What do Spaniards think of this? Was Mexico a mistake?

What do Spaniards think of this? Was Mexico a mistake?

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>What do Spaniards think of this?
We don't.

>Was Mexico a mistake?
no, but they have many problems ,mexico can be better

Which do you Spaniards say was best colony ?


>Which do you Spaniards say was best colony ?
mexico was the best colony, but now for us the best spanish speaking countries are Argentina, Chile and Uruguay

los mejicanos tambien sois muy peludos

Mexico is a beautiful mistake

Most of them will number an economic "flagship", or a country having more "whites". Don't ask this on Sup Forums. Mexico culturally and economically trumps most South American countries, and no one here is willing to concede this


What about us senpai?

>What about us senpai?
no one thinks about you here.sry dude.....

I know..


A middle of nowhere mission of whip cracking Jesuits and Guarani peasants cultivating yerba mate. Literal "what" of a colony


>Used to be 70% pure Spanish
>Traditionally rich as fuck, first part of the empire to get railroads
>America tried to stole it from us but it backfired and they became their own little pain in the ass for the entire last century
>They use the word coño the same way we do.
It's either them, the Southern Cone or Costa Rica.

Yeah but hey! At least we have the best yerba mate (this trigger the argies)

Es ist mia Wurst.


our bastard president with peña nieto daf

>pirate propped Caribbean economy that was barred from dealing with any foreign ship, in consequence dependent on importing blacks to work on sugar plantations and being propped up by young U.S and British economic pressure also due to said sugar interest
This is kind of expected....for a Spaniard to view this as "rich as fuck" and successful. God save us from the Spanish """"""""governors"""""""



Paraguay would not be a very prosperous country, had the Brazilian and Argentinian monkeys not genocide most of your workforce and stole territories north of Bermejo and east of Parana
The world forgives and excuses you from your economic situation

>God save us from the Spanish """"""""governors"""""""
Said a guy who happent to be a Criollo, stay mad.

One thing i hate about Mexican posters abroad is that they feel the need to put where they fucking come from as their fucking name, for example, that Mexican kid in Argentina, this other kid in Croatia, etc.

>Being this beta

I'm Croatian

equatorial banana

fucking this
And when they see another mexican poster THEY HAVE TO FUCKING KNOW which state are you from and when you tell them that, they need to know which exact part of that state are you from

Well, the Croatian isn't Mexican.

And a lot of posters do this all the time: The Guatemalan fag in the U.S., the Russian in Germany, the Pole in England, and so on.

The French living in Mexico doesn't do this, but he always says he is from France in every post, so.

that's because you're not spanish you fucking retard

>Was Mexico a mistake?

nooo dude, they have good youtubers like this man


It's easier to kidnap you that way.