If youre under the age of 35 programming/web dev/comp sci are horrible career paths...

If youre under the age of 35 programming/web dev/comp sci are horrible career paths. Youll be replaced by a robot within 15 years.

Right. But who will PROGRAM the robots?

Gotta think mafriendo

What about IT support and administration?

Other robots

you cant even explain how thats going to go down or happen dumbass

People actually want to get rid of old devs because they refuse to learn new shit, the only thing keeping them employed are old-ass systems that need a maintainer.

>not becoming a plumber and moving to India
The demand is almost infinite, you'll never be replaced by a robot.

the demand is almost zero...

IT support is over saturated and pay is very low

Modi promised a toilet in every home. Politicians would never lie.

There is a toilet in every home. No-one uses them, they prefer the street

So there's no plumbing work.

>Youll be replaced by a robot within 15 years.
Who's going to program the robots?
Other robots?
Sounds recursive to me.

Got a job at the county that I thought was supposed to by systems administration, but all I do is go to meetings.

The pay is pretty amazing (122k) and the retirement is nuts, but man my skills are deteriorating.

How to fix india:
Put toilets in the streets.

Ai will be advanced and cheap by then. I didnt think it required explanation dumbass

Yes other robots

ok so i guess ill be living on mars in 5 year sanyway cause space travel will be cheap by then

i dont think this statement requires any explanation

Fine then. Become a street sweeper and move to India.

Technology grows exponentially. The worlds fastest computer in 2002 could be fit in a single processor. The phone in your pocket is faster than the supercomputers of the 90s. By 2032 AI will be able to do almost everything humans can do, for a fraction of the cost

A logistic function would be a better fit. We are reaching the carrying capacity threshold with microprocessor transistors being so small they are at the edge of quantum mechanics.


uhhmm nooooo?!

More Computing power always opens up new possibilities, new ways of doing things.

Fucking idiots lmao. The scaling and possibilities are endless - and you will always need people who actually DO stuff.

All these AI, Robot memes are fucking cringey and ridiculous. It reminds me off how people in the 1950s thought the year 2000 is the year of space travel, aliens and flying cars.

There are also so many legal, legislatory, regulatory, ethical, moral questions involved this wont be a fast process.

I'd say the scare mongering faggots can postpone their memes for another 50 or even 100 years and then we are talking about actual issues related to AI, Robotics and the place humanity has for (((them)))

> you will always need people who actually DO stuff.
feild worker upon hearing of the cotton gin
> you will always need people who actually DO stuff.
Detroit auto worker upon hearing of automated assembly
> you will always need people who actually DO stuff.
Early 90s phone operator after hearing an automated operator
> you will always need people who actually DO stuff.

>Youll be replaced by a robot within 15 years.

This is true for ANY job, name one job that can't theoretically be replaced by a robot

>tfw theoretical physicist
>tfw no way my job will be replaced by robots

>feild worker upon hearing of the cotton gin
What's funny is instead of curbing slavery like the abolitionist Eli Whitney was hoping ("muh automation will destroy the jobs slaves do"), the cotton gin actually expanded the need for slavery in the Southern United States.


OK fampai, how is this AI going to work?
Let me guess, you know nothing about machine learning and your idea of a neural network is a bunch of circles pointing to other circles.


Minister. Bartender

Im not sure what youre asking. Are you asking me to explain what artificial intelligence is?

not an answer or any argument lol

Im not arguing against a shift in what people will do - this will always happen.

Im just saying there will always be something that can be done and will be done.

We moved from a farming to industrial society and then to a service oriented society/economy.

This just happens. There is also absolutely no way that you can predict what X change in technology will do and what the outcome will be for the world cause if you could you wouldnt shitpost on Sup Forums you'd be a billionaire who can predict the future.

Nobody predicted the iPhones impact in 2003 or 2004 but when it came and the time was right for it a new way of accessing technology of all kind was born and it happened really fast and it produced trillions of wealth and millions of new jobs and still does grow faster than anything else.


Most people dont go to vars for just the alcohol. Usually its to socialize. A good bartender is a long way from being replaced

You're more likely to have your job outsourced to Europe. Developers are cheap in portugal, poland, demark, etc. and they're actually decent compared to the POO IN THE LOOs. It's either that or they'll be a glut of code bootcamp grads forcing down wages.

Anyhow just make sure you're saving as much money as possible and try to buy a house in fly over land before the crash.

I've never been to a bar that was so slow that you can actually have a meaningful conversation with the bartender.

>Im not arguing against a shift in what people will do - this will always happen.
Then why are you arguing at all. That was the entire thesis to my post you fucking faggot

Sounds shitty

Maybe for an autist like you

>I'm going to make outrageous claims using definite year ranges, but provide no evidence except for the simple assumption that the "future is going to be more advanced"
Where are my fucking flying cars?
Did you think we were going to put jet engines on the sides of every Toyota shitbox?

How does wanting to talk make me autistic? Thats literally the opposite

>Where are my fucking flying cars?
We have flying machines. Theyre just really expensive to produce and not marketable because of federal regulation
>Where are my fucking flying cars?
Id hardly call the advancement of technology an outrageous claim

>all these booty blasted comp sci majors

>That was the entire thesis to my post you fucking faggot


which isnt true because people who are succesful at X will also succesfully adapt to Y especiall in a service type of economy and especially true for any CS , computer science, programming type of shit because the meta shifts on a yearly basis and oyu have to learn and adopt to stay in the game anyway from year to year lol

The only thing that can happen is that some big giant companies go out of business but thats not a problem with career choices in 2017 in general you fucking dumb autist.

See you on Mars in 5 years.

>a being smarter than me
>i-i wont be replaced

Artist. Athlete.

people who are succesful at X will also succesfully adapt to Y
Ya im sure all the people already doing Y are just going to step down for some fat code monkey



What about all the people who work on all these smartphones now?!

Were they born after 2010?!?!

That's it. We're fucked

whatever you say

Simply not true. 39yr old SWE here.
You always need to stay relevant and can't just be a heads-down code monkey with Linkin Park tshirt.

>implying theoretical physicists actually do work
have you even taken a look at string theory?
i mean, i imagine computers would do an excellent job sitting around all day too, just unplug it!

I'll have enough to retire after 10 years.

Fucking idiot bars are generally empty during the week.

All right then, within five years the polar ice caps are going to melt because of climate change

Point is, it doesn't make human artists any less appreciated.

>implying people will be able to install wordpress to fill a printer in 15 years
We all know that isnt going to happen.

*or know how to fill a printer

Hire r&d to make a robot to replace programers

> Machine learning is the baby step,then neural networks insert other buzzwords

You now have a robot programing robotz

This is the thought process that said we would have flying cars in the year 2000, but I don't see shit, do you?

Lol no you wont. No way you make 7 figures a year


the engineers that program the robots will still have a job

it will be a long ass time before we have a AI smart enough to program other AI without human interverntion

Not as long as people think. Tech grows exponentially

Funny you should post this OP. I just finished reading Our final invention by James Baraat. I think 15 is a bit aggressive. Well definitely see the bubble start to burst in 20; I think a fairer estimate is it will be fully popped and well have to institute UBI by 2050. You must have read that article by Masatashi Son (probably misspelled, my memory is terribly for nip names) on futurism. I found his predictions to be wayyy too aggressive. No way automated cars will dominate the roads in less than two years. Thats just fucking foolish

What a disgusting, gaudy PC.

you can do this with neural networks :')

I thought this was shitposting but when I went looking to prove you wrong... well youre not right but youre not as far off as everyone in here suggests. 2032 pits us right on the cusp of the human brain

Every prediction like this is flying-car level ass though.

Heres an updated version. Not quite "exponential" but still we should see the human brain outmatched by 2040

We have flying machines. I flew to Los Angeles last month
I think we will have humans on mars within a decade

Looks linear to me