Why people prefer heavy music players and heavy programs in general?

Really, why? They're all trying to include everything — file manager, filesystem search, playlist composer, etc (I don't really know what else they include because I just can't stand them). Look at this simple beauty. You click on your sound file — in your file manager and not in some ridiculous player interface. It opens. It plays the file. It doesn't try to scan your entire filesystem for music files, browse the internet to find covers for albums, create playlists, merge existing playlists with it's own database, find "better" versions of the file in it's cloud servers (really, applefags?) anything. It. Just. Plays. The. File. It never tries to do some other program's job.
mplayer > everything
Unix philosophy > all-in-one programs

> le 2MB memory usage on my 32GB RAM machine le meme
you are the cancer linux is dead on the desktop
get your shit together and support KDE Plasma


>don't try to run effecient programs!
>why don't you love the bloat?

neo-Sup Forums

what bloat you fucking retarded child? you don't even have playlists there. even if you did find the way to do it on text files, you'd give cancer to people that actually want to do it on a proper interface.
get the fuck out. interfaces exist for a reason retarded shit.
your fucking memes are exactly what kill the linux desktop

>to people that actually want to do it on a proper interface.

Why would I care what other people want to do?

use cmus

>Waaa waa you do not like what I like
>Therefore, Linux desktop is kill
Gtfo of my board newfag

False dichotomies aside, you raise a legitimate concern. Based purely on anecdotal evidence and speculation I would assume featuritis and severe bloat is brought about by users (and project managers) who demand more and more unnecessary features based on their own selfish desires. And people would prefer too many features that they can ignore than a minimal streamlined experience that doesn't perfectly accommodate their needs.

A program like suckless surf is appealing for its responsible use of resources but the keybindings for navigation are noncustomizable despite being nonstandard and your WM has to support their special snowflake tab programme so when you buy into surf you're all in. Compare this with bloated botnet chrome and for some people they will gladly trade their privacy for a bit of convenience. But chrome is giving me retarded SSL errors in that's-real-fuckin'-incognito mode rn so I'm using Firefox.

In conclusion, install gentoo.

I prefer mocp. It's simple and comfy.

MPlayer natively support playlists. And yes, they are text files. It's very useful — you can just pipe the output of some program (ls, for example) to the file and you'll get legitimate playlist. It's superior to any GUI interface just because you can run any GUI or CLI program (or several piped programs) to do it, and you are not limited to your player's interface.
>cmus Caramelldansen.mp3
>nothing happened
>man cmus-tutorial
>Press 5 to switch to the file-browser view so we can add some music.
I think you missed my point. While it's a command-line program (and probably a lightweight one) it's not suitable for piping and tries to be everything.

why are you using mplayer then? why not cat the file into /dev/dsp?

>Why would I care what other people want to do?

they don't understand that the 70s-2000s era of computing was "do one thing well" applications. they can't go back and neither can we

we get it
you use linux
good for you

Does this support syncing my music with the cloud?

sure just use rsync and chron

Well, compressed audio files will produce nothing but noise if played this way.
But you do raise a legitimate point that program needs to have some features. I will prefer to play .wav file using mplayer rather than cat, all because of pause, scroll and displaying progress. However, those are features of a music player, and not of some other program. As such, implementing them in separated fashion seems unnecessary.

if that's what you decided for yourself that's good for you user

I think one day you'll come around and use cmus though when you do want to manage all your songs in one place and make playlists and queues. iirc cmus only gives you one playlist and one queue anyway. It doesn't scan your entire system, you have to choose the path directly to your music by doing

:a /path/to/music

cmus does nothing but lets you play the songs you have, it does not do anything extra

Unix philosophy is a meme. Also, Linux is the better Unix

>all that useless info displayed

That might be true — I don't have music playing in background. Because of that, I prefer to treat music files as any other file, opening them only when desired. However, when I do want to have background music, I listen to online streams. If I will ever decide to expand my local collection instead and play it in background, more complex music player might be of use (although I do not understand why I can't just create playlists of said hypothetical collection and then use mplayer to play it; but again, if I would want to define a new playlist every time, cmus will be more convenient).
Thus, I think I've got my answer — complex players might be more convenient in case of music playing on a constant basis. Thanks for that.
Linux is indeed the system I am using, but aforementioned philosophy is named after UNIX.
That's true, I usually don't look anywhere but the last (with progress) string. It don't really bothers me though — it's just a text and not an interface element.
About mp3 — well, I try to add everything in flac now, but older things are still in mp3 because it was hard to care about slight losses while using dialup and I'm too lazy to replace them.

i love you op


also CLI > GUI

they mad.

Most people enjoy rich UI and easily accessible content.

Believe it or not but there is software out there that both have an intuitive GUI and run on minimal resources.

Less than 64k?
Kind of a deal breaker.