What went wrong?

How did it all go so wrong?

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When they started a second compiler without finishing the first.

it's a worse haskell

Every faggot and his dog on Sup Forums can at most write baby's first fizzbuzz. While other people actually get real work done in Scala.

twitter adopted it

Hilarious how all the answers so far are right...

The creator is German. Germans are bad programmers.

In general, you're right. Politics and corporate culture are kind of discouraging everything about IT and software development.

>Created by a guy with a phD on computer languages under the supervision of the inventor of Pascal.
>Fastest growing language in financial analysis.
>Best implementation of concurrency and parallel programming of any mainstream language.
>Best JavaScript alternative for complex SPAs.
>Upcoming native compiler

Scala is the best language that will get you a job.

>Best implementation of concurrency and parallel programming of any mainstream language.
what about Go, Clojure, Erlang?

>Go, Clojure, Erlang?
not him but
>concurrency only, meme, special kind of concurrency only

With Go, you have goroutines, which are fine for most purposes and scale well in big systems.

But for Scala, you have Akka actors that also implement a CSP, or you can use one of the shitton of Scala collections that accept concurrency, also Scala structures are by default inmutable which makes working on concurrent system easier to design and IMO help produce cleaner code (something desirable for anyone who has ever seen an application vomiting promises everywhere)


Why not just use Elixir if you really want immutability and concurrency, then?

Apart from legacy support and/or third party libraries, I don't see why anyone would choose Scala over Go. Go routines and Channels are excellent, good for general purposes, and are simple implementations that can scale incredibly well as you have stated.

JVM is fine and much lighter than people think. The actual JVM without all the extra stuff Oracle packs in is actually only 2.3MB iirc.

In the era of Docker containers and microservices, I agree that JVM feels a little bit redundant. Easily reproducible environments that can be effectively scaled and deployed kind of negates a lot of the advantages of cross-platform support. In this regard, a compiled language like Go wins again.

babby's first concurrency
only good for websockets

>reading tutorial
>one element is indexed starting from 0, another indexed starting from 1
>DIRECTLY into the trash it goes

Copy Haskell kill any real world use and make community elitist assholes.

It didn't go wrong. It's running "the cloud" and more.

Which is more than practically any other recent language has achieved - never mind a language not backed by a major corporation.

It's a joke. I'm sorry if I offend anyone.
It's just the most visible German programmers online are usually incompetent assholes.
Lennart. His Red Hat cronies. Drepper. Suckless' team.
The less assholish ones are also not so great. Gottschling and Iglberger wrote libraries no one uses and they pretend there's no competition. Bunch of fakers.

Example: lists.suckless.org/dev/1408/23366.html

>Lennart. His Red Hat cronies. Drepper. Suckless' team.
Let's not forget Jörg Schilling and probably any cryptodude ever.

They fell for the functional meme.

Almost forgot the famous /u/cbmuser. I legitimately think he got some form of autism.

haven't all people seriously using Debian?

I don't get you. /u/cbmuser is a mentally-ill Debian contributor who likes to hang around at reddit.

>>Best implementation of concurrency and parallel programming of any mainstream language.
F# is way better for that my man

Well, Ian was a mentally-ill Deb[missing] contributor who loved to hang himself.

Actually, Deborah left him, so it's called [missing][missing].

>inb4 edgy

But for the record, never heard of /u/cbmuser.
Pays not to visit /r/technology, I guess.

Which is why everyone is using Scala (Akka, Spark, ...).

It's only a conspiracy against F#, right?