
I'm more surprised they even have a word for it

german has a word for everything because they can just take a full multi paragraph description of something and remove the spaces

It is a common myth that the autobahn has no speed limit

Wouldn't the English version of these sentences more accurately be
"Limit of velocity"



You can say that in english if you want to, but it means the same thing as speed limit, and so we opt for the more efficient option.

Other languages do not have this capability.


> Other languages do not have this capability.
t. speaks only one language

In German you could also say Geschwindigkeitslimit or simply Tempolimit.

This desu

If you go faster than 130 km/h and are involved in some accident, you're in deep shit boyo

>In German you could also say Geschwindigkeitslimit

It doesn't tho

Not a general speed limit maybe


tempo is an italian word

yeah, well all other countries have one.

I don't really get why those things are so populair, they're putting german in a bunch of latin langage, obviously it stand out.

Kindergarten is a german word

It gartens kinder

>American is a latin language

Except the speedometer in your car is not measuring velocity, dickhead

If you want to make it longer you could say höchstgeschwindigkeitsbegrenzung

That's like the recommended Speed limit

I reccomend that your mum sucks my dick ahah ;)

bls stob

....yes it is

Speedometer is measuring speed
Velocity is speed in a specific direction

No id doesn't mean "recommended", Begrenzung means clearly "limit".

There are speed limits in the following places:
- Accident hot spots
- Where there is a significant noise pollution for the people who live near the Autobahn and it can't be remedied through noise cancellation walls or something similar (This rule is only sometimes losely followed though)
- Where the surface of the Autobahn is damaged and could pose a danger to high speed
- Bridges where gusts of wind could push trucks into a different lane

So many parts are unrestricted, but there also plenty of restricted parts as well for the reasons listed above. Generally I do feel a lot safer going 230 on the Autobahn than driving at a much lower speed in a lot of other countries, because people here stick to the rules, drive right and don't just change lanes without looking or indicating.

A Speed "Limit" is more of a recommendation ;)

>le "i can drive speed because i am so cool" meme

So your speedometer is telling you which direction your are going?

no it doesnt. recommended speed limit would mean Richtgeschwindigkeit


beautiful hungarian language

are you stupid?

The problem with this exchange is you are operating under the lack of realization of what languages are allowed to do.

English is nothing but a simplistic grammatical structure who steals everyone elses words and uses them in horribly awkward ways requiring the heavy use of contextual understanding to decipher. Thats our thing.

Other languages are not allowed to steal words, only english. Other languages are not fast and loose.

So when english steals a word, it shows how flexible the language is. When someone else does, it just makes their language not based on word-stealing look pathetic.

So for example 'Geschwindigkeitslimit' is valid english. Tempo is not german.


check the flag

Forwards or backwards

Have you ever studied a language other than English. Most modern languages have hundreds if not thousands of loan words from English and the idea that we are based on "word stealing" is a misunderstanding of how language even works.

Yes I know that, speed and velocity are different things, so stop trying to sound smart by saying that we should call it a "velocity limit" rather than a speed limit

I didn't say that at all

A purple goat with training wheels on.

It just works.


