Tfw CS is a meme

tfw CS is a meme

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epic twitter screencap thread my man

thanks dude

You don't go into CS for programming

is that cunt the reason why linux always puts a junk file on my flash drive?

yeah but whats the point since thats what most CS grads end up doing anyways?

Was Sarah Sharp self-taught? If so, kudos to her for learning enough to accomplish what she has.
With Tiffani Bell, she should probably buy a book an algorithms and study. Algorithms and data structures are incredibly important things to know.

That's the thing, my USB key doesn't work on Linux. :(

gvfsd or what do that because you have trash

That's why exfat doesn't work


>yeah but whats the point

learn about the fundamentals of computers in general.

I've met many people in their 30s who write code without knowing jackshit about computers and operating systems in general, they were absolutely baffled when I showed them small things like how to reset a table's autoincrement or how to remove a package from their linux environment or how to modify a five line array sorting function so that every time an element is swapped a certain value gets displayed. some guy had like a $2k notebook and it took like seven minutes to boot, turns out it had a badly written sshd confg file (or mysql I can't remember) and he just dealt with it, waiting seven minutes each time he had to work or connect it to a projector at meetings.

non-stem folks lack insanely simple common sense tech knowledge. like a mediocre carpenter who only knows how to use a specific hammer and a two-by-four.

can confirm
t. computer scientist

Which is a good explanation of why software bloat has been increasing exponentially instead of linearly
It's just a bunch of dipshits that don't have any idea what they're doing saying "IT WORKS! GOOD ENOUGH!"

>non-stem folks
stem folks too, actually

It always puts a Trash-001 file on mine.

Isn't that the fault of your DE creating a recycling bin?

Wasn't Sarah Sharp the one who quit in a huff after feeling threatened by the casual malespeak on the Linux mailing lists?

CS is not for those who want to code.
CS is for people who want to learn that the Ackermann function is recursive but not primitive recursive, and that the halting problem is undecidable.
And big-O is babby shit you can learn with 10min on wikipedia if you're not completely retarded.

Please remove yourself from existence

ive met CS majors who fit into that category, going to school for it does not magically make you a computer wizard.

>Big-O is babby shit
Fucking this. I can't fathom how one could even know what it's called without understanding what it is.

How are you enjoying your intro cs theory class?

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

She is explicitly referring to the kernel you turboautist.

Thanks stallman for remembering us, mere mortals, about this fact that is often forgotten by us.

>Not just getting certs straight out of high school and starting to work.

O I am laffin

>can't explain big-o
How fucking retarded can you be?

It's a copypasta

It's what you never had.

might as well just post it here

>do remote web dev after hours and weekends for extra cash
>clients from all over USA
>new client based in CA
>kay let me just make this blog or whatever page they want, where's the text. oh god
How do I subtly deface the page

that's weird because her profile on linkedin says she's a CS graduate


Wait I was thinking about going to major in CS to learn how to program/code

Am I making a mistake?

>not taking a compilers class
>not enjoying it

It's like you don't want to be in the top 0.1% of programmers. The ones who solve hard problems disguised as compilation problems and who make the tools and languages the plebs worship and use.

leave comments in hidden away obscure files that people can browse the source from browser and see

Not necessarily.

A degree opens up doors. Especially larger and more traditional companies usually require a degree just because that's what the HR/recruiter person is looking for when screening resumes.

On the other hand you could just be an autodidact programmer. The advantage here is that it's a lot faster and cheaper. Plus it's easier to quit if you discover that you don't like programming.

tl;dr: self-teach if you enjoy programming. Go to school if you just want a job.

Yes, you are. Drop the idea, or if you really want to learn how to program, do Harvard's CS50 online course and making some projects of your own.
If you can't learn things by yourself, drop the idea and pick another major.

>Everytime is hear or read the words "Big O Notation" the anime theme plays in my head and I get distracted
I should probably see a doctor about that shouldn't I?

This is what happens if you use file manager to delete into a "Trash folder" instead of rm to actually remove the inode.

Data structures yes. Algorithms are just nice to know so that you don't start reinventing the wheel.

I love Go. how come people didn't invent that shit before?

>how come people didn't invent that shit before?
is there anything that Go introduces that didn't exist before ?

>You don't go into CS for programming

Nah, you do it to pound some mad pussy.

the whole mix of things that existed before, as a single thing: the security features, the compiler doing every check (bugs, etc.) for you, concurrency+channel features, the fact that it compiles to machine code instead of some bytecode, hell, even the formatting stuff.
why didn't people invent Go much earlier...

>her twitter is filled with anti trump pro lgbt pro refugees pro Intel shareholders bullshit
Wtf I hate Linux now

Yes you are making a mistake, Computer Science courses only use a language to convey over concepts. You won't be able to walk into any joint with just a CompSci degree.

>cant explain Big-O
>write a linked list
neither of these are difficult in the slightest

there are 100s of languages that provide the same feature set and more

>can't understand big O
It's basic shit jesus christ.

Hey my memory's ok for once
Why did she chuck a shitfit? Refer to this

Literally no

Just put "Made by (Your name) on contract from the girls who claim they can do all this themselves" in a comment on each page.

Or encode it in hex or something.
Base64 looks nice. Ik1hZGUgYnkgKFlvdXIgbmFtZSkgb24gY29udHJhY3QgZnJvbSB0aGUgZ2lybHMgd2hvIGNsYWltIHRoZXkgY2FuIGRvIGFsbCB0aGlzIHRoZW1zZWx2ZXMi


lol those fartman comments.

>tfw no qt3.14 linux kernel developer gf

>Edit 2:Please stop suggesting BSDsor Canonical/Ubuntu as “better” communities.

lost it when i read that

I thought linked lists were shit

I thought the kernel makes heavy use of intrusive linked lists?

>tfw no jobs
>tfw bubble bursting infront of my eyes

Make a phallus out of the whitespace. Use microaggressive and patriarchal coding practices and violate the COC of any git projects you use.

I do feel the same.
I can shit out Spring apps with my eyes closed, but I can't into algorithm design to save my life.
However, that shows how shit I am, not how low the standard should be.

what's the easiest way to into kernelshit?

I already know C and assembly, what's the next step?

Steve Yegge calls these people Turing Unaware Racecar Drivers (TURDs.) They know how to operate the equipment but not how it works.

/r9k/ BTFO!!!!


It's a good thing to learn. You don't need most of the things that you learn in a CS degree 99.9% of the time in your day job, but when you do it matters. It's about having breadth. Who knows when cache locality or race conditions or Huffman encoding or backtracking search might come handy. It's wisdom.

>linked lists
>literally just a data field adjacent to a pointer to the next data field
>hard or complicated in anyway
What the actual fuck?

If youre under the age of 35 programming/web dev/comp sci are horrible career paths. Youll be replaced by a robot within 15 years


>this fucking new

>when you're surrounded by men who know what they're doing to make your code work but you claim all of it is yours

what a fucking cunt. there are hundreds more like this and maybe 10% of the devs actually know what they're doing. if it weren't for linus and a couple second in commands slapping people around this whole project would have collapsed

Because you should be proud of not knowing how to explain big-O.

Most students don't remember anything after the summer. Do you really expect them to remember anything after graduation?

except you remember maybe 10 algorithms and end up having to google/reinvent the wheels anyway

>And big-O is babby shit you can learn with 10min on wikipedia

everybody who says this thinks he knows what big-O is but really doesn't

My message to you-

To be fair I could not recite the actual definitions or key bits from memory right now if you asked me. I could memorize them for an interview though.

I mean the really important thing about Big O is thinking about how your function or loop will preform as its input size grows, which is more important to have that efficient and cleaned up before you worry about little language and system tricks to be more efficient.

>my kernel code

does someone have the commits?

Thanks for the link, that was a good read.
I gotta say, in the time since then I can only imagine it's gotten worse
The entire web development world is TURD city


good thing I'm moving to sys admins :^)

Aren't linked lists fucking easy? It's basically just a structure with the previous list item, the next list item and the useful info stored in the list?

>Look at me I'm a gurl programmer
How come these cunts never just submit code anonymously. It's all about the attention seeking.

Easy to make, easy to fuck up

>Given all the issues working against the team, you might think it was hard to identify a single large source of bugs, but based on my experiences the biggest problems in StarCraft related to the use of doubly-linked linked lists.
>Linked lists were used extensively in the engine to track units with shared behavior. With twice the number of units of its predecessor — StarCraft had a maximum of 1600, up from 800 in Warcraft 2 — it became essential to optimize the search for units of specific types by keeping them linked together in lists.
>Recalling from distant memory, there were lists for each player’s units and buildings, lists for each player’s “power-generating” buildings, a list for each Carrier’s fighter drones, and many many others.
>All of these lists were doubly-linked to make it possible to add and remove elements from the list in constant time — O(1) — without the necessity to traverse the list looking for the element to remove — O(N).
>Unfortunately, each list was “hand-maintained” — there were no shared functions to link and unlink elements from these lists; programmers just manually inlined the link and unlink behavior anywhere it was required. And hand-rolled code is far more error-prone than simply using a routine that’s already been debugged.
>Some of the link fields were shared among several lists, so it was necessary to know exactly which list an object was linked into in order to safely unlink. And some link fields were even stored in C unions with other data types to keep memory utilization to a minimum.
>So the game would blow up all the time. All the time.

Hope you enjoy the article, and hope you're having a great day. Ciao

No wonder Linux's support for something as basic as USB devices is so dodgy. Suddenly it all makes sense.

I guess your kernel code is so much better

What a priviledged white faggot. People in 3rd world countries have to get a CS degree for call center jobs and here's this twat shoving to everyone how priviledged she is.

She did it for free, though.

Free as in beer or Free as in speech? Hmmmmmm???

What anime is this?

programming is grunt work for code monkeys news at 101

get a math major

>Can't link list
>Can't big O

I don't really don't trust her

Programming socks are 10x more helpful than theoretical computer science classes.

>easy to fuck up
You mean it's easy to fuck up when you do it wrong. Your quote points out that the devs used ad-hoc shit to haxor each linked list without any proper system in place..

Another point mentioned are the "hacks" they had to implement to work with memory constraints.

So basically "Easy to make, easy to fuck up" is not true at all if you actually do (can do) shit properly which isn't hard for linked lists, especially on modern systems where memory constraints are hardly the main concerns. There are also numerous tools nowadays (you can write them too) to help you.

Functional paradigms can also help in a more general way and with certain constraints imposed you can do pretty good optimizations. Think about DSLs, notations for the compiler, automatic compile time checks, etc.
There are SE methods in use today to help you with this.

Don't confuse implementation with the concept. Your quote says nothing about linked lists, it simply points out how Starcraft devs failed.
>[Insert typical meme about reading comprehension here.]


The two are related, but in the same way a project manager and a member of the project are. The manager might do practical work and guide the member, but the member does the "legwork".

There are many kernel developers without degrees.

Your target architecture's developers manual


>i camt write a linked list
That's actually just a little embarrassing more than anything

I mean yeah cs is overrated but, a linked list? Really?