What's better, and why, Ubuntu or Manjaro? Let's talk only about these distros pls

What's better, and why, Ubuntu or Manjaro? Let's talk only about these distros pls

Install Debian

i dont like unity

Debian with Unity

Ubuntu and Manjaro are full of unused packages.

I like the interface of Manjaro

Neither. If you really want to use Ubuntu, actually bother to install and learn Debian. Same goes for Manjaro. Get Arch, install it, learn it.

Manjaro looks like shit and you can't change it.


I use manjaro because I think the arch base is just a lot better. I prefer to use the AUR than having 3000 ppas.

I use it over arch because I don't need to be bleeding edge and since I don't remember to update on a regular basis I end up with more updates on my arch machine so more chances for something to go wrong. I get a little more safety with manjaro and I only lose my ability to show off my dick on Sup Forums. Not a bad trade-off imo

Use a net install.

Can you be more specific about what you dislike about the looks of Manjaro?

Manjaro KDE looks great out of box I don't know what you're on about.

That being said you're also retarded because you clearly are new to Linux

The window borders and the whole black and green theme looks awful like some elite haxor from 2000s, I wanted to like it but then I found out I can't even change the stuff I want so into the trash it goes.

It's okay shill, you have no idea who I am but still know I'm retarded and new.

I uninstalled Ubuntu due to Unity. I also ran into similar problems with dependencies and shit like on Mint. I'd end up with a mix of old or older stuff here or there. Manjaro being a rolling release feels more comfy. Xfce is comfy. I switched to i3 currently per some other anons and it's not too bad either. GPU Passthrough for gaymin so no dual boot necessary. Both seem put together well.

It's not even a Manjaro thing. It's a KDE thing. You literally have no idea what you are mad at and are pretending I'm a shill because you are too retarded to know what's a KDE issue and what is a Manjaro issue.

Don't come in pretending like you're some smart guy because you can't change window border themes in KDE. (At least I'm assuming KDE because it's the only DE I can think of where changing things is a pain in the ass)

debian with the pos that is lxde

reminder ubuntu repos arent debian compatible

I don't like KDE so the one I used is Xfce from the official website and nope you can't change it, whatever you do you still have that green black which looks horrible especially the window borders. You're just mad other people don't share your shit taste.

Weird. Xfce is comfy for me and looks spectacular. Oh well. Installing Windows is your best bet then.

I just installed the xfce version last night it comes with like 20 different color themes

i followed your exact distro path and here i am three years later on stock unity ubuntu

you will get tired of having a timesink os eventually, being able to reinstall and have good defaults out of the box is true comfy

I use Manjaro

I actually prefer Antergos but the rolling release meme is spicy AF and i dont want to own myself by falling for the Arch Meme completely.

Manjaro is the best of 2 worlds and is literally /thechampagneoflinux/

here here, although i use lubuntu on my laptop. if you ever run a server youd much rather debian than ubuntu for obvious reasons. i think you just dont use these distributions foe their intended purpose (ie debian on a desktop is retarded

>Don't come in pretending like you're some smart guy because you can't change window border themes in KDE
I think you can though

I wouldn't run Manjaro on my server here. My distro path will follow whomever decides to embrace the GPU Passthrough meme best. Latest Kernel just added virtual gpu support which bodes well.

literally anything is better than debian based garbage.



You can literally put any DE on Ubuntu, and yet you leet Linux users are arguing over distros being better than Ubuntu bc you don't like Unity.

ubuntu is just debian with propietary repos desu

I was similar

tried #! and a few misc distros
tinkered with Ubuntu briefly
tried CentOS, wtf was I thinking
tried Arch, got really into it for a brief period, realized it was fucking stupid
tried Debian, similar problems as CentOS just not as bad (belongs on a server or workstation maybe)
back to Ubuntu for good, running it for many years now
finally bought a Mac

now I am the true master race:
Linux HTPC
Linux workstation with macOS guest
MacBook laptop
Windows desktop for the occasional game


sounds like you need eos
>Linux workstation with macOS guest

Both have incompetent devs, but Ubuntu has a company behind it so going too far down the retard hole will have bigger effects for them rather than a few yuropfags cobbling together a Arch rip.