Why is Japanese art so much better than Western Art?

Why is Japanese art so much better than Western Art?

I know, right?

Western art doesn't look like that. Nowadays it's like bleep bloop random color splashes.

the woodblock was for commoners, a specific style, ukiyo-e

they also have the chinese style for the nobles

it is never so simple

because it's not trying to be realistic. japanese art is a feel.

Yeah, it's because the purpose of truthfully capturing reality is more easily achieved through photography.
Modern art is supposed to reflect impressions, emotions, or is supposed to make you react. Often the art is not the art itself, but what it does to you, whether this is admiration, anger, sadness, or disgust.
Not saying I really appreciate art that strays further from reality than Monet though. Picasso is pushing it. Mondriaan is the point where it gets ridiculous. Contemporary trash made by hippies with worthless degrees is where our society descends into decadence.

Post pic of Russian officer getting tiny Nip benis up rectum,

The Impressionists were the beginning of the end.


Das it mane.

Why is Western sculpture is so much better than Japanese sculpture?

Japanese: Abstract

Do you say the same word to see Picasso’s picture?

Unfortunately the Toudaiji Agyou statue does not really compare to the Laokoon group from 180 bc for example

Picasso is a trash (impressionism is fine though).

Why do you compare paint art with print art?

>western paint art
for rich man
with high price

>japanese print art
mass product
for normal people
with low cost

Use this type of western print art with japanese print art

You still can find people that can paint



what do you think of V. van Gogh?

That he was the leaving proof it needs francization for a Dutch to accomplish anything worthwhile



Guess again.


