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Paljonkohan Annalle pitäisi maksaa, että se istuisi naamalleni ja ruoskisi perseeni verille?


>Tunnustan että haluan pois
>Haluan onnen mutta kuka sen tois

häs täg deep

kusi haisee kinkkurasvalta

Muistutus että tytöt tykkää vain pahoista pojista:

Alkaa kyllästyttää.

Tasottavat autti darran fyysiseen puoleen mutta nyt on henkisesti ihan paska olo.

Mene verikokeisiin. Virtsan outo haju on ensimmäinen merkki munuaisvaivoista.

t. yksimunuainen

Mitä te ajattelette kun harrastatte seksiä naisen kanssa?

katoin ensin et a blaze in the northern sky mut olikin tollasta taas sitten niin.

>eihän tää ees tunnu oikeen miltään, vois tappaa ittensä

Tai ihan mistä vaan muusta, esim poikkeuksellisesta ruoakvaliosta.

Aina ei kantsi olettaa sitä hulluinta. Mullakin oli maha kuralla ja kuumottelin syöpää mut oliki vaa keliakia.

Ja keliakasta tuli mieleen, mitä sille vaahtoripiloijalle kuuluu? Onko se postaillu viimeviikkoina, oon ollu ite ulkomailla eikä oo tullu lurkattua mämmiä.

Ai vittu tein tätä. Hyvää

Pierasin mun käteen.

valio.fi/reseptit/kahden-kaalin-jauhelihapaistos/ ai tätä?

Kuules nyymi, tee itsemurha.

Ai vittu

Kylillä liikkuu villiä huhua että toi olis aika hyvää

Hyvä painos, ahdistus tällä hetkellä 5/5.

Kuuntelen Juicea ja juon kaljaa.

Miksi musta on kasvanut tälläinen epäonnistuja?

Onko nyt tämä vaihe humalasta?

Itellä on masennus ja tyhjä olo vaikka oon suht hyvin onnistunu elämässä tähän mennes.

t. yksi näinen

En edes ole humalassa kun ei ole rahaa. Jos olisin olisi kivaa.

Tee kiljua.

Tienaan tässä kuussa 6000e ja oon hyvässä koulussa. Silti tekis mieli aloittaa alusta ulkomailla.

Haluiskohan Anna lähteä potkii palloa kanssani?

Elän puutteessa

>Just as any weapon can be used
Yes, but firearms involve a bigger risk: it's easier to kill more people in a shorter timespan with them, or killing people on accident (for people who are careless idiots).
>A lawful, moral person will only use it lawfully.
not necessarily, people can be unpredictable,, stupid and impulsive.

>Do you think bodily integrity is a right?
Yeah, but regarding that, why didn't you care of situations such as the suicides I mentioned?

>If you do, then do you think we should be allowed to defend it?
Well duh, you're clearly trying to lead me on to agree with you on something that might not be directly related

>If yes, then why deny that chance for the weak?
See? This doesn't comes directly from the previous point, as you're assuming that the only way to defend bodily integrity is in a 'direct' way, while maintaining a safe general environment is an 'indirect' way to defend bodily integrity: a weak person who votes and promotes decisions that make his or her environment safer is also someone defending his or her bodily integrity

>Burden of proof lies on you.
no, because you're the one who made the claim

>No I don't.
This was only referred to the alcoholism/violent behaviour in Finns point, you said:
>Though many male Finns do have such a gene.
which is literally agreeing with me

>What I'm in the end advocating is self defense being a valid reason for gun ownership and the carrying of firearms being legal
As I said at the start, I don't actually have a problem with guns for self safety, but it doesn't really seems justified in safe countries, if we consider that it could cause more trouble than actual self defense.
>but heavily punished if performed whilst under the influence.
This is silly, you won't revive victims punishing this.

Nice debating with you, I'm not sure if I'll stay longer though

Toivon että kun menen nukkumaan herään huomena onnellisena.

>Yeah, but regarding that, why didn't you care of situations such as the suicides I mentioned?
Because killing yourself isn't a violation of your bodily integrity.

>See? This doesn't comes directly from the previous point, as you're assuming that the only way to defend bodily integrity is in a 'direct' way, while maintaining a safe general environment is an 'indirect' way to defend bodily integrity: a weak person who votes and promotes decisions that make his or her environment safer is also someone defending his or her bodily integrity
Because the indirect way doesn't work when there's a robber breaking into your home.

>no, because you're the one who made the claim
You made the original claim, dingus.

>which is literally agreeing with me
No, it's not. Are you retarded?

>Well duh, you're clearly trying to lead me on to agree with you on something that might not be directly related
>See? This doesn't comes directly from the previous point, as you're assuming that the only way to defend bodily integrity is in a 'direct' way, while maintaining a safe general environment is an 'indirect' way to defend bodily integrity: a weak person who votes and promotes decisions that make his or her environment safer is also someone defending his or her bodily integrity

Didn't even answer the questions, just dodged them. Could you answer them?

Mun pieni poni, mun pieni poni

nice numbers

Autistit nukkumaan



painukaa neekerit vittuun täältä

Kikki, kikki, kikkimies. Terveiset eturivin kikkimiehelle.

Mä oon kyllä ihan mongooli.

>Because killing yourself isn't a violation of your bodily integrity.
is it 'the system' failing to protect your physical integrity when your mental health wasn't in a good shape
but you could use other examples such as victims who are accidental victims of shootings anyway (as in, lost bullets, desu I'm unsure about the actual translation to english)

>Because the indirect way doesn't work when there's a robber breaking into your home.
Does this happen enough to justify the cons? Isn't it easier for robbers to catch their victims by surprise and being the first ones to use firearms anyway?

>No, it's not. Are you retarded?
Best argument ever you enlightened gentleman

Alkaa tuntuu paine perseessä. Kohta varmaan tulee animet.

I did answer directly two of the questions
>well, duh (which obviously means a yes)
I didn't answer the third one directly because it was not properly formulated. But you could read that 'yeah, the weak should have that chance, but that doesn't necessarily means giving them firearms'

>is it 'the system' failing to protect your physical integrity when your mental health wasn't in a good shape
The system has no such responsibility. Only if you yourself seek aid will you receive it.

>but you could use other examples such as victims who are accidental victims of shootings anyway (as in, lost bullets, desu I'm unsure about the actual translation to english)
Like a single hunter a year.

>Does this happen enough to justify the cons?
They've taken a steep rise thanks to shitskin immigrants. Africans for example are 11 times more likely to rob someone than a Finn is.
>Isn't it easier for robbers to catch their victims by surprise and being the first ones to use firearms anyway?
What kind of logic is that?
>Defending yourself might cause him to use more force, so you shouldn't defend yourself at all, nevermind he now risks death by breaching into your home
Christ's sake. You really are retarded.

>Best argument ever you enlightened gentleman
Yeah, you are.

So if they shouldn't have firearms, how are they to defend themselves? Call the police and wait? How can you ensure that the police make it in time, or that they ever get the chance to call them? It's not much of a right if the weak and disadvantaged can't have it. What would you do right now, if someone walked in through your apartment door and came after you?

Viekää tää Lontoo pois täältä


lol hirveetä mun elämä on paskaa

Mikä on ongelma?

>Only if you yourself seek aid will you receive it.
if someone has a quick and easy method to kill themselves, there's less time for them to think over and seek help

>Like a single hunter a year.
maybe because guns aren't being used as much as they might if it was a norm to keep them 'for self defense'?
Of course, that's stretching things by a lot.
But death by lost bullets aren't a rare thing in shitholes were everyone has a gun anyway

>They've taken a steep rise thanks to shitskin immigrants. Africans for example are 11 times more likely to rob someone than a Finn is.
yeah, but that doesn't answers the questions
11 times an extremely small number might still be an extremely small number

>hurr durr retarded retarded
chill dude

>how are they to defend themselves?
I did answer some time before, by making the system safer. Of course, it is not a good enough solution, specially for a short term, immediate problem.
>or that they ever get the chance to call them?
or that they ever get the change to use their gun?

>What would you do right now, if someone walked in through your apartment door and came after you?
Honestly I'd let them do whatever they wanted, because I don't think anyone would have any reason to do any kind of big damage to me. And I know that when I'm scared I get paralyzed so I wouldn't be able to use a gun anyway. Even if I was, I've met many young criminals before so I really don't think I'd be able to hurt one even if I was in risk. But yeah.

I hope that most people aren't like me and that they would actually defend themselves in a proper way. I repeat I'm not opposed to guns for personal defense and that this is a conversation for fun to me. Chill, you dense fuck.

>But death by lost bullets aren't a rare thing in shitholes were everyone has a gun anyway
Yeah and those shitholes are filled with inbred, sub-90 IQ retards.

>11 times an extremely small number might still be an extremely small number
A 820% rise in sexual harassment, 52% rise in rapes. In less than two years. In general the amount of crimes committed has more than doubled this past decade.

>I did answer some time before, by making the system safer. Of course, it is not a good enough solution, specially for a short term, immediate problem.
So how would you make the system safer? Remove privacy and personal liberties?

>or that they ever get the change to use their gun?
Quite a lot bigger than the chance of of calling the cops and especially the cops making it in time.

>Honestly I'd let them do whatever they wanted, because I don't think anyone would have any reason to do any kind of big damage to me.
You would not consider rape, violence and possible murder big damage?

Old statistics, but still valid. The present situation is even worse.


saanko pilua tänä vuonna

kannattaako enää edes yrittää

Mistä harjoittelupaikka korkeakouluun? Tämä on ns. "kahviharjoittelu" eli oikeastaan mikä tahansa kelpaa koska ensimmäisen vuoden paskaa.

Binland is gay as fuck.

Mitä vittua?

entä mä

Kannattaa luovuttaa ja alkaa alkoholistiksi

Onko roskamaa vitun homo?

fuggg :-DDDD

>Yeah and those shitholes are filled with inbred, sub-90 IQ retards.
So, like refugees kek

>A 820% rise in sexual harassment, 52% rise in rapes. In less than two years. In general the amount of crimes committed has more than doubled this past decade.
you're still using percentages and multiplications, you'd need absolute values rather than relative ones for this to be useful

>So how would you make the system safer? Remove privacy and personal liberties?
I don't really know what kind of things are being done in Finland regarding mental health, I guess that'd be a central thing.
As I've said several times already, I don't really oppose guns as much as you seem to believe. But for taking any kind of large scale decision, it's necessary to have more concrete information, such as what has happened in other countries when implementing/removing laws like these.

>Quite a lot bigger than the chance of of calling the cops and especially the cops making it in time.

>You would not consider rape, violence and possible murder big damage?
Why would someone want to kill me or commit some act of extreme violence towards me for no reason?
Rape, the one time I was close to that it would have been impossible for me to use a gun as the dude caught me by surprise from behind and pushed me to the floor before getting any chance to react.
But, in some other circumstance, again I think I'd endure rather than do a thing if only because as I said, I know I'd get paralyzed anyway. Perhaps there is some way to prepare people to react to situations like this? I don't know.

will I get qt Finn bf


Olen jo alkoholisti!

>Perhaps there is some way to prepare people to react to situations like this? I don't know.
Training. Self defence courses. Increased awareness.

I knew it

vittu kun kaljat loppuu





Kai sitä pitäs mennä nukkumaan

tulee yksinäinen olo

Kyllä täällä on muitakin.

mutta ne ei oo yht kivoja

Mutta minähän oon yks näistä toisista.

Miks puhut tääl yksin?

>35 aamua jäljellä

Niin lähellä.

Heräsin just.

Oispa tommonen unirytmi.
t. 7 tuntia hereillä

On vaan vitun kuollutta netissä tähän aikaan.

Tee jotain muuta.
Toisaalta mukavaa seurata kun paikat herää/aktivoituu

menkää töihin

Mitäs jos ei huvita?

Suomi on homo maa

Jaahas, kohta taas töissä. Onneksi huomenna alkaa taas viikonloppu :^)

Mulla on ruuanlaittovuoro tänään, mitä ruokaa sitä tekis?


Legend of Grimrock on hyvä peli

Niin on, ja kakkonen on vielä sitäkin parempi

ei oo krapulaa kun heräsin ihan ympäri päissäni.


Itsehän heräsin illalla ja juon viinaa nyt.

Mee töihin
sä myös

Mulla on kesä_loma en mee lälläs lää

mee kesä_töihin

>hänen kotikaupungillaan ei ole latinankielistä nimeä

