Tfw we have mandatory Concentration Camp field trips to remind us of our everlasting guilt

>tfw we have mandatory Concentration Camp field trips to remind us of our everlasting guilt

What memes are true about your cunt?

You mean
>tfw we have mandatory trips to concentration camps to remind us who the real enemy is

>friend tells me funny joke during trip to concentration camp
>literally PRUST out laughing
>everyone thought i was being an asshole
feels bad

bump this thread has potention

>tfw went to Dachau on a freezing winter day
>said to my buddy "a kingdom for a warm oven"
>expelled for a week


good post

t. Verfassungsschutz

Musste bei der Haarvitrine in Auschwitz schmunzeln. Grad das es keine Lampenschirme aus Judenhaut waren.

Our school children will have to go to Auschwitz since this September, because first time voters voted for the fascist party

Laber keinen Scheiß. Das tust du höchstens wenn du in der Nähe von einem KZ wohnst.

Everybody in this country is fat. It's fucking disgusting and true, every word of it, we are a nation of revotling obese animals

Wir sind durch halb Deutschland gefahren (RLP nach Buchenwald) um ein KZ zu besichtigen.

skelly detected

Napoleon lost against redcoats because of Rothshill Family

3rd Reich propaganda made some movie about it

Ich wohn in RLP und musste nie sowas machen. Wo wohnst du genau?

>tfw we couldn't even afford a field trip to Auschwitz and went to some second-rate literally who concentration camp instead


We even went both to Mauthausen (our best known one) and a 3 or 4 day trip to Auschwitz. Gotta make sure to remind us of our Erbschuld.

Here in Memphis, Tennessee we're forced to read books about slavery and Jim Crow era white guilt from middle school to the end of high school, but the dialogue is the worst part about it all, it's all cryptic ebonics.

This shit is hardly English, let alone a coherent language.

Napoleon didn't lose. The EU and Human rights exist because of Napoleon and his achievements. He might have lost the battle but modern day Europe is only existing because of him

>Napoleon almost gets btfo by butthurt kraut kid

>"Are you illuminati?"

Twice during middle school someone with a gun was apparently on campus forcing classes into lockdown.


You mean proest?

In my school in Alabama, I had to do a project or essay on an influencial black person every February for my history classes. Even if the class was World History. I always did it on Louie Armstrong so I could listen to a lot of jazz.

>tfw we were a class full of rassist assholes
>tfw they wanted to make us visit a KZ
>tfw at some point they decided it was not the greatest idea to send a bunch of edgy boys there that would make fun of everything
>tfw I never had to go

That's bullshit senpai. We have those field trips too, and so do Poles.

It's not about guilt, it's about remembrance so that future generations don't have to be subjected to horrors of genocide.

nicht der den du gefragt hast aber wir sind nach Osthofen gefahren in ein "KZ".

Here in NRW I never ever heard of that

Where in NRW? If you live close to the Eifel you probably went to visit Vogelsang

I have been on at least 4 field trips to sugar bushes, aka the places maple syrup is harvested and made. I'm not complaining. They basically just take out a bunch of freshly made syrup and give us sticks and we can dip the sticks in and eat syrup and it's pretty fun. They also usually get out some snow and pour the syrup on it and once it solidifies into maple taffy you roll a stick in it and eat it. Shit's yummy. I make my own maple syrup too. I'm rambling.

>stolen generator throughout primary school
>British imperialism

'Cept in the Balkans.

>black history month
Too bad most people treat it as a joke though.

De-Nazification was a mistake.

because it is

I didn't

My grandmothers norwegian half brother was guard there


If blacks had any sense or dignity, they'd give it back. I don't think the month is a joke so much as the fact that they don't know to is.


My great-granddad was a guardian in Auschwitz, I shit you not. Read through his dictionary and he's most definitely been in the shit. My mother's side of the family got themselves NAZI'd for being commies though, so that cancels out our reparations claim. Feels bad.

>things that didn't happen

Can you honestly say you've never taken a gun to school before? There is nothing wrong with wanting to show your friends how cool you are.

I get beheaded everyday, but respawn back because of the blessings of my lord Quetzalcoatl.

wait what
He was guard right?
Can you actually claim reparation because you had a relative in a camp?

Can't you just invite them over to your house?

What's so unbelievable about it? I'm from Southern Bavaria before you ask, so a trip to Dachau isn't out of the ordinary.

Well, back in the day (the 60s) you could. My ancestors on one side of the family were commies and got themselves shot in Mauthausen I think.

Ich auch. War im Gymnasium Nieder-Olm und wir haben nie sowas besucht. Das "oy vey"-este war wahrscheinlich der Kinobesuch von "Der Untergang"

My grandfather died in Buchenwald,
He fell out of a guard tower

>1 woche suspendiert
als ob

My grandfather was part of the "flag guard" (pretty much SA) of our nationalist movement in the 30's
My other grandpa was a commie

>My other grandpa was a commie
I hope you spat on his grave

He died before I was born and I often refer to him as "that commie"

this desu if someone tells me dont think about an elephant i will think about an elephant
so dont think that jews are evil!

Dann glaubs eben net

Same for me. One side of the family was heavily involved in the KPD prior to 1933 and kept supporting one of the underground offshoots, whereas the other side was völkisch as fuck, Thule membership and all, pretty high-ranking in the SS too. It sent a chill down my spine reading my great-gramps' diary.

Needless to say, my family only first met and fugged each other in post-war Germany

>implying napoleon cared about faggotries like human rights

>Mfw 80% of all African American women are either incredibly overweight or obese

Speak for yourself, Jamal. The blacks are bringing our national average down. I lift to prepare myself for the inevitable Helter Skelter that will tear this country apart and bring an era of darkness to the civilized lands of America.

>how dare you not sing the national anthem
>how dare you not like mate
>how dare you not like football
>how dare you have a good job
>how dare you not think the motherland is always right
>how dare you show your unhappiness with the current state of government
Just.. Stop.

nice bulk, summer is coming, are you going to cut?

I was

>how dare you show your unhappiness with the current state of government
seriously? in germany nobody is ever happy with the current state of the government
>inb4: that's because they subconsciously want a Führer.


>what's the code civil

Good grief, you must be a Pr*ssian

>Hey, mom. Can my friends come over after school?
>Oh...Shit, I guess I'll have to show them at school then.

Happened to me a few times before as well. I don't think anyone really cared because where I live, guns have become so mundane that showing off new guns are like showing off new shoes. Teachers carry around shotguns to go hunting afterschool for Christ's Sake.

>tfw i have gyno too

I feel it too brother, we share the same pain.

you are a naive faggot
he did it for muh glory and he almost managed to to unite europe under one banner
he got so close to surpassing caesar and alexander the great i sometimes think about him and start to hate the eternal anglo for what he did to him one day they will get what they deserve

Da. I'm at 99kg right now (220 pounds), planning on cutting down until I lose around 3 or 4 kilos by the next two weeks.

>Mfw eating boiled chicken breasts and spinach every dinner

but uh he was still short

he was average for his time period

stale meme bru

We eat tacos very, very often, everywhere.

Meh, as a Rhoihess, I'm very fine to not have become incorporated into Frogland.
Right now, our Landkreis is among the wealthiest regions worldwide because of muh Rhein-Main and blue banana, had we become part of the always ultra-centralist France, we would be extremely distant to P*ris and therefore impoverished now. So,... we took the good parts of being Celtic (500 year Roman rule that advanced civilisation and infrastructure, civil rights given in the late 18th century that were kept up under the following Hessian rule, slightly less subarctic climate that allows widespread viticulture, having the right balance between South European friendliness/laziness and North European efficiency/autism...) while still being in decentralised Germany. I think we're really best off this way

I took large amounts of drugs and alcohol to school as a teen but never a weapon