McAfee came with PC, Sup Forums, should I uninstall it? Also, antivirus general
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>Not using Kaspersky OS
You realize he was paying ugly hookers to shit in his mouth, don't you?!
only fucking retards need an anti virus
it doesnt do anything but hog your resources and spies ony you 24/7 lol
all to warn you before you click on FREECASH.exe which you downloaded cause you have no adblock and because you like to click on big pop ups that promise you free cash
Get it off your pc.
low quality shitposts
This guy though. If you have /any/ PC knowledge at all, anti virus is not really necessary. The only thing I would recommend, if anything, is maybe MBAM on your PC to scan when you think you have something, but even then MBAM has gone to all shit. So, Common Sense 2018 is coming out soon, pick it up.
McAfee's a cool guy, but sadly he has nothing to do with the AV anymore (apart from getting money from it) so you may as well uninstall it.
MS's default AV is good enough, and overall windows has gotten way more "secure" post-Win8. (in the sense that it's difficult to exploit, not in the sense that your computer isn't part of a botnet)
Just don't run fishy executables and keep your browser completely updated and you should be fine.
>MBAM has gone to all shit.
what happened?
>>low quality shitposts
He used a tent with a hole in it and the hookers would shit through that hole.
Those ugly fucking hookers said they never had intercourse .
>watch the documentary
So, there's actually a "documentary" about McAffee getting shit on by hookers?
not but hookers talking about it
whatever hes rich .. people have weird fetishes
weird part is that they are all ugly spics
can you explain to me how I can avoid WIndows OS being a botnet.
Is McAfee a botnet too? Will they sell my porn history to the chinks
Even John McAfee advises people to uninstall McAfee.
I guess if I were rich, unmarried, and was already hated by all non-sociopaths I wouldn't give a fuck either. Not into scat though. Maybe ugly ones were the only ones he could get to do it?
Shit in the mouth!
wasnt hookers, but his mexican house maids i thought
Unfortunately, all modern AVs (especially "free" ones) are botnets in addition to the Windows botnet. Also, AV's have a proud history of actually making computer security *worse*. E.g. here's a great paper from only 2012, where the author finds tons of exploits in old file-processing code in AVs, which were actually made worse by the fact that AVs run with super-high permissions and automatically scan any file as soon as they hit your computer:cs.cornell.edu
Just look up how to disable telemetry or guides to re-enable privacy in Windows 10 to take care of the most egregious stuff (e.g. sending all keypresses and mic data to MS). You can also try to explicitly block MS in your hosts file, but I think I read that MS bypasses the hosts file for their telemetry.
If you're dead set on using nonfree software, there really isn't much choice. I suppose you could probably install Win10 in a VM, then block outgoing connections using an external firewall, but honestly that's too much of a pain in the ass for me.
>apart from getting money from it
He was bought out by his partners.
He has 0 to do with the AV.
This is why I have a seedbox, I guess.
I fucking hate idiots like yourself who think you can be safe without an antivirus because "hurr durr my common sense xDD", you're no better than the people who think you don't need a seat belt because "I never go past the legal speed limit and I'm an excellent driver so I'll never crash anyway". The truth is you NEED an antivirus because there's viruses that install themselves silently and then without your knowledge runs in the background. It's because of idiots like you we still have botnets, ransomware and all other kind of malware. Some good ones (e.g. Avira, Avast, AVG) costs fucking nothing so there's literally no excuse not to use an antivirus. If you don't have one installed already, do yourself and the rest of the world a favor: install one right now.
Nice meme
I don't hate you, friend, I just pity you. Did you even read my post? Do you disagree with any of the following points?
>AVs (especially free ones) only add more privacy-invading features to a system that already has privacy issues
>AVs run with the highest available permissions
>By default, most AVs automatically open every file they can, as soon as they can
>AVs are closed source and under no pressure to maintain high-quality code
>Windows has made enormous progress in exploit mitigation, and the built-in AV is good enough to detect most old attacks (which is all any other AVs can do anyway)
Basically, it's no lie to say that *shitty* AV can make an otherwise safe system vulnerable. I'm not saying to use no AV at all. I'm just saying that it's good enough to use the default AV and keep your system up to date.
>read a little bit on him
Is he a real life far cry character?
Yes, absolutely. Did you already watch ?
If your AV ins't Kaspersky, it's fucking placebo. So uninstall it and use Common Sense 2017 Enterprise Pro Edition instead.
I am using Avast for a long time. Never had any virus or malware shit on my system.
Niggers in my workplace pushed me to use Avira but it has no web, mail and wifi protection, those are premium features.
don't use any antivirus, windows 8/10 come with Defender which is fine, and windows 7 has MSE which is also fine.
Antivirus is a market that exists solely because of babyboomers who don't understand how computers work and install DSCN_2345.exe and Beatles_yellow_submarine.exe
Think about how successful Norton is. People PAY them to INSTALL VIRUSES on their pcs. Back when I was young (12 or so) I knew nothing about pcs and my dad had norton antivirus lel. My parents are so anxious about using a pc, they believe all kinds of superstitions about it when the real damage was them installing random files and 10 toolbars.
Now I just use remote desktop to fix something for them if it's broken. A lot of ease for all of us. First my mom wanted me to teach her how to use the PC, and I patiently explained everytime but boomers are just predestined to not understand PCs. 10 years later she still doesn't know how to transfer files form one folder to another, or how folder structure works except from two shortcuts from her dropbox image backup and pc image folder.
this 100%
Enough with your nonsense. Do you have a degree in cyber security?
Even the most experienced power user cannot tell if someone has spiked a pdf or an .exe file. What about JavaScript and Flash in the browser? Most websites need those to work, so you can get fucked without even knowing or you can have an AV that scans and protects your ass if you make a professional mistake.
no, but I might later. this guys nuts.
>"You're all fucking white males" mcafee
all of that either the Windows built-in protects against, or free AV doesn't protect against either. AV has one interest: make money. By selling your data and by selling exceptions to definition lists to hackers.
also don't use flash, just deinstall it and don't use websites that use it. Install adblockers.
Lol. Anyone with a degree in computer security will know better than anyone else how broken modern AV is. It's literally a list of regular expressions and (sometimes broken) file parsers that check a database of known exploits. Keeping your system up to date should block known exploits anyway, and new exploits won't be blocked by AVs. See cs.cornell.edu
>even the most experienced power user cannot tell if someone has spiked a pdf or an .exe file
Neither can the most experienced AV, lol
What about usb flash drives? Often times your coworker or family member hands you their flash drive and you don't know if it is infected. So you are going to gamble your entire system and plug it in.
Or you can have McShield with some AV wipe any virus before it has a chance to infect your filesystem.
I can't believe Sup Forums is this naive. Do you know how poorly maintained normie PC's are?
>wifi inspector
yes goy give us access to not just your pc but all the traffic in your home network. It's for your own good believe me
Yes it can, it has virus definitions and heuristics which can detect 95-99% of viruses. Unless some new exotic shit is on the loose and you visit a shady website, then you deserve to get fucked.
Common everyday websites and downloads don't infect you with exotic malware.
To add a personal anectdote, I spent several years working as a security researcher, and was able to take a 4-year-old exploit in MS office and modify it so that it still compromised a system but went undetected by every AV system at the time. I was a complete amateur at the time, and security researchers do this exercise (make attacks that bypass AV) all the damn time in order to shill their own research.
Hookers and asking bluelight how to make better bath salts....
I have hidden my SSID but I am quite certain my neighbor has tried to gain access to my wifi. Can't be too careful.
the problem is like explained. Companies who make AVs aren't some geniuses who look deep into files with millions of lines of code to check for suspicious behavior. They just use some online list of known trojans etc and use massive resources to double check what your PC already protects against (or doesn't in which case neither can the AV).
Just keep your system up to date and when you download a torrent and the windows throws a trojan warning for a keygen, believe windows defender and not the uploader who says "yeah some AVs say its a trojan but its not no fingers crossed"
your AV doesn't protect you against that. Does your router have a WPS function? If so you cannot protect yourself, even if you turn it off. The only thing you can do is buy a router that doesn't have WPS.
>95-99% of viruses
Sure, I don't dispute that, but Windows' built-in AV can pick those up as well as or better than any other "free" AV. Why add more botnets to your botnet?
Also, 99% of viruses would no longer effect your system regardless of AV, simply because they'll target vulnerabilities that have long since been fixed.
Like I said, I'm not anti-AV, I'm just anti- third-party "free" AV.
My system is up-to-date but Windows Defender has poor reputation. Even M$ support has advised users to not rely on Defender and use a proper AV for their system.
You shouldn't boot your pre-installed system even once. You wipe it straight out of the box and reinstall.
>Windows Defender has poor reputation
gee I wonder if that is because there are 100000 AV companies paying reviewers for it?
The best (ONLY) thing you can do is update your system, and don't install software you don't trust.
this also
>buy laptop
>6 bloatware configuration setups launch
>Even M$ support has advised users to not rely on Defender and use a proper AV for their system
Where did they say this? It sounds like them just trying to cover their ass when something does happen, desu
Avira is the best free anti virus currently although the UI is a little dates. You don't need all that extra shit especially in a non commercial environment.
Yeah that is a problem. I am saving money to buy a Mac next year and switch my Android to iPhone. One less headache.
So I need a huge resource hog program running all the time and slowing my computer for something which only happens once every two years at best?
I'm not that user, and yes, I've studied cyber security and the best protection you have against the problem you described is being smart and not downloading random shit on the internet since most AVs fail at detecting that kind of stuff unless its something extremely common.
I can't remember the thread, it was about 2 years ago I was on tech support forum and the M$ representative cautiously advised users to get another AV alongside MSE for better protection.
>saving money to buy a mac
Just wipe your windows box and install GNU+Linux. If you're able to make the Windows-Mac transition, then you ought to have nothing preventing you from going Windows-Linux instead.
there is no security difference between android/iphone/macos/windows. Just keep your system up to date.
Remember how just last year the fbi managed to crack iOS lock twice from some drug dealers?
I should add that you cannot reinstall Windows. Windows pulls executables from uefi bios and executes them with administrator privileges, undoing all your efforts to regain control over your PC.
not him but
>what is MS office
>what is adobe
No one is forcing you.
I had my personal files and financial data ruined by a self-replicating worm which hid all my files and created random shortcuts. All because of a dickhead at my college who plugged in his USB to my PC to copy some files. At that time I had MSE running fully updated system. That was a painful recovery.
any info on this? you mean after you boot your new-bought system once, it's ogre?
You're better off with AOSP because security issues are patched right away when discovered. Proprietary OSes look more secure because less security issues are discovered/disclosed but this just gives you a false sense of security.
when was this?
also what do you mean by "financial data ruined"
Adobe, sure, but MS office is totally obsolete and the only reason people still use it is because they want to view other people's stuff without a formatting error. It has no actual features to make it worthwhile.
If you're going to go nonfree, just use google docs is what I say.
>Implying every windows user relies on photoshop and MS office
t. literal retard who falls for marketing schemes
Well? What are those?
Not him, but this is still possible.
>because they want to view other people's stuff without a formatting error
which is a very common situation in companies, academia etc. Other than that basically everyone in academia uses endnote for reference managing which isn't supported in libreoffice and the likes.
Really I'm not meming, I whish I could use linux 100% of the time but for a lot of people it's just not possible. A compromise I found is that I use my pc at work with windows, and my home pc with linux (+win7 dual boot for when i really need to)
Financial statements and projections in Excel files for my final year project.
software packages incompatible with linux and without a proper* replacement
*like the other guy said for a lot of people google docs or libre are fine too, say high school tier. But if you have to work with other people or for academia it doesn't always cut it
OEMs can put an execuable in an UEFI table.
Windows looks for his executable during boot and when found it will be executed by Windows as administrator.
This is how Lenovo reinstalled its """update manager""" after a clean install.
any way to circumvent this? or in lenovo case just deinstall the update manager?
that sucks though, I didn't know this
>everyone in academia uses endnote
In superior academia, everyone uses bibtex
Moving to another office suite and/or graphics manipulation program can be a hurdle if you're already accustomed to something. Doesn't mean it cannot be done, however.
It can probably be done with office, but if you try to move from photoshop to GIMP, you'll never get over how shitty GIMP is comparatively.
Please tell me you don't actually use TEX user
yes let me just\\
Write this document real quick.\\ \\
\noindent better hope it doesn't have many images\\ \\
[h! (no fuck you doesnt work anyways)] {figure src="/imgs/img.png" width="pagewidth*0.7" caption="Img 1" label="wait what is the difference"}
LibreOffice lacks key features in both Writer and Calc to compete with Office. WPS and Kingsoft are utter garbage and non-free. SumatraPDF takes care of adobe reader and that is about it.
You can't replace the Adobe Creative Suite with inferior workarounds.
Maybe it's possible to wipe that exe from UEFI but you risk bricking your mobo. The UEFI standard mandates that the mobo should continue to work when wiping user accessible UEFI tables but lots of OEM haven't implemented this correctly.
In fact, executing rm -rf / (with all flags necessary) in some mobos will brick it.
it cannot be done with office because everyone uses endnote, which is not supported on linux. And going from adobe PS to gimp.. oh boy. It's really not just a "get used to it" issue, it just doesnt have the same features
Fair enough, I use LaTex but generally don't think the difference between LaTex and Tex is important enough to mention.
I'll readily admit it's shit in terms of usability, but it is the standard for academia in all computer, math and physics conferences and journals. Also, it's nice that it's free software and looks great when you can keep it from rendering text on top of the damn images, etc.
Basically, only undergrads and humanities students use Office for academic work.
>everyone uses endnote
What field are you in? I'm not aware of any sciences that use something other than LaTex, and by extension, bibtex. *maybe* chemistry does...
meh not worth it. Goddamn why is it so hard to own a piece of technology instead of the other way around.
This reminds me of something I was reading that made me rage against systemd
Antivirus won't save you from real zero day remote vulnerabilities, no more than your router's firewall anyway. And it slows down the system so much that it's simply not worth it. I personally have what might be negative security - I'm using built-in Admin(higher privileges than regular admin account) and have every security-related service disabled and according to mbam(I'm doing a scan once a year or so) I haven't caught anything in the last 7 years.
Literally no reason not to just use Windows Defender (if you're using Windows)
Could be that systemd exposes these tables to the OS like a filesystem. Of course the kernel needs to be changed to prevent this instead of systemd mounting this shit RO.
I used Latex during B.Sc. and M.Sc. (chemical engineering) because it looks nice, the formulas are rendered beautifully etc but after a while it was just shit to maintain. Like if you have to write a report it's nice, if you have to work longer on one file or god forbid work with other people, forget it.
I'm doing a phd now and we use office again, because files for publications get sent around, multiple people work on it, we add/remove references, comments, images etc. It can only be done this way.
Other than that I do intend to make a final latex file for my thesis, because the text rendering and fitting is just so perfect. It literally calculates where words can be best split etc rather than just stacking words until newline.
That said I put in some effort and made a word template that mimics the look of a latex export file. Only thing it can't do is the text rendering ofc
im in chemistry yeah lol
It doesn't even delete data you fucking retard, it just gives it "system" attribute making it invisible in Explorer even if you enable "show hidden files". Only ransomware deletes files.
Heh, gotcha. For some reason chemistry has avoided having to use LaTex.
I will say, though, that there are some good collaboration tools for LaTex now (like overleaf and some others that are basically the same). Just a couple years ago I would work on Latex in git repos, and that sucked ass for collaboration compared to editors like overleaf.
Yeah the appeal is definitely there because there is a pretty good chemical equations package for Latex, but we mostly use images, including for chemical reactions. Although if you ask theoretical or physical chemists, they probably use latex more.
What features does LibreOffice lack?
Arent there extensions to fix this?
You should be doing a clean install of windows anyway, you don't want to have the next superfish on your PC.
I used to think like you, but the truth is that you should just install software from trusted sources and use an up-to-date OS and browser without having stupid shit like a java plugin enabled (this is luckily less prevalent now that we have html5), and you should be at no risk basically. Not to mentions that W10 comes with a built-in antivirus, and many antiviruses themselves fuck up browser security or have exploits.
what dyu mean by clean install of windoes? Like Windows 7?
Flash is a dying technology, javascript can't be used to infect your PC unless your browser has security holes, and USB drives for file sharing are going out of fashion now that you can get tens of gigabytes of "cloud" storage for free and just send a link to someone instead of having to give them a usb drive in person. I guess it may still be used in some workplaces, but that obviously does not apply to most people.
I recently read an article, in which some security experts expressed their fear, that AVs make your computer less secure, because they are huge applications and therefore provide a huge attack surface.
(Source: golem.de
It's German, but there are a few links on Englisch sites.
No, I mean if your computer came with windows pre-installed and loaded with all sorts of bullshit programs, you should wipe it and install windows 10 again. You can use some software like produkey to extract the valid product key from the windows you have on your PC right now, then download windows 10 from microsoft's website for free microsoft.com
i use nothing.
But i got 25gb of storage for free from dropbox. Won't I lose that?
You can just redeem the 25 GB free dropbox shit before you reinstall if you are talking about the asus promotion: dropbox.com
This has already been mentioned in this thread, but yeah, it's true.
>javascript can't be used to infect your PC unless your browser has security holes
But that is the case with literally everything ("flash can't be used to infect your PC unless flash player has security holes"). A new javascript vulnerability was found in chrome (version 54, released last October) this year: cvedetails.com
>But that is the case with literally everything
I meant it compared to other ways of getting viruses, like installing cracked software or downloading something.pdf.exe