

Just annex Northern Catalonia.

Oh, fucking GREAT! You need international customs in your own fucking house!

You can make, like, 8 penis jokes out of that boarder! That should be the unit of fucked-upness of a thing: penis jokes.

why is one bit full of Czechs? is it a community left over from the Hapsburg times?

When the Habsburgs reconquered that territory from the Ottomans, the muslims fled.
This left a lot of open territory, which got repopulated by Czechs in some cases.

>we gave them that little path to the sea
just fuck my shit up sempai

croats are really good with the vast majority of bosniaks despite the brief war between us (im a bosniak but consider myself a croat, >inb4 mudslime)
say we were to accept being annexed into your country: this united country would have 8,647,889 people, 6,569,608 would be Croats and Bosniaks making about 76% of the population and there would be 1,425,652 serbs making about 16% of the (minority) population

its actually not that bad of an idea t b q h

>many Dutch go there to buy fireworks

It reminds me of my hometown, just across the river from Wisconsin. :D

>im a bosniak but consider myself a croat
i have a muslim neighbours
they were reugees from bosnia but they dont consider themselves bosniaks,just croats
so how could you be bosniak and a croat
and also you are implying bosniaks would ever again identify as croats

Point Roberts is retarded.

they wouldnt identify as croats but you guys are basically our best friends around here in a national sense so we would have the majority controll in this country as well as our controll being unison(back in the 90s there were actually rumors before Dayton that we will join into a confederation with you)
>how can you be bosniak and a croat
my family is bosniak but my personal opinion is that bosniaks are croats, but thats just my own opinion based on personal research
we register ourselves as croats in the population census though

well, the general rule is the side your numberplate is on. in this case i don't know

>but my personal opinion is that bosniaks are croats
why is that

anywas, research ive done on my own over the internet (which is kinda a meme by itself but still)
i've read both serbian claims on us and croatian for a long time and slowly gathered information and built my opinion around that


The main reason why I want to see Palestinians eradicated and for Israel to take their land is because the border is so fucking ugly.

why are you accepting any of claims
why dont you believe that the bosniaks were never croats or serbs like most of you guys claim

Because that's false. Only Serbs, Croats and Slovenes migrated here. Macedonies, Montenegrins, Bosniaks are all memes of the XIX century

well yeah,but still here they(you?) are

Is that France getting SPAIN'D or Spain getting FRENCH'D?


this the bosniak nationality feels like it had way to much to do with 20th century politics rather than being an actual nationality and same with Macedonians
on the other hand contrary to what he said i find Montenegrins an actual nationality because of their history which is far deeper than the ''Bosnian'' medieval ''Kingdom'' tbqh

Srbin sam, da se razumemo.
Bosnjaci jesu ovdje, da, ne osporavam im nacionalnost osnovanu na islamu, nego prosto drzavu. Bosnjacke drzave nema. BiH je neuspjeli multikulti eksperiment Njemaca; dbi Srbi Srbiji, Hrvati Hrvatskoj, a Bosnjake kudikamo, mene sto se pita, u Albaniiju.

No customs in Europe lad

>Montenegrins an actual nationality they called themselves serbs tbf
ma mogu i k nama vis da nas vole

Znas vidim zasto bi Crnogorci bili nacija, ipak je to stotine godina samostalno razvica u brdima Dinara; ipak, Njegos se zvao Srbinom, kao i njeni kraljevi, velikasi i ostali;

licni razlog: zudim za srpskim morem, necu da budemo jadni kao Moldavija

I have a question for the /Balks/ here

How come Kosovars/Serbs/Croats are all tall and white while albanians are small little shitskins ?

we're illyrians and they are small little shitskins

god is a serb
croats are catholic serbs
kosovo is serbia
pretty selfexplanory tbqh familia

They also held a vote whether they wanted to belong to Sweden where 95% voted in favor

imagine how they feel
highschool students have to cross borders four times a day

motherfucking daruvar i think
>im part czech myself and have a czech surname,yet im not from that area

ne zovu se svi crnogorci srbima, stovise vecinsko stanovnistvo je nacionalisticki okrenuto prema tome da se nazivaju crnogorci i postoji poveci crnogorski nacionalizam tamo, ponajbolji prijatelj mi je crnogorac jedino sto kaze je da im je drzava zakurac i u debelim govnima zbog ruskog kriminala pa kaze da im ulazak u NATO zapravo moze pomoc u tom smislu

slazem se da RS ode Srbiji a Federacija Hrvatskoj, ali po meni je problem Banjalucki dio RS-a, doslovno bi bio doslovno tumor usred Hrvatske, a jos jedan problem je Brcko Distrikt za kojeg, kad sam prico o ovom sa srbima, i hrvatima i srbima predstavlja opet odredenu vaznost
>ako das srbima opet je hrvatska presjecena na zaobilaznice
>ako das hrvatima, srbi nebi pak to smatrali postenim iz svojih vlastitih razloga

kek, Prussia is ethnically more Ukrainian and Armenian than it is German at this point

Why do you all hate eachother so much ? I spoke with some albanians, kosovars, bosniak etc (refugees) and they all told me how their country should annex all of the surrounding countries

albanias hate all slavs in the area
and they maybe tolerate croats


Which side is which in that picture?

they keep talking about this iskender bey removing the kebabs

also, is the mafia strong in croatia ? what about the others countries ? ive been told albania is really deep in drugs/corruption

Fuck off Frog, Alboshits breed like rabbits, scream ALLAH ALLAH buy my BREAD I RUBBED WITH FAT OF GOAT very soft tasty, I swear I didn't ecjalute in it or anything btw Kosovo is Albania, Sandzak is Albania, Epirus is Albania, Prespen is Albania, Alexandar Macedon WAS Albanian, Skanderbeg wasn't Serb, Mehemd the Great was Albanian; we the victims, we the most killed btw let me just burn one more church mom.


>is the mafia strong in croatia
not really
>they keep talking about this iskender bey removing the kebabs
thats rich coming from a muslim country
that guy dedicated his life fighting the turks and albanians embared islam en masse after they were conquered

>thats rich coming from a muslim country
>that guy dedicated his life fighting the turks and albanians embared islam en masse after they were conquered
that's exactly what i was wondering about, they look at turkish series all day on TV, some of them even speak turkish

What did you mean by this ?

well they arent exactly the smartest nation ever

I meant that absolutley everyone hates Albos


a lot of balks told me they hate serbs tho
i spoke with some kosovars, told them unironically i was rooting for serbia in all this (i didnt realize how mad this was)
The guy went batshit crazy
You guys should stop killing eachother

>You guys should stop killing eachother
OMG we have ourselves a nobel prize winner here,thanks for showing us the light

Fuck off, killing our neighbours is a national tradition, you wouldn't understeand. To your south you've got Muslim inbred Spainards, to the North - a pool of water separating your caliphate and Londonistan, a meme nation, and a nation so cucked that they aren't going to exist by 2020. And the Italians, but you couldn't wage war with them, because they'd just switch to your side, and then you'd surrender.

you realize yougoslavia has exploded because of western manipulations right ? now it is just a big turntable for weapon/drug dealing in EU
how sad

>now it is just a big turntable for weapon/drug dealing in EU
how sad
just how pathetic do you think we are?

well Croatia is ok, but Bosna/Albania/Macedonia are out of control

No it isn't.

are you telling me your country is not consumed by drug dealing and corruption ?


well Corruption is becoming a tradition , got my job trough it so i dont mind


Seriously what the fuck Switzerland