Painted my Dell Dimension 3000 Case :3

Hey Sup Forums Chuck Wagon Bill here just wanted to show off the paint job on my Dell Dimension 3000 case. Instead of spending money on a new case i thought i'd show an old one some love.

Great. Now go play some old school runescape on your P4 and fuck off.

Cool. Really looks

You put more effort into that case than Dell ever did.

I've got one of those things. Why did you have to ruin it?

I had more than one i kind of hoard computers. It was the one i thought would look nicest with paint, and it turned out pretty well.

you do know that just because a case is old doesn't mean the components inside it have to be old right

Clean up around the dell logo on the side

Lol that's why i didn't dignify a response to him. The components inside are of course modern parts. :3

good! now you are a GAY!


miami dolphins suck bro

Is that some 'go 'za?


I wouldn't know i just went with my favorite color scheme (would've been teal and pink, but pink was to eye rapey)

i don't understand the question?

Nice paint job, get an actual sexy case though. That one's only cool for nostalgia.

I kinda prefer the nostalgia. The only instance in which i'd switch is if i were given a hyper beast nzxt case. then i'd jump at it. But this works and i'm very proud of it.

Neat paint job, but that thing must have terrible ventilation if you're putting any real hardware in there.

What type of paint did you use? Vynl paint?? Primer??

just spray paint i bought from the store. the biggest thing is you need to sand any surface really well and then clean it. then spray it wait spray again give it like 2 or 3 coats and it'll be great

homosexuality is a sin user

good thing im an atheist

Thank you user :3

Did you use powder coating?

No just spray paint. The trick is sanding the surface before painting. i've had friends just spray that's paint the paint won't stick to smooth surfaces

I have the 2400. Thanks for the inspiration! I may consider putting some neat modern parts into it, giving it the 2004 aesthetic with the modern feel.
I don't know what software I'd put in it though, and the case would need special modifications in order to hold a proper mobo....

I also have no idea what games can run on a P4 (If I didn't replace the mobo..) That would be the appeal of this system imho, gaymes.

I don't like it, but it looks nicely done

That's a nice color combo - good job!

use the pizza boxes next time

I managed to fit modern hardware in it just fine (not sure about a 2400 though) but im glad i inspired you! if you need any help with painting it just let me know.

use lead paint, it helps heat sink functionality