Linux is more stable than windows

>linux is more stable than windows
haha what a joke, nobody actually believes this right?

Linux is a kernel
Not an OS

>he fell for the loonix meme

most of operating stability issues come from a kernel

op is still retarded though

Yes, I'm retarded because KDE's power management module randomly decides to delet itself

Do linux developers even test their code? The worst part about using Linux is googling for a solution but getting nothing but old/outdated documentation or fixes that don't work because the developers change the structure of the software so much. Open source is a joke.

you probably accidentally deleted it

you know, cos ur retarded

No, I didn't. Fuck you faggot.

cat ~/.bashrc

Shut the fuck up and die moronic shits. Linux is THE most unstable piece of shit OS that exists today. Bunch of sperglords develop most of the shit that exists on the high level/Desktop and of course it would be unstable shit there.

Install LFS.

I'm not posting my bash history faggot, fuck you.

>KDE = Linux
This guy, am I right?

That's not the history, but the bash config. The history is conveniently named .bash_history

It's the only usable desktop environment

Name something better that doesn't require autistic configuration of 1000 plaintxt config files

stop blaming the kernel for shitty software

try reenabling the service retard, check your systemd history

gnome, cinnamon, xfce, mate, lxde, unity and others are all usable without configuration

pretty sure no one takes this linux thing seriously, it's just a meme

>complains about having to tweak technology
>on a board for technology enthusiasts.


>I'm gonna break shit and then screencap to prove that things organically break

We don't make those who can't drive manual transmission vehicles drive them.

You don't have to use GNU/Linux, you can always take the bus. And get to the back nigger

>manual transmissoins randomly shift into the wrong gear for no real reason

>Sup Forums
>technology enthusiasts

>doesn't drive manuals

There's usually a reason for that happening.

That was my point.

Linux source breaks for no real reason, it's like the devs don't do regression testing

proof op doesn't know much.

Also linux is stable af, its all the top level dev shit thats buggy. But at least its not bloat af.

>linux sources break

wtf are you even talking about?

if you are refering to the kernel you are sadly ill-informed

if you are refering to some random community project with a single dev that breaks on a new kernel release

that is in no way related to linux itself

plus you are implying that all distros are exactly the same

the fact is that some distros are dead stable with uptime of years

way exceeding the ability of windows (pentagon, ISS, satelites and probes, military radar and communication systems)

all of those use a modified linux kernel

not a modified windows kernel

>op used unity and ubuntu and thinks that is what linux is

>argues about a QT toolkit

QT graphical toolkit =/= linux

>using kde in the 2010s
Found your problem. KDE is an unstable piece of shit, especially on Ubuntu.

Use cinnamon or something.


>can't schedule a service
>on Sup Forums
explain this

>usable without configuration