1. your surname

1. your surname
2. how often do you have to spell it in your country?

Virtually never

Not too often

Almost always, or else forms show up with

I'm not telling you because there's like twenty of us.
You would not believe how much mail one can get with a wrong surname written on it, even though you give it out in written form.

>Yiddish surname

A lot. I have to correct their pronunciation too.


All the time. Slovaks can't spell German surnames.


Well, it's Jewish surname, but it's still in German

It is a variation from Pardini. Like once or two.

never, it's super easy

Desessards. All the time.

That's French, isn't it?

Super easy.


Well, well

Yes, it is.

there are so few people with my surname that im afraid that if i type it here other portufags might recognise me

extra gas for u


Most people are able to write at hearing.

sometimes, but usually the people get it

Everyone knows to write it.

Often, but not always

Don't you get the odd "does it end with an S or with a Z?"?

Every time. I just say, like the earthquake scale...

Fuck off NSA

i have a semi-rare swedish last name but i can't recall any time i actually had to spell it while i was in finland

in english speaking countries however i have given up on the umlauts because anglos are way too retarded to actually be able to pronounce them

Yeah... But I think most of people can atleast write González.

Fuck off, Jukka Peerkeluuoren


Every fucking time.

>no...no I...not moignier...no, not moinier...NO, NOT MEUNIER...

>2. how often do you have to spell it in your country?
Such thing does not exist in my country.
Our writing is 100% phonetical

Not very often

Rodríguez here.

I have found some retards asking whether it's with Z or S, people not giving a fuck about the accent on the 'i', and sometimes the braindead bastard that doesn't write the 'u' of 'guez'

1. Barinagarrementeria
2. No. It´s easy to write.

At least 4 times every time