What is your all time #1 absolute favorite program and why?

From any OS. I'll start. I would have to pick guake drop down terminal. It's insanely convenient and I use it constantly.

That space pinball game.
Full Tilt! Pinball


yeah thats so fucking sick .. love it so much since i left the microsoft kikes behind

i'd say my favorite program of all times is photoshop .. it just werks and no competition ever came close which is a shame .. we really need a competitor

oh from any OS :D :D!!

then its the integrated PDF functionality of macOS ... compared to Windows its fucking heaven on earth

>:D :D!!
Kill yourself you faggot.

Windows 10 can read PDFs without additional software

Sounded exactly what a wintoddler would say

Personally, I would say metasploit framework, specifically msfconsole ofcourse. If you need Armitage kill youself. I also really like QT for coding or sublime.

thanks for biting hun ;)

well what im actually talking about will BLOW YOUR MIND!

In macOS you can combine pdfs by dragging one into another. Rotate them and save them easily. All that magic wintoddlers need cancerous spyware meme software for that comes with 5 toolbars and can never be uninstalled.

Its actually mindblowing how easy and flawless it is to work with pdfs in macOS.

really? without having any adobe software?

>without having any adobe software?


Yes Preview is the best.

why not just use i3 or any other tiling window manager and then any program can be a dropdown or a drop-left or a drop wherever you want?

>i pretend to be a female
>i can actually use a computer

Not really the same thing. And Guake is always open it just snaps into view or hides whenever you hit tilda or whatever key you want to use. What you're saying sounds like opening and closing programs.

>need to use terminal
>smash tilda and type it up
>hit tilda again and it's out of your way but still a keystroke away



>having a program that takes zero seconds to launch constantly running in the background

alt+enter to launch (if my keyboard had a tilde i could configure to launch it with a tilde)
type stuff
alt+d to close it

Pretty comfy, and you can define shortcuts for whatever program you want to work exactly in the same way

you can have a terminal in the scratchpad on i3, meaning it's floating automatically and you can pop it in with any key you desire at any point.
bindsym $mod+s scratchpad show




Metasploit or nmap

Just such great programs, they are both so well made and got me into coding, they are highly sophisticated but approachable even if you are not a great coder.

My most used would be vim though.

cant really come up with just one.


Interesting, didn't know about that.

Looks awfully similar to Visual Studio


advantages over other terminals?

I don't understand.

>there are now at least three layers of terminal window management possible in linux

This isn't really my favorite program, but it's one that I use all the time and find really handy.


It instantly searches for any file, anywhere, on your whole pc. Unlike Windows search, it searches EVERYWHERE, for all file types, with zero delay, it just keeps a small database maintained in the background for this.


Norton Commander

Systemd :^]

