>Australia is 14 hours ahead of the US

Why didn't you warn us about 9/11?

got em XD

because you deserved it

you mean 9/12? :^)

We had two months to warn you and did nothing.

You cancelled Cheez TV that day.

Channel 7 morning music videos for me
Bloody yank fuckers

pls don't remind me
and why did Cheez TV roll DBZ back to the first episode every few months?

It was an inside job so nothing could be done anyways

Because you're a dumb country, with dumb people.

Your education sucks, you feel the need to play police in overseas conflicts that do not concern you, and you gave rise to SJWs and Far-right wingers.

You deserve every misfortune.

That's a pretty sharp edge there

He's right tho

>blames America for something the kikes did
oy vey

Not everybody here is as dumb as you think they are

They cancelled every thing on every channel. I remember that bit.

Bush laid top bait on that front.

>he says, while using a personal computer

Brits invented the first stored program computer and the world wide web.

Kill yourself SJW

I bet you also hate freedom


Nah, m8 love it.

I just don't like American freedom.

You mean 12/9? :^)

Freedom is overrated.

Mate, they're lightyears ahead

>tfw they never aired the episode

Fucking that day. Still mad.