What are the origins of the Japanese language...

What are the origins of the Japanese language? Do you believe the theories that it's related to Korean or maybe Austronesian?

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The Japanese came from heaven, so is their language.

Japanese language is very similar to Hebrew.


As Japan were surrounded by sea, influence from China and Korea was restrictive.
Japanese language has been unique.

I think Japanese is somehow related to ancient Korean. Before Korea introduced many chinese character korean language was less ching chong ping pong. Ancient korean names like 'Haemosu', 'Haburu', 'Maruchi', 'Arachi' and so on are very similar to japanese. But koreans had to change their names to chinese style late Shilla kingdom. Then two languages may start to separate each other. Still pure korean words are less ching chong.

Ancient Japanese sounds like a Pacific islander language.


I can't remember the names of these things and it's pissing me off

A very long time ago there was a small kingdom at the very southern tip of the Korean peninsula
apparently its language had features in common with later-but-still-ancient versions of Japanese and Korean

it's not hard to imagine that this kingdom spread to Japan due to the proximity of the two land masses.
I believe this is what I'm thinking of

I personally believe that there can't not be a relation between the two languages and the two countries should kiss and make up


People have all kinds of retarded theories about the japonic languages, like that its turkic, or somehow related to korean.
The truth is that its a distant relative of the tarahumara language spoken in north mexico.
They formed a common language before the ancient japanese sailed west and populated japan then naturally they diverged to the point they are today.

the ancient japanese come from mainland china you gump

Thats retarded
Archeological, linguistic, and gentic evidence indicates they originate from somewhere north of mesoamerica

ancient korean and austronesian mix

Japanese is a language isolate.
There is no data regarding the origin of Japanese.

i tell the truth.

recent Korean language made from Japan.

Japanese taught them Hangul.

before Japanese imperial era most Korean can't read Hangul, and they using Chinese style article.

Hello takeshi, I see you are enjoying your vacation in America. Good.

thank you trump

Ancient Korean and Japanese are almost same.
Ancient Korean have Jomon art and even DNA is similar to Jomon.
But invader Han face people changed ancient Korean to like
Chinese Han.

Korea's literally just next door, also there was an influx of people from the Korean Penninsula to the Japanese Isles

it's safe to assume that Japanese and Korean are closely related, but to what bigger family these two belong two is another problem

most likely some hipster mong tribe that happened to venture too far

t. José Manuel Rodríguez, unemployed weeaboo

I assume that there was a something like united kingdom of korea and japan in the southern part of Korean peninsular in AD 3~5 century. Some call it Gaya and others call it Imna. I think ethnicity of Korean and Japanese was really vague at that time.


Japanese is actually pure Korean. They had enough of their brother's shit, so they left Korea and move to the big island next door. The Korean that still live in Korea then got raped by Manchu, Mongol and Han.

Japs are Turanian

Besides Ryukyuan, Japanese has no known relatives.

The reason it is similar to Korean is because the languages are close to each other, so they influence each other, not because they are related.
