Russian guy murders his friend over argument about which graphics card is better: nVidia or AMD
Well Sup Forums?

Who won?

another nvidiot dies for the jews

as always Nvidia.

Murdering AMD? Yep

You could say hes going to spend..

1080 Time Incarcerated

>he only got 3.5 years

and his name was Radeon Raskolnikov

Nvidia as always.

But that will change soon.

He did literally nothing wrong

AMDtards deserve death

Typical nvidiot

> time incarcerated
This is worse than 11 9/11s.

Is that Stallman lol


judge with sense of humor

As usual nvidia users being so insecure that they have to kill in the lack of arguments.
I bet it's the priprietary drivers rotting their brain.

>just russian things


AMD must have won the argument, so that the other guy got butthurt enough to kill him

WTF guys I posted this like 3 weeks ago. Look at the dates on the article.

>if you kill your opponent they win


About 8, 38's

She's probably dead by now