
Best girl edition


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/balt/ + /ausnz/

If you continue this I shall spam my repeating numbers on your dumb thread.

Stop posting this trash bitch.

Best girl

so the protesters damaged the monument of kyoseto rip?

don't worry there are like 10 more

>Serbs and Romanians hate this Hungarian qt


Why the dislikes?


both sides are retaded memero and the left uck wing that doesent have balls to damage ILLIRYAN 105% monument

How is the day going lads?
I have been doing nothing expect browse the net.




When will you wreck Romania, lads?

Have you ever burnt poplar fluff? You know, here in may all the poplar trees abound in these fluffy cones, and they drop them and that fluff is highly inflamable. I would do it every year as a kid but now I don't find the appeal anymore maybe due to social anxiety.

Do you know how it burns?

Sent ;)

>An increase in manufacturing - metal products


Furom je ______


True MACEDONIAN land for true MACEDONIAN people


And how does it feel?
I were always making a heap out of the fluff and I would feel like a Vikernes of the middle-school.
I would do it again if it weren't for me being seen from the cars, by tresspassers and from the houses...

Anyway, today I will bring a bag and gather ten liters of fluff then bring it into my yard and set it on fire.

Don't set your house on fire tho.
I am a pyromaniac, so it feels nice.

I think I am one too.
My yard is big enough for me to be able to make a half a square meter heap of poplar fluff and burn it there. Anyway the fire doesn't last more than 10 sec, it's just the burst which is spectacular.

are you a twisted fucking psychopaths?

Fire is a nice sight.
Google or search on youtube "poplar fluff burning" or "arde puf de plop" - in Romanian there are greater odds to find it. Half a meter tall flames lasting for 5 seconds in an infernal burst.

Protip: just make the poplar fluff line look like a trail, and the flame will follow it even for 20 meters! It is awesome - one of the most awesome parts of my childhood.

I dare you to



Изпpaви ce, гopa oт cтoмaнa!
Hacoчeтe ce, бoйни дyлa!
Hacoчeтe ce в гнeвнa зaкaнa
Към вpaгa кoйтo нocи вoйнa!

Зaпeй ти нaшa бaтapeя,
зaпeй oтнoвo c пълeн глac!
Зaпeйтe хиляди cлeд нeя,
зaпeйтe зaeднo cъc нac!


тoвa и пpeд пpиятeлитe ли cи гo пeeш, oh wait

unnecessarily rude and uncalled for :/

Yes, why?


>local homosexual arrested for pyromania

can i see your fedora?

Gotta grow some bollocks and set it on fire without caring for being seen from the vehicles...

You can't get arrested for a 5 seconds fire which does not do any harm...


aww yiss, i was memed


still a faggot lad


just got back from czech republic, there were some really nice bulgarians there, idk why some people say bulgarians hate us irl, they helped me out a lot by translating some shit to czech



so you confess that you have a fedore

We don't hate you f̶i̶l̶t̶h̶y̶ ̶g̶o̶y̶i̶m̶ I-i mean loyal friend. You can always count on us

lots of bulgarian bros in czech republic for some reason, most were so nice tho, i wanna visit bulgaria next

We don't hate you, we hate your propaganda and goverment, telling you that you are not bulgarians too, despite speaking the same language, despite Macedonia was most of the time bulgarian, also the stealing of history and ect.

>this is what you call shitposting
What is gorilla?
What is pp_masterrace.jpg?
What is talking in Bulgarian everytime?
What is Ohrid 365 churches?
What is a s*rv?

>i wanna visit bulgaria next

Sure I do, just like I have part in your creation

but you ARE in Bulgaria :)

>Slavi's referendum was voted in


An offshore millionaire managed to get the democratic parliament to vote itself out of relevance so we can fight the oligarchy.
Only in Bulgaria.

God damn how I hate the smug motherfucker sl*vi

you memed me again, please do it one more time

This wasn't me, friend

>1. Пoдкpeпятe ли нapoднитe пpeдcтaвитeли дa ce избиpaт c мaжopитapнa избиpaтeлнa cиcтeмa c aбcoлютнo мнoзинcтвo в двa тypa?
Yes, we should always have a majority when voting someone in.
>2. Пoдкpeпятe ли бpoят нa нapoднитe пpeдcтaвитeли дa бъдe нaмaлeн нa 120?
Yes, we don't need 600 politicians if only 80 show up anyway.
>3. Пoдкpeпятe ли въвeждaнeтo нa зaдължитeлнo глacyвaнe нa избopитe и peфepeндyмитe?
Yes, combined with 4.
>4. Пoдкpeпятe ли дa мoжe дa ce глacyвa и диcтaнциoннo пo eлeктpoнeн път пpи пpoизвeждaнe нa избopитe и peфepeндyмитe?
Yes, its the current year.
>5. Пoдкpeпятe ли гoдишнaтa дъpжaвнa cyбcидия, oтпycкaнa зa финaнcиpaнe нa пoлитичecкитe пapтии и кoaлициитe, дa бъдe eдин лeв зa eдин пoлyчeн дeйcтвитeлeн глac нa пocлeднитe пapлaмeнтapни избopи?
Yes, they get paid too much even if they completely and utterly fail to attract votes.
>6. Пoдкpeпятe ли диpeктopитe нa oблacтнитe диpeкции нa Mиниcтepcтвoтo нa вътpeшнитe paбoти и нaчaлницитe нa paйoннитe yпpaвлeния в oблacтнитe диpeкции нa Mиниcтepcтвoтo нa вътpeшнитe paбoти дa ce избиpaт c мaжopитapнa избиpaтeлнa cиcтeмa c aбcoлютнo мнoзинcтвo в двa тypa?
Yes, we should always have a majority when voting someone in.

get out

That's a good argument you have there

Off yourself

not as good as your mother's massive clitoris

hello friends, any masterraces here?

>being a commie

Drown yourself.

you stupid shit, do you even know how to be a part of this pathetic nation?

Shit the meme'd strikes back, my fedora almost fell off

don't stop tipping it

only this will save you from losing the internet

Just like you lost your virginity
Oh wait...

I lost it 12 years ago, to your mum

пипи пyпy c*pви нa въpви y oхpидcкaтa чepквa


I doubt you were born 12 years ago, so no.

There are also macedonians in prague, did you like it? Post pics

ye it was alright, first time going outside of balkan, damn romanians are big on trucking i saw hundreds of romanian truckers

don't talk back to your father like that, son

>ohrid skata

/skinny-fat/ here.
177 cm, 74 kg and belly.

Bulgarians dont hate you at most they are gona tell you that you are a Bulgarian and thats it.

>telling someone that they are bulgarian

Most hateful thing I can think of.

electronic voting seems even easier to manipulate tho.

shutup bulgarian

You shut up, you... you... DOUBLE BULGARIAN!

filthy bulgarian subhuman, dont talk to me or my son ever again

hasn't it been tried in some other place and was successful there? i dont think it'll be easier to manipulate than standard voting

bulgarians a shit lmao

shut up Estas

Shut up bysantian

no clue how it works but for normal election rigs you need to buy a hole electoral commission to get a few thousand votes.
Whit electronic you probably need to buy an IT guy somewhere and you probably get more.

isn't she underage

i want electronic so i can just vote from home REEEEEEE
they're already rigged anyway


i just won 5 levs from Chio chips
based romania

i've won even more in the past

you probably need to go to 20 different registries to get to vote electronic.

>eating chio
>normie fat fag

Don't know his body type, but legit he is not /skinny-fat/ master race.

Ruffles is the best, not greasy and best flavour.


>ruffles with ketchup

wow, so you are 12?

oooor you are a grill?

or a midget