What's the best video course on Dr. Racket?

What's the best video course on Dr. Racket?

Whoa, other people actually use Racket? I thought that was just a WPI thing

is for introduction to programming.

Holy shit I need to buy waterfilters

You can download the lecture slides from the UWaterloo CS 135 website.

They teach it to first years here because they were tricked into thinking functional programming is actually the future.

I, too, took the intro to programming at University of Chicago OP
Get out while you can

Why this idiot shows his ugly body with his oversized head like he have the best muscles under the sun?

leg day skipped since high school

low test globalist

Are you even serious ? That's an incredibly good body for a man his age.

t. globalist scum


>Dr. Racket
Just drop out
I'm serious

I'm going through HtDP first edition. The second one doesn't have all the solutions yet, and it's hard to find answers/help.

That's an exaggeration. He just turned 43. He walks like he's 60 though.


Hey, got any skooma?

He looks like an old man who looks good for his age. He's 6 years younger than Joe Rogan.

small penis?

Women or faggot?

Probably both.

most likely